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113 total bills, 90 anti-gun bills,
10 pro-gun bills for this session
Proposed Hawaii Firearm Legislation

2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session

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note: Any bill pending at the final adjournment of a regular session in an odd-numbered year are reintroduced with the same status to the next regular session. However, regardless of its status at the conclusion of the first regular session, before the carried-over bill is enacted, it shall pass at least one reading in the house in which it originated.

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Possession.

Description: Requires individuals denied a firearm permit or otherwise disqualified from possessing firearms and certain defendants to provide a sworn statement that the individual has disposed of any firearms and ammunition in the individual's possession. Requires the applicable chief of police to search firearm permit and registration records for those individuals before serving a protective order or restraining order involving firearms or ammunition, and to seize any firearms or ammunition that were not disposed of. Requires police to seize firearms and ammunition in domestic abuse cases that are in plain view of the officer or discovered by consensual search.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Possession.

Description: Requires individuals denied a firearm permit or otherwise disqualified from possessing firearms and certain defendants to provide a sworn statement that the individual has disposed of any firearms and ammunition in the individual's possession. Requires the applicable chief of police to search firearm permit and registration records for those individuals before serving a protective order or restraining order involving firearms or ammunition, and to seize any firearms or ammunition that were not disposed of. Requires police to seize firearms and ammunition in domestic abuse cases that are in plain view of the officer or discovered by consensual search.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Safety At Home.

Description: Clarifies that a person who uses deadly force in self-defense does not have a duty to retreat if they are in their dwelling or on their property, unless they are the initial aggressor. Repeals statutory language that permits a person to use deadly force at their place of work.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Safety At Home.

Description: Clarifies that a person who uses deadly force in self-defense does not have a duty to retreat if they are in their dwelling or on their property, unless they are the initial aggressor. Repeals statutory language that permits a person to use deadly force at their place of work.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Report On Systems Of Firearms Insurance And Other Financial Responsibility Requirements Pertaining To Firearms.

Description: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Report On Systems Of Firearms Insurance And Other Financial Responsibility Requirements Pertaining To Firearms.

Last Action: Received notice of Agreement and Adoption in House (Hse. Com. No. 891).

Last Action Date: April 28, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Report On Systems Of Firearms Insurance And Other Financial Responsibility Requirements Pertaining To Firearms.

Description: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Report On Systems Of Firearms Insurance And Other Financial Responsibility Requirements Pertaining To Firearms.

Last Action: Resolution adopted in final form.

Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Creates the offense of negligent concealment of a firearm by a licensee.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Creates the offense of negligent concealment of a firearm by a licensee.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of possession of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of possession of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires any person carrying an unloaded firearm in a motor vehicle to locate the firearm so as not to be readily or directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle or, if the firearm is being carried in a motor vehicle that does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, to keep the firearm in an enclosed container that is locked, other than the glove compartment or console, and not in plain view.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires any person carrying an unloaded firearm in a motor vehicle to locate the firearm so as not to be readily or directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle or, if the firearm is being carried in a motor vehicle that does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, to keep the firearm in an enclosed container that is locked, other than the glove compartment or console, and not in plain view.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes standards of conduct for firearm industry members. Authorizes any person who has suffered harm because of a firearm industry member's violation of the standards of conduct to bring a civil action. Authorizes the attorney general or any county attorney or public prosecutor to bring a civil action against a firearm industry member for violation of standards of conduct. (HD1)

Last Action: Act 028, 04/26/2023 (Gov. Msg. No. 1129).

Last Action Date: April 27, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends the requirements for licenses to carry firearms concealed or unconcealed. Requires possession and display of a valid license when publicly carrying firearms.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends the requirements for licenses to carry firearms concealed or unconcealed. Requires possession and display of a valid license when publicly carrying firearms.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits the public carry of firearms in sensitive places and upon private business establishment or charitable establishment premises, except under certain circumstances.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits the public carry of firearms in sensitive places and upon private business establishment or charitable establishment premises, except under certain circumstances.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires individuals to complete a firearms skills assessment, safety course, and education course prior to being granted a license to carry a pistol or revolver.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires individuals to complete a firearms skills assessment, safety course, and education course prior to being granted a license to carry a pistol or revolver.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits concealed firearms in certain sensitive locations. Requires the department of the attorney general to publish an annual report on licenses to carry. Amends requirements for firearm permitting and licenses to carry firearms. Effective 7/1/2050.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits concealed firearms in certain sensitive locations. Requires the department of the attorney general to publish an annual report on licenses to carry. Amends requirements for firearm permitting and licenses to carry firearms. Effective 7/1/2050.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher, excluding antique pistols and revolvers, and muzzleloaders in the list of prohibited weapons.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 2

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher, excluding antique pistols and revolvers, and muzzleloaders in the list of prohibited weapons.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Repeals the duty to retreat or take over evasive action with respect to the use of deadly force as a justifiable means of self-protection.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Use Of Force In Self-protection.

Description: Repeals the duty to retreat or take over evasive action with respect to the use of deadly force as a justifiable means of self-protection.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Adds the requirement of notifying the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the gun permit application background check process.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Adds the requirement of notifying the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the gun permit application background check process.

Last Action: The committee(s) on JHA recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.

Last Action Date: February 14, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from lending a firearm to a person who does not have a firearm permit or does not have a registered firearm. Requires an adult who is borrowing a firearm to have either a firearm permit or a registered firearm, and not be prohibited to own or possess a firearm. Specifies that an adult who is twenty-one years of age or older may be lent a rifle or shotgun for a period not to exceed twelve hours. Repeals the authorization to use a rifle or shotgun outside of the State for up to seventy-five days. Repeals the authorization to lend a rifle or shotgun without a permit.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from lending a firearm to a person who does not have a firearm permit or does not have a registered firearm. Requires an adult who is borrowing a firearm to have either a firearm permit or a registered firearm, and not be prohibited to own or possess a firearm. Specifies that an adult who is twenty-one years of age or older may be lent a rifle or shotgun for a period not to exceed twelve hours. Repeals the authorization to use a rifle or shotgun outside of the State for up to seventy-five days. Repeals the authorization to lend a rifle or shotgun without a permit.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Criminal History Background Checks.

Description: Authorizes a fingerprint-based criminal history record check by the county police departments of applicants for licenses to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges. (HD1)

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Criminal History Background Checks.

Description: Authorizes a fingerprint-based criminal history record check by the county police departments of applicants for licenses to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges. (HD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits firearms in certain locations and premises and provides for enhanced sentencing. Requires possession and disclosure of a license to carry. Prohibits leaving an unsecured firearm in a vehicle unattended. Prohibits consuming or being under the influence of alcohol, an intoxicating liquor, or a controlled substance when carrying a firearm. Prohibits carrying or possessing firearms on certain private property open to the public without express authorization. Requires annual reports from the Department of the Attorney General on carry licenses. Amends the requirements for, and revocation of, firearms permits and licenses. Amends the disqualification of persons from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm. Expands the qualified immunity for health care providers who provide information on firearms applicants to include physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses. (SD1)

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits firearms in certain locations and premises and provides for enhanced sentencing. Requires possession and disclosure of a license to carry. Prohibits leaving an unsecured firearm in a vehicle unattended. Prohibits consuming or being under the influence of alcohol, an intoxicating liquor, or a controlled substance when carrying a firearm. Prohibits carrying or possessing firearms on certain private property open to the public without express authorization. Requires annual reports from the Department of the Attorney General on carry licenses. Amends the requirements for, and revocation of, firearms permits and licenses. Amends the disqualification of persons from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm. Expands the qualified immunity for health care providers who provide information on firearms applicants to include physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses. (SD1)

Last Action: The committee on JDC deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: April 6, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Increases the minimum classroom instruction time for state certified or National Rifle Association certified firearm safety courses from four to fourteen hours. Requires firearm safety courses to include additional subject matter. Requires applicants for a license to carry a concealed firearm to pass a written test, participate in an in person interview, and provide information to demonstrate that the applicant is of good moral character and sufficient mental competence.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Increases the minimum classroom instruction time for state certified or National Rifle Association certified firearm safety courses from four to fourteen hours. Requires firearm safety courses to include additional subject matter. Requires applicants for a license to carry a concealed firearm to pass a written test, participate in an in person interview, and provide information to demonstrate that the applicant is of good moral character and sufficient mental competence.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Insurance.

Description: Requires firearms owners to obtain firearms insurance. Effective 1/1/2024.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, CPC, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Insurance.

Description: Requires firearms owners to obtain firearms insurance. Effective 1/1/2024.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes county police departments to issue a person a license to carry a handgun in all counties of the State. Extends the expiration date of a license from 1 year to 5 years. Repeals "proper cause" requirements invalidated by the United States Supreme Court in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S.Ct. 2111 (2022).

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Authorizes county police departments to issue a person a license to carry a handgun in all counties of the State. Extends the expiration date of a license from 1 year to 5 years. Repeals "proper cause" requirements invalidated by the United States Supreme Court in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S.Ct. 2111 (2022).

Last Action: Referred to JHA, FIN, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

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Title: Relating To Emergency Powers.

Description: Clarifies that emergency powers must comply with the Constitution and the needs of the circumstances. Specifies parameters for when a state of emergency is terminated and how proclamations may be extended. Requires a two-thirds vote of each house of the legislature for a proclamation extension.

Last Action: Referred to WAL, JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Mandates that any qualified applicant shall be granted a license to carry a pistol or revolver and ammunition unconcealed on the applicant's person.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from selling ammunition to a person under the age of twenty-one. Prohibits a person under the age of twenty-one from owning, possessing, or controlling ammunition.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: Clarifies that the powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be inconsistent with the Hawaii State Constitution. Provides parameters for the duration of suspension of laws and requires justification for the suspension. Authorizes the Governor to require the counties to obtain approval prior to issuing any emergency order, rule, or proclamation. Clarifies that a state of emergency may be extended or terminated by a separate or supplementary proclamation. Authorizes the legislature to terminate a state of emergency, in whole or in part, by an affirmative two-thirds vote of each legislative house. Defines "severe warning". Specifies that prohibitions on price increases of essential commodities during a severe warning expire seventy-two hours after the effective date and time of the initial declaration or any supplemental proclamation.

Last Action: Referred to WAL, JHA, referral sheet 1

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires a mandatory minimum period of imprisonment of one year without the possibility of parole for persons found in possession of an unregistered or prohibited firearm.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 2

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Weapons.

Description: Requires the Department of the Attorney General to publish annual reports regarding certain protective and restraining orders, firearms, and electric guns. Authorizes persons subject to certain protective and restraining orders to possess or control firearms, ammunition, or electric guns in the course of employment, subject to certain conditions. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)

Last Action: Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Matayoshi, Takayama, Todd excused (3).

Last Action Date: February 14, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the Department of Education to create and distribute to the parents and guardians of students a firearms access prevention and secure storage model notice.

Last Action: Referred to EDN, JHA, FIN, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 26, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Weapons.

Description: Prohibits carrying or using a firearm in the commission of a separate misdemeanor offense. Amends and clarifies prohibitions regarding deadly or dangerous weapons, switchblade knives, and butterfly knives. Clarifies hunter education certificates and other written exemptions regarding permit issuing. (SD2)

Last Action: Act 021, 05/13/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1121).

Last Action Date: May 13, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Reporting.

Description: Clarifies the annual reporting requirement for the Department of the Attorney General concerning concealed carry licenses. (SD1)

Last Action: The committee on JDC deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: April 2, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Criminal Justice Data Sharing Groups.

Description: Establishes the Criminal Justice Data Sharing and Research Group to consolidate the efforts of the Criminal Justice Data Sharing Working Group and the Gun Violence and Violent Crimes Commission. (SD1)

Last Action: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: March 20, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To Self-defense.

Description: Clarifies that a person who uses deadly force in self-defense does not have a duty to retreat if they are in their dwelling or on their property unless they are the initial aggressor. Repeals statutory language that permits a person to use deadly force at their place of work.

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 3

Last Action Date: January 26, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Appropriates funds to the Department of Law Enforcement for the State's Gun Buyback Program. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Takes effect 7/1/2042. (SD1)

Last Action: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to WAM.

Last Action Date: March 20, 2024

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Adds the requirement of notifying the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the gun permit application background check process.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 20, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Adds the requirement of notifying the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the gun permit application background check process.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Ammunition.

Description: Requires the licensing of sellers of ammunition, and for the identification and proper permitting of purchasers or possessors of ammunition. Regulates ammunition in the same manner that firearms are regulated.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Ammunition.

Description: Requires the licensing of sellers of ammunition, and for the identification and proper permitting of purchasers or possessors of ammunition. Regulates ammunition in the same manner that firearms are regulated.

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 10, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of possession of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the offense of possession of a loaded firearm while intoxicated as a petty misdemeanor.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 20, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Possession.

Description: Requires individuals denied a firearm permit or otherwise disqualified from possessing firearms and certain defendants to provide a sworn statement that the individual has disposed of any firearms and ammunition in the individual's possession. Requires the applicable chief of police to search firearm permit and registration records for those individuals before serving a protective order or restraining order involving firearms or ammunition, and to seize any firearms or ammunition that were not disposed of. Requires police to seize firearms and ammunition in domestic abuse cases that are in plain view of the officer or discovered by consensual search.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Possession.

Description: Requires individuals denied a firearm permit or otherwise disqualified from possessing firearms and certain defendants to provide a sworn statement that the individual has disposed of any firearms and ammunition in the individual's possession. Requires the applicable chief of police to search firearm permit and registration records for those individuals before serving a protective order or restraining order involving firearms or ammunition, and to seize any firearms or ammunition that were not disposed of. Requires police to seize firearms and ammunition in domestic abuse cases that are in plain view of the officer or discovered by consensual search.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 20, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits the carrying of a firearm in sensitive places. Defines sensitive places. Establishes penalties.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits the carrying of a firearm in sensitive places. Defines sensitive places. Establishes penalties.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 20, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes uniform firearms safety and training requirements for applicants of permits to acquire firearms, regardless of firearm type. Prohibits the issuance of permits to acquire firearms to aliens who are not state law enforcement officers. Requires a fee of not less than $100 for permits, or applications for permits.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC/WAM.

Last Action Date: January 20, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes uniform firearms safety and training requirements for applicants of permits to acquire firearms, regardless of firearm type. Prohibits the issuance of permits to acquire firearms to aliens who are not state law enforcement officers. Requires a fee of not less than $100 for permits, or applications for permits.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires a person to report the person's lost, stolen, or destroyed firearms to the appropriate county police department. Establishes penalties for failure to report and false reporting.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires a person to report the person's lost, stolen, or destroyed firearms to the appropriate county police department. Establishes penalties for failure to report and false reporting.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 20, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Prohibition Of Firearms On School Property.

Description: Prohibits the possession of firearms on school property and school buses and at school-sponsored functions. Exempts certain law enforcement officers and instructors and participants of certain educational or training programs. Establishes that violators are guilty of a class B felony. Requires children enrolled in school who are in violation to be excluded from school attendance for not less than one year. Defines school, school bus, school property, and school-sponsored function.

Last Action: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading and referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: February 17, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Prohibition Of Firearms On School Property.

Description: Prohibits the possession of firearms on school property and school buses and at school-sponsored functions. Exempts certain law enforcement officers and instructors and participants of certain educational or training programs. Establishes that violators are guilty of a class B felony. Requires children enrolled in school who are in violation to be excluded from school attendance for not less than one year. Defines school, school bus, school property, and school-sponsored function.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Expands the ban on pistols with a detachable magazine with over a ten round capacity to any firearm with a detachable magazine with over a ten round capacity.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Expands the ban on pistols with a detachable magazine with over a ten round capacity to any firearm with a detachable magazine with over a ten round capacity.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 23, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Creates the offense of negligent concealment of a firearm by a licensee.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 23, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Creates the offense of negligent concealment of a firearm by a licensee.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends the requirements for licenses to carry firearms concealed or unconcealed. Requires possession and display of a valid license when publicly carrying firearms.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends the requirements for licenses to carry firearms concealed or unconcealed. Requires possession and display of a valid license when publicly carrying firearms.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Relating To Firearms. Short form bill.

Last Action: Referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Relating To Firearms. Short form bill.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Public Carrying Of Firearms.

