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311 total bills, 158 anti-gun bills,
53 pro-gun bills for this session
Proposed New York Firearm Legislation

2012-2013 Session2014-2015 Session2016-2017 Session2018-2019 Session2020-2021 Session2022-2023 Session2024-2025 Session

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note: New York carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires the submission of proof of personal liability insurance prior to the issuance or renewal of a license to carry a firearm.

Description: Requires the submission of proof of personal liability insurance prior to the issuance or renewal of a license to carry a firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Includes attachments to electronic devices within the meaning of the term "imitation weapon".

Description: Includes attachments to electronic devices within the meaning of the term "imitation weapon".

Last Action: referred to consumer affairs and protection

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the municipal gun tip hotline program and the municipal gun tip hotline fund.

Description: Establishes the municipal gun tip hotline program and the municipal gun tip hotline fund.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to a firearms safety course certificate for license applications made outside of the city of New York.

Description: Relates to a firearms safety course certificate for license applications made outside of the city of New York.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Provides for the temporary surrender of firearms to the police by any person who is taken into custody by the police for the purpose of a mental examination and prior to an examination ordered pursuant to article seven hundred thirty of the criminal procedure law; requires a "cooling off period" following the discharge from psychiatric care during which time firearms, which came into police custody during the person's prehospitalization intervention or during hospitalization, may be kept in police custody for thirty days, or after a psychiatric examiner has determined whether the person is a threat to himself or herself or others; provides that a judge of the local jurisdiction may order an early return of the firearms if he or she determines that it would be appropriate to do so.

Description: Provides for the temporary surrender of firearms to the police by any person who is taken into custody by the police for the purpose of a mental examination and prior to an examination ordered pursuant to article seven hundred thirty of the criminal procedure law; requires a "cooling off period" following the discharge from psychiatric care during which time firearms, which came into police custody during the person's prehospitalization intervention or during hospitalization, may be kept in police custody for thirty days, or after a psychiatric examiner has determined whether the person is a threat to himself or herself or others; provides that a judge of the local jurisdiction may order an early return of the firearms if he or she determines that it would be appropriate to do so.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires the surrender of antique firearms, black powder rifles, black powder shotguns, or muzzle-loading firearms following a conviction for a felony or serious offense or following a report pursuant to section 9.46 of the mental hygiene law.

Description: Requires the surrender of antique firearms, black powder rifles, black powder shotguns, or muzzle-loading firearms following a conviction for a felony or serious offense or following a report pursuant to section 9.46 of the mental hygiene law.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts the "children's weapon accident prevention act"; creates crimes of failure to store a weapon safely in the first and second degrees, aggravated failure to store a weapon safely, and criminally negligent storage of a weapon in the first and second degrees; provides affirmative defenses; directs the commissioner of education to develop a weapons safety program.

Description: Enacts the "children's weapon accident prevention act"; creates crimes of failure to store a weapon safely in the first and second degrees, aggravated failure to store a weapon safely, and criminally negligent storage of a weapon in the first and second degrees; provides affirmative defenses; directs the commissioner of education to develop a weapons safety program.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits weapon promotion and sale on public property.

Description: Prohibits weapon promotion and sale on public property.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to a ban on undetectable firearms, undetectable firearm receivers and undetectable ammunition magazines.

Description: Relates to a ban on undetectable firearms, undetectable firearm receivers and undetectable ammunition magazines.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns, or firearms.

Description: Relates to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns, or firearms.

Last Action: enacting clause stricken

Last Action Date: June 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns, and firearms.

Description: Relates to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns, and firearms.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits persons named on the No Fly List maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining or renewing a license to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.

Description: Prohibits persons named on the No Fly List maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining or renewing a license to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim June 2019, as Gun Violence Awareness Month in the State of New York

Description: Memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim June 2019, as Gun Violence Awareness Month in the State of New York

Last Action: adopted

Last Action Date: June 19, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.

Description: Establishes the safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Restricts the locations of gunsmiths and dealers in firearms in relation to child day care or educational facilities, and places of worship.

Description: Restricts the locations of gunsmiths and dealers in firearms in relation to child day care or educational facilities, and places of worship.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the use of lead ammunition in the taking of wildlife on wildlife management areas, state forests, forest preserves, state parks or any other state-owned land that is open for hunting and on land contributing surface water to the New York city water supply.

Description: Prohibits the use of lead ammunition in the taking of wildlife on wildlife management areas, state forests, forest preserves, state parks or any other state-owned land that is open for hunting and on land contributing surface water to the New York city water supply.

Last Action: advanced to third reading cal.415

Last Action Date: February 27, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to eliminating the default proceed firearm loophole by requiring a "proceed" response from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System before a licensee delivers a firearm to any person.

Description: Relates to eliminating the default proceed firearm loophole by requiring a "proceed" response from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System before a licensee delivers a firearm to any person.

Last Action: enacting clause stricken

Last Action Date: September 11, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal manufacture or possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle, or shotgun.

Description: Establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal manufacture or possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle, or shotgun.

Last Action: substituted by s1414a

Last Action Date: May 20, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the criminal possession of a firearm or magazine digitally made; classifies such possession as a class D felony.

Description: Relates to the criminal possession of a firearm or magazine digitally made; classifies such possession as a class D felony.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Creates a process for the issuance of a temporary permit to carry or possess a firearm for persons who are not residents of the state of New York; provides an affirmative defense to possession of a loaded firearm by certain persons and provides reciprocity for persons licensed in other states.

Description: Creates a process for the issuance of a temporary permit to carry or possess a firearm for persons who are not residents of the state of New York; provides an affirmative defense to possession of a loaded firearm by certain persons and provides reciprocity for persons licensed in other states.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a ten day waiting period from contact of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person.

Description: Establishes a ten day waiting period from contact of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes that public schools shall prohibit marksmanship and/or shooting programs.

Description: Establishes that public schools shall prohibit marksmanship and/or shooting programs.

Last Action: referred to education

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires the creation and imposition of restrