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88 total bills, 37 anti-gun bills,
15 pro-gun bills for this session
Proposed Hawaii Firearm Legislation

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note: Any bill pending at the final adjournment of a regular session in an odd-numbered year are reintroduced with the same status to the next regular session. However, regardless of its status at the conclusion of the first regular session, before the carried-over bill is enacted, it shall pass at least one reading in the house in which it originated.

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Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Raises the maximum age of minors for which safe storage of firearms is required from sixteen to eighteen years.

Last Action: Act 148, on 07/01/2021 (Gov. Msg. No. 1250).

Last Action Date: July 2, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requesting The Honolulu Police Department To Implement Improvements To Streamline The Existing Gun Ownership And Permitting Process, Including Through The Use Of Any Forms Of Technology, For Law Abiding Citizens In The City And County Of Honolulu.

Description: Requesting The Honolulu Police Department To Implement Improvements To Streamline The Existing Gun Ownership And Permitting Process, Including Through The Use Of Any Forms Of Technology, For Law Abiding Citizens In The City And County Of Honolulu.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 25

Last Action Date: March 15, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Amends the law relating to the use of deadly force to establish under which circumstances a person using deadly force has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand the person's ground. Repeals statutory language that permits an actor to use deadly force at the actor's place of work in some circumstances.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Amends the law relating to the use of deadly force to establish under which circumstances a person using deadly force has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand the person's ground. Repeals statutory language that permits an actor to use deadly force at the actor's place of work in some circumstances.

Last Action: Referred to PDP, JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requesting The Honolulu Police Department To Implement Improvements To Streamline The Existing Gun Ownership And Permitting Process, Including Through The Use Of Any Forms Of Technology, For Law Abiding Citizens In The City And County Of Honolulu.

Description: Requesting The Honolulu Police Department To Implement Improvements To Streamline The Existing Gun Ownership And Permitting Process, Including Through The Use Of Any Forms Of Technology, For Law Abiding Citizens In The City And County Of Honolulu.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 25

Last Action Date: March 15, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Powers.

Description: Clarifies that the powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be inconsistent with the state constitution. Provides parameters for the duration of suspension of laws and requires justification for the suspension. Specifies parameters for when a state of emergency is terminated. Allows the authorization of the issuance of a proclamation arising from the same emergency or disaster as a previous proclamation that was terminated by the legislature, upon request of the governor and adoption of a concurrent resolution by the legislature. (CD1)

Last Action: Recommitted to Conference committee as amended in CD 1 with none voting no and Representative(s) LoPresti excused.

Last Action Date: April 27, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Powers.

Description: Clarifies that the powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be inconsistent with the state constitution. Provides parameters for the duration of suspension of laws and requires justification for the suspension. Specifies parameters for when a state of emergency is terminated. Allows the authorization of the issuance of a proclamation arising from the same emergency or disaster as a previous proclamation that was terminated by the legislature, upon request of the governor and adoption of a concurrent resolution by the legislature. (CD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher in the list of prohibited weapons.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher in the list of prohibited weapons.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

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Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Withdraws Hawaii from the rap back system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Repeals authorization of county police departments to enroll firearms applicants and individuals who are registering their firearms into a criminal record monitoring service used to alert police when an owner of a firearm is arrested for a criminal offense anywhere in the country. Repeals the authority of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to access firearm registration.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

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Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Withdraws Hawaii from the rap back system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Repeals authorization of county police departments to enroll firearms applicants and individuals who are registering their firearms into a criminal record monitoring service used to alert police when an owner of a firearm is arrested for a criminal offense anywhere in the country. Repeals the authority of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to access firearm registration.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the chiefs of police to grant licenses to carry concealed pistols or revolvers and ammunition therefor to applicants twenty-one years of age or more. Extends the period of licensure to five years. Amends the required procedures for granting a license. Repeals language authorizing the chiefs of police to grant licenses to carry unconcealed pistols or revolvers and ammunition therefor. Repeals the prohibition against the unauthorized carry of a concealed or unconcealed pistol or revolver. Repeals the licensure fee.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the chiefs of police to grant licenses to carry concealed pistols or revolvers and ammunition therefor to applicants twenty-one years of age or more. Extends the period of licensure to five years. Amends the required procedures for granting a license. Repeals language authorizing the chiefs of police to grant licenses to carry unconcealed pistols or revolvers and ammunition therefor. Repeals the prohibition against the unauthorized carry of a concealed or unconcealed pistol or revolver. Repeals the licensure fee.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Clarifies when force, including deadly force, may be used to protect oneself, one's property, or another person. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Clarifies when force, including deadly force, may be used to protect oneself, one's property, or another person. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: The committee(s) on JHA recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.

Last Action Date: February 23, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Law Enforcement.

Description: Establishes an enforcement division in the department of the attorney general. Transfers to the department of the attorney general enforcement division the law enforcement activities of the department of land and natural resources, division of conservation and resources enforcement; the department of public safety state law enforcement officers and the narcotics enforcement division; and the department of transportation harbors division. Specifies the persons authorized to serve civil legal process. Mandates the attorney general to maintain a list of independent civil process servers. Shields the State and the department of the attorney general from liability arising from the acts of independent civil process servers. Effective 7/1/2022.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Law Enforcement.

Description: Establishes an enforcement division in the department of the attorney general. Transfers to the department of the attorney general enforcement division the law enforcement activities of the department of land and natural resources, division of conservation and resources enforcement; the department of public safety state law enforcement officers and the narcotics enforcement division; and the department of transportation harbors division. Specifies the persons authorized to serve civil legal process. Mandates the attorney general to maintain a list of independent civil process servers. Shields the State and the department of the attorney general from liability arising from the acts of independent civil process servers. Effective 7/1/2022.

Last Action: The committee(s) on JHA recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.

Last Action Date: February 4, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes the department of the attorney general to develop and implement a state program to allow active and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in the State pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. Makes a conforming amendment to state firearm laws.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes the department of the attorney general to develop and implement a state program to allow active and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in the State pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. Makes a conforming amendment to state firearm laws.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

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Title: Relating To Firearm Ownership.

Description: Provide an extensive process for limited firearm ownership for hunting or sport only for certain misdemeanor offenders who are currently not allowed to possess a firearm in the State. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC/WAM.

Last Action Date: March 11, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearm Ownership.

Description: Provide an extensive process for limited firearm ownership for hunting or sport only for certain misdemeanor offenders who are currently not allowed to possess a firearm in the State. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes county police chiefs to issue permits to acquire firearms to U.S. nationals who otherwise meet all of the applicable criteria under section 134-2, HRS.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes county police chiefs to issue permits to acquire firearms to U.S. nationals who otherwise meet all of the applicable criteria under section 134-2, HRS.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Self-defense.

Description: Clarifies when force, including deadly force, may be used to protect oneself, one's property, or another person.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Self-defense.

Description: Clarifies when force, including deadly force, may be used to protect oneself, one's property, or another person.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: Prohibits the application of travel restrictions implemented during a state of emergency or local state of emergency to essential workers unless the application of those travel restrictions to essential workers has first been approved by the governor. Defines essential workers for this purpose. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD2)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: Prohibits the application of travel restrictions implemented during a state of emergency or local state of emergency to essential workers unless the application of those travel restrictions to essential workers has first been approved by the governor. Defines essential workers for this purpose. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD2)

Last Action: Report adopted. referred to the committee(s) on FIN as amended in HD 2 with none voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Wildberger voting no (1) and Representative(s) Gates excused (1).

Last Action Date: February 18, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Uniform Probate Code.

Description: Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all registered firearms in an estate and other firearms of which the police department has been notified are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

Last Action: The committee(s) on JHA recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.

Last Action Date: February 4, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Uniform Probate Code.

Description: Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all registered firearms in an estate and other firearms of which the police department has been notified are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: The committee(s) on JHA recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.

Last Action Date: March 2, 2021

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Title: Relating To Public Records.

Description: Prohibits the governor from suspending any provision under Hawaii's Uniform Information Practices Act, or any rule adopted pursuant thereto, during any emergency period.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To Public Records.

Description: Prohibits the governor from suspending any provision under Hawaii's Uniform Information Practices Act, or any rule adopted pursuant thereto, during any emergency period.

Last Action: Referred to PDP, JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To The State Capitol.

Description: Requires DAGS and DPS, in consultation with the Legislature and other entities, to plan and implement security improvements at the State Capitol. Requires DAGS to remove all parking meters from the Capitol parking facility and reallocate parking in the Capitol district. Appropriates funds.

Last Action: Referred to LMG, FIN, referral sheet 2

Last Action Date: January 29, 2021

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Title: Relating To The Acquisition Of Firearms.

Description: Makes it clear that the police may grant applications to acquire firearms to lawful permanent resident aliens and United States Nationals.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To The Acquisition Of Firearms.

Description: Makes it clear that the police may grant applications to acquire firearms to lawful permanent resident aliens and United States Nationals.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 2

Last Action Date: January 29, 2021

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Title: Relating To The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.

Description: Establishes within the department of the attorney general a program for issuance of firearm qualification certifications to qualified retired law enforcement officers pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-277), codified at title 18 United States Code section 926C.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 2

Last Action Date: January 29, 2021

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Title: Relating To The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.

Description: Establishes within the department of the attorney general a program for issuance of firearm qualification certifications to qualified retired law enforcement officers pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-277), codified at title 18 United States Code section 926C.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Electric Guns.

Description: Regulates the sale and use of electric guns and cartridges. Repeals the prohibition on the possession, sale, offer for sale, give, lend, or delivery of any electric gun. Effective 1/1/2022. (CD1)

Last Action: Act 183, on 07/06/2021 (Gov. Msg. No. 1311).

Last Action Date: July 7, 2021

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Title: Relating To Criminal History Record Checks.

Description: Adds the University of Hawaii to the list of agencies that are authorized to conduct criminal history record checks on current or prospective employees whose positions or duties are related to public safety. Effective 12/25/2040. (HD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To Criminal History Record Checks.

Description: Adds the University of Hawaii to the list of agencies that are authorized to conduct criminal history record checks on current or prospective employees whose positions or duties are related to public safety. Effective 12/25/2040. (HD1)

Last Action: Report adopted; referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Har, Kong, Matayoshi excused (3).

Last Action Date: February 19, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: During a state of emergency or local state of emergency, provides parameters for delegation of powers and scope and duration of suspension of laws. Provides an advise and consent process for an emergency proclamation to extend beyond one hundred twenty days. Provides a legislative means for an emergency proclamation to be terminated.

Last Action: Referred to PDP, JHA, FIN, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: February 1, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: During a state of emergency or local state of emergency, provides parameters for delegation of powers and scope and duration of suspension of laws. Provides an advise and consent process for an emergency proclamation to extend beyond one hundred twenty days. Provides a legislative means for an emergency proclamation to be terminated.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends the class C felony offense of manufacturing, purchasing, or obtaining firearm parts to assemble a firearm having no serial number to also prohibit possession of those firearm parts. Amends Act 74, Session Laws of Hawaii 2020, to repeal language that specified the prospective application of that Act. Effective 1/1/2022. (HD1)

Last Action: Act 149, on 07/01/2021 (Gov. Msg. No. 1251).

Last Action Date: July 2, 2021

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Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends prohibition against certain individuals possessing or owning firearms to clarify that all individuals charged with a felony offense or convicted of certain offenses are prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 26, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires physical inspection of firearms under certain circumstances. Sunsets 6/30/2025. (CD1)

Last Action: Act 030, 06/03/2022 (Gov. Msg. No. 1130).

Last Action Date: June 6, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Explicitly authorizes a person to use protective force, including deadly force, in the person's home under certain circumstances. Repeals statutory language that permits a person to use deadly force at the person's place of work in some circumstances. Prohibits the protective use of force if the person can maintain safety by retreating, unless the person is in the person's home; or by complying with certain demands.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 28, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes the Department of the Attorney General to develop and implement a state program to allow active and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in the State pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. Makes a conforming amendment to state firearm laws.

Last Action: The committees on JHA recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The recommendation was not adopted. The votes were as follows: 5 Ayes: Representative(s) Nakashima, Matayoshi, Ichiyama, Tokioka, Ward; Ayes with reservations: none; 5 Noes: Representative(s) D. Kobayashi, LoPresti, Lowen, McKelvey, Takumi; and 1 Excused: Representative(s) Nakamura.