Description: Provides that Hawaii is a "constitutional carry" state. Repeals the licensing procedure set forth in section 134-9, HRS, under which county police chiefs have the discretion to decide whether an applicant may receive a license to carry, concealed or unconcealed, a pistol or revolver and ammunition therefor. Authorizes a person who is a United States citizen aged 21 or older to carry, concealed or unconcealed, a firearm and ammunition therefor without any requirement to demonstrate a special need for self-defense, provided that certain other conditions are met. Repeals "place to keep" provisions of the HRS.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating To The Public Carrying Of Firearms.

Description: Provides that Hawaii is a "constitutional carry" state. Repeals the licensing procedure set forth in section 134-9, HRS, under which county police chiefs have the discretion to decide whether an applicant may receive a license to carry, concealed or unconcealed, a pistol or revolver and ammunition therefor. Authorizes a person who is a United States citizen aged 21 or older to carry, concealed or unconcealed, a firearm and ammunition therefor without any requirement to demonstrate a special need for self-defense, provided that certain other conditions are met. Repeals "place to keep" provisions of the HRS.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 25, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the misdemeanor offense of brandishing a firearm.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the misdemeanor offense of brandishing a firearm.

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 10, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Increases the minimum classroom instruction time for state certified or National Rifle Association certified firearm safety courses from four to fourteen hours. Requires firearm safety courses to include additional subject matter. Requires applicants for a license to carry a concealed firearm to pass a written test, participate in an in person interview, and provide information to demonstrate that the applicant is of good moral character and sufficient mental competence.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Increases the minimum classroom instruction time for state certified or National Rifle Association certified firearm safety courses from four to fourteen hours. Requires firearm safety courses to include additional subject matter. Requires applicants for a license to carry a concealed firearm to pass a written test, participate in an in person interview, and provide information to demonstrate that the applicant is of good moral character and sufficient mental competence.

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 10, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the crime of possession of a firearm in a sensitive location as a class C felony. Imposes a duty to inform law enforcement upon contact on concealed and unconcealed carry permit holders. Defines sensitive location.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes the crime of possession of a firearm in a sensitive location as a class C felony. Imposes a duty to inform law enforcement upon contact on concealed and unconcealed carry permit holders. Defines sensitive location.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from lending a firearm to a person who does not have a firearm permit or does not have a registered firearm. Requires an adult who is borrowing a firearm to have either a firearm permit or a registered firearm, and not be prohibited to own or possess a firearm. Specifies that an adult who is twenty-one years of age or older may be lent a rifle or shotgun for a period not to exceed twelve hours. Repeals the authorization to use a rifle or shotgun outside of the State for up to seventy-five days. Repeals the authorization to lend a rifle or shotgun without a permit.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from lending a firearm to a person who does not have a firearm permit or does not have a registered firearm. Requires an adult who is borrowing a firearm to have either a firearm permit or a registered firearm, and not be prohibited to own or possess a firearm. Specifies that an adult who is twenty-one years of age or older may be lent a rifle or shotgun for a period not to exceed twelve hours. Repeals the authorization to use a rifle or shotgun outside of the State for up to seventy-five days. Repeals the authorization to lend a rifle or shotgun without a permit.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher, excluding antique pistols and revolvers, and muzzleloaders in the list of prohibited weapons.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Includes any firearm or rifle with the capacity to fire ammunition of fifty caliber or higher, excluding antique pistols and revolvers, and muzzleloaders in the list of prohibited weapons.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires individuals to complete a firearms skills assessment, safety course, and education course prior to being granted a license to carry a pistol or revolver.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires individuals to complete a firearms skills assessment, safety course, and education course prior to being granted a license to carry a pistol or revolver.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes standards of conduct for firearm industry members. Authorizes the attorney general or any county attorney or public prosecutor to bring a civil action against a firearm industry member for violation of standards of conduct.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Establishes standards of conduct for firearm industry members. Authorizes the attorney general or any county attorney or public prosecutor to bring a civil action against a firearm industry member for violation of standards of conduct.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires any person carrying an unloaded firearm in a motor vehicle to locate the firearm so as not to be readily or directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle or, if the firearm is being carried in a motor vehicle that does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, to keep the firearm in an enclosed container that is locked, other than the glove compartment or console, and not in plain view.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires any person carrying an unloaded firearm in a motor vehicle to locate the firearm so as not to be readily or directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle or, if the firearm is being carried in a motor vehicle that does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, to keep the firearm in an enclosed container that is locked, other than the glove compartment or console, and not in plain view.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 27, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Elections.