Last Action Date: February 25, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the Department of Public Safety to establish a firearm buyback center in each county in the State. Appropriates funds.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, WAM/JDC.

Last Action Date: January 22, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the Department of Public Safety to establish a firearm buyback center in each county in the State. Appropriates funds.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Powers.

Description: Prohibits the governor or the mayor from suspending requests for public records or vital statistics during a declared state of emergency. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Received notice of appointment of House conferees (Hse. Com. No. 559).

Last Action Date: April 19, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Emergency Powers.

Description: Prohibits the governor or the mayor from suspending requests for public records or vital statistics during a declared state of emergency. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Uniform Probate Code.

Description: Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all registered firearms in an estate and other firearms of which the police department has been notified are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 22, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To The Uniform Probate Code.

Description: Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all registered firearms in an estate and other firearms of which the police department has been notified are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Raises the maximum age of minors for which safe storage of firearms is required from sixteen to eighteen years.

Last Action: Re-Referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: February 1, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Raises the maximum age of minors for which safe storage of firearms is required from sixteen to eighteen years.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Adds the requirement of notifying the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the gun permit application background check process.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 25, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Adds the requirement of notifying the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the gun permit application background check process.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 16, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Expands the ban on pistols with a detachable magazine with over ten round capacity to any firearm with a detachable magazine with over ten round capacity. (SD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Expands the ban on pistols with a detachable magazine with over ten round capacity to any firearm with a detachable magazine with over ten round capacity. (SD1)

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 22

Last Action Date: March 11, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from lending a firearm to a person who does not have a firearm permit or does not have a registered firearm. Requires an adult who is borrowing a firearm to have either a firearm permit or a registered firearm, and not be prohibited to own or possess a firearm. Specifies that an adult who is twenty-one years of age or older may be lent a rifle or shotgun for a period not to exceed twelve hours. Repeals the authorization to use a rifle or shotgun outside of the State for up to seventy-five days. Repeals the authorization to lend a rifle or shotgun without a permit.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from lending a firearm to a person who does not have a firearm permit or does not have a registered firearm. Requires an adult who is borrowing a firearm to have either a firearm permit or a registered firearm, and not be prohibited to own or possess a firearm. Specifies that an adult who is twenty-one years of age or older may be lent a rifle or shotgun for a period not to exceed twelve hours. Repeals the authorization to use a rifle or shotgun outside of the State for up to seventy-five days. Repeals the authorization to lend a rifle or shotgun without a permit.

Last Action: Re-Referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: February 1, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher except shotguns and muzzle-loading firearms in the list of prohibited weapons. Takes effect 5/6/2137. (SD1)

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 22

Last Action Date: March 11, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher except shotguns and muzzle-loading firearms in the list of prohibited weapons. Takes effect 5/6/2137. (SD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes the department of the attorney general to develop and implement a state program to issue firearm qualification certifications to qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in the State pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. Makes a conforming amendment to state firearm laws. (SD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes the department of the attorney general to develop and implement a state program to issue firearm qualification certifications to qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in the State pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. Makes a conforming amendment to state firearm laws. (SD1)

Last Action: The committee(s) on JHA recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.

Last Action Date: March 16, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Electric Guns.

Description: Repeals the ban on the possession, sale, gift, or delivery of electric guns.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Electric Guns.

Description: Repeals the ban on the possession, sale, gift, or delivery of electric guns.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Ammunition.

Description: Requires the licensing of sellers of ammunition, and for the identification and proper permitting of purchasers or possessors of ammunition. Regulates ammunition in the same manner that firearms are regulated.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Ammunition.

Description: Requires the licensing of sellers of ammunition, and for the identification and proper permitting of purchasers or possessors of ammunition. Regulates ammunition in the same manner that firearms are regulated.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Consumer Protection.

Description: Beginning 7/1/2023: provides for new viable installment-based small dollar loan transactions; specifies various consumer protection requirements for small dollar loans; requires licensure for small dollar lenders, subject to the oversight of the division of financial institutions of the department of commerce and consumer affairs; specifies licensing requirements for small dollar lenders; and caps the maximum allowable loan size at $1,500. Amends requirements for check cashers, including requiring check cashers to be licensed with the department of commerce and consumer affairs, to offer voluntary payment plans to consumers, and make various notice and disclosure requirements. Requires the division of financial institutions to conduct an analysis of the regulation of payday lenders and deferred deposit agreements and report to the legislature. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Consumer Protection.