Description: Specifies that the practice of election fraud intimidation includes, among other actions (1) The carrying of any firearm or weapon and (2) The act of photographing the face of any voter without permission from both the voter and an appropriate election official when such actions occur at or near a voter service center, place of deposit, or polling place.

Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 6, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Elections.

Description: Specifies that the practice of election fraud intimidation includes, among other actions (1) The carrying of any firearm or weapon and (2) The act of photographing the face of any voter without permission from both the voter and an appropriate election official when such actions occur at or near a voter service center, place of deposit, or polling place.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits firearms in certain locations and premises. Requires possession and disclosure of a license to carry. Prohibits leaving an unsecured firearm in a vehicle unattended. Prohibits consuming or being under the influence of alcohol, an intoxicating liquor, or a controlled substance when carrying a firearm. Prohibits carrying or possessing firearms on certain private property without express authorization. Requires annual reports from the department of the attorney general on carry licenses. Amends the requirements for, and revocation of, firearms permits and licenses. Amends the disqualification of persons from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm. Expands the qualified immunity for health care providers who provide information on firearms applicants to include physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses. (CD1)

Last Action: Act 052, 06/02/2023 (Gov. Msg. No. 1152).

Last Action Date: June 2, 2023

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Criminal History Background Checks.

Description: Authorizes a fingerprint-based criminal history background check by the county police departments of applicants for licenses to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Criminal History Background Checks.

Description: Authorizes a fingerprint-based criminal history background check by the county police departments of applicants for licenses to sell, offer to sell, distribute, or otherwise transfer electric guns or cartridges.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC/CPN.

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends, clarifies, and enacts provisions of chapter 134, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS); amends section 707-716, HRS; and amends and clarifies section 846-2.7(b), HRS. Amends and enacts requirements and processes regarding permits to acquire and licenses to carry a firearm; updates criteria governing when firearm ownership, possession, or control is prohibited; identifies locations within the State where carrying or possessing firearms is prohibited; requires a person carrying a firearm pursuant to a license to have in the person's immediate possession the license and documentary evidence that the firearm being carried is registered; requires a person carrying a firearm in public pursuant to a license to maintain insurance coverage; requires that when a person carrying a firearm is stopped by a law enforcement officer or is a driver or passenger in a vehicle stopped by a law enforcement officer, the person shall immediately disclose to the law enforcement officer that the person is carrying a firearm and, upon request, identify the specific location of the firearm and present to the law enforcement officer a license or credentials to carry a firearm; prohibits leaving an unsecured firearm in a vehicle unattended; prohibits consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance while carrying a firearm; prohibits carrying a firearm on private property open to the public without express authorization; and amends, clarifies, and enacts other provisions relating to firearms. Provides that criminal history record checks may be conducted by county police departments on applicants for licenses to carry a pistol or revolver and ammunition pursuant to section 134-9, HRS.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends, clarifies, and enacts provisions of chapter 134, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS); amends section 707-716, HRS; and amends and clarifies section 846-2.7(b), HRS. Amends and enacts requirements and processes regarding permits to acquire and licenses to carry a firearm; updates criteria governing when firearm ownership, possession, or control is prohibited; identifies locations within the State where carrying or possessing firearms is prohibited; requires a person carrying a firearm pursuant to a license to have in the person's immediate possession the license and documentary evidence that the firearm being carried is registered; requires a person carrying a firearm in public pursuant to a license to maintain insurance coverage; requires that when a person carrying a firearm is stopped by a law enforcement officer or is a driver or passenger in a vehicle stopped by a law enforcement officer, the person shall immediately disclose to the law enforcement officer that the person is carrying a firearm and, upon request, identify the specific location of the firearm and present to the law enforcement officer a license or credentials to carry a firearm; prohibits leaving an unsecured firearm in a vehicle unattended; prohibits consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance while carrying a firearm; prohibits carrying a firearm on private property open to the public without express authorization; and amends, clarifies, and enacts other provisions relating to firearms. Provides that criminal history record checks may be conducted by county police departments on applicants for licenses to carry a pistol or revolver and ammunition pursuant to section 134-9, HRS.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Insurance.