Description: Beginning 7/1/2023: provides for new viable installment-based small dollar loan transactions; specifies various consumer protection requirements for small dollar loans; requires licensure for small dollar lenders, subject to the oversight of the division of financial institutions of the department of commerce and consumer affairs; specifies licensing requirements for small dollar lenders; and caps the maximum allowable loan size at $1,500. Amends requirements for check cashers, including requiring check cashers to be licensed with the department of commerce and consumer affairs, to offer voluntary payment plans to consumers, and make various notice and disclosure requirements. Requires the division of financial institutions to conduct an analysis of the regulation of payday lenders and deferred deposit agreements and report to the legislature. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)

Last Action: Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and none excused (0).

Last Action Date: March 25, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Acquisition Of Firearms.

Description: Makes it clear that the police may grant applications to acquire firearms to lawful permanent resident aliens and United States Nationals.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To The Acquisition Of Firearms.

Description: Makes it clear that the police may grant applications to acquire firearms to lawful permanent resident aliens and United States Nationals.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 29, 2021

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Title: Relating To The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.

Description: Establishes within the department of the attorney general a program for issuance of firearm qualification certifications to qualified retired law enforcement officers pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-277), codified at title 18 United States Code section 926C.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.

Description: Establishes within the department of the attorney general a program for issuance of firearm qualification certifications to qualified retired law enforcement officers pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-277), codified at title 18 United States Code section 926C.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 29, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Electric Guns.

Description: Repeals section 134-16, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the current law that bans electric guns, and replaces it with a law that restricts the use, storage, transfer, and disposal of electric guns, regulates the sale of electric guns, requires training and education on electric guns, prohibits certain individuals from the possession and use of electric guns, prohibits the use of electric guns in the commission of crimes, and requires permits and registration of electric projectile guns.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: During a state of emergency or local state of emergency, provides parameters for delegation of powers and scope and duration of suspension of laws. Provides an advise and consent process for an emergency proclamation to extend beyond one hundred twenty days. Provides a legislative means for an emergency proclamation to be terminated.

Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDC/WAM.

Last Action Date: February 8, 2021

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Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: During a state of emergency or local state of emergency, provides parameters for delegation of powers and scope and duration of suspension of laws. Provides an advise and consent process for an emergency proclamation to extend beyond one hundred twenty days. Provides a legislative means for an emergency proclamation to be terminated.

Last Action: Carried over to 2022 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 10, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends prohibition against certain individuals possessing or owning firearms to clarify that all individuals charged with a felony offense or convicted of certain offenses are prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 24

Last Action Date: March 10, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes the Department of the Attorney General to develop and implement a state program to allow active and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in the State pursuant to the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. Makes a conforming amendment to state firearm laws.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 24, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires appropriate training before applying for or renewing a license to carry a handgun. Reduces the term of a license to carry a handgun from one year to six months.

Last Action: Re-Referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: February 1, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Uniform Probate Code.

Description: Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all firearms in an estate are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC .

Last Action Date: January 24, 2022

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Title: Relating To Emergency Powers.

Description: Prohibits the governor or a mayor from suspending requests for public records or vital statistics during a declared state of emergency. Allows for a reasonable delay in an agency's response to a request as a result of extenuated circumstances. (SD1)

Last Action: Referred to PDP/HHH, JHA, CPC, referral sheet 24

Last Action Date: March 10, 2022

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends section 134-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to increase the time a permit to acquire a firearm can be used from 10 days to 30 days. Amends section 134-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to eliminate physical inspection of firearms generally, but requires physical inspection of firearms brought into the State, firearms involved in private sales or transfers, and firearms and firearm receivers with engraved or embedded serial numbers.

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 3, 2022

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Licenses.

Description: Requires, rather than authorizes, the respective county chiefs of police to grant concealed carry and open carry licenses to qualified applicants who meet the requirements set forth in section 134-9, HRS.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 28, 2022

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