Description: Requires firearms owners to obtain firearms insurance. Effective 1/1/2024.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Insurance.

Description: Requires firearms owners to obtain firearms insurance. Effective 1/1/2024.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC/CPN.

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Weapon Safety.

Description: Specifies sensitive locations in which the carrying of firearms is restricted or prohibited. Authorizes, in certain circumstances, the carrying of firearms on private property. Specifies areas in which the carrying or possession of electric guns is restricted or prohibited. Imposes certain firearm storage requirements for individuals licensed to carry firearms. Requires the Department of the Attorney General to submit to the Legislature, over a 4-year period, semi-annual reports on the public carrying of firearms.

Last Action: Carried over to 2024 Regular Session.

Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Weapon Safety.

Description: Specifies sensitive locations in which the carrying of firearms is restricted or prohibited. Authorizes, in certain circumstances, the carrying of firearms on private property. Specifies areas in which the carrying or possession of electric guns is restricted or prohibited. Imposes certain firearm storage requirements for individuals licensed to carry firearms. Requires the Department of the Attorney General to submit to the Legislature, over a 4-year period, semi-annual reports on the public carrying of firearms.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC/WAM.

Last Action Date: January 30, 2023

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the Department of Law Enforcement to conduct a voluntary firearm buyback program in each county of the State. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Makes an appropriation. Takes effect 1/1/2042. (SD1)

Last Action: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to WAM.

Last Action Date: January 31, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires the Department of Education to create and distribute to the parents and guardians of students a firearms access prevention and secure storage model notice.

Last Action: Referred to EDU, JDC/WAM.

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

watching this bill


Title: Relating To Emergency Management.

Description: Amends chapter 127A, HRS, to clarify State and local authority. Prohibits the Governor or Mayor from suspending requests for public records or vital specifics during a state of emergency. Clarifies that powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be construed as permitting actions inconsistent with the state constitution. Adds definition of the term "severe warning" as used in 127A-30, HRS. Allows the Legislature and city councils to terminate a state of emergency, in whole or in part, issued by the Governor or Mayor, respectively.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Elections.

Description: Specifies that the practice of election fraud intimidation includes carrying any firearm or weapon and photographing the face of any voter without permission from both the voter and an appropriate election official when those actions occur at or near a voter service center, place of deposit, or polling place.

Last Action: The committee on JDC deferred the measure.

Last Action Date: February 27, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Requires a person selling ammunition to require the buyer to provide proof of a valid firearm registration together with a government-issued identification. Prohibits sellers of ammunition from selling ammunition to a buyer of a caliber not compatible with a buyer's registered firearm.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, CPN/JDC.

Last Action Date: January 24, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Prohibits a person from selling ammunition to a person under the age of twenty-one. Prohibits a person under the age of twenty-one from owning, possessing, or controlling ammunition, with exceptions. (CD1)

Last Action: Act 248, 07/09/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1353).

Last Action Date: July 9, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Weapons.

Description: Prohibits carrying or using a firearm in the commission of a separate misdemeanor offense. Amends and clarifies prohibitions regarding deadly or dangerous weapons, regarding switchblade knives, and regarding butterfly knives.

Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.

Last Action Date: January 26, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms Reporting.

Description: Amends annual reporting requirement for the Department of the Attorney General concerning firearms concealed carry licenses.

Last Action: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading and referred to JDC.

Last Action Date: February 16, 2024

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relating To Firearms.

Description: Amends the prohibition on certain assault weapons to include .50 caliber rifles and assault weapon attachments. Modernizes the prohibition on assault pistols to include pistols with one or more prohibited feature. Prohibits firearms other than pistols with a detachable magazine with over a twenty round capacity. Prohibits persons from bringing or causing to be brought into the State a .50 caliber rifle or assault weapon attachment. Prohibits the sale or transfer of a .50 caliber rifle or assault weapon attachment in the State, unless the .50 caliber rifle or assault weapon attachment is sold or transferred to an authorized individual. Creates exceptions for the acquisition and possession of prohibited firearms for members of law enforcement and the military. Takes effect 4/14/2112. (SD1)

Last Action: Referred to JHA, referral sheet 16

Last Action Date: March 7, 2024

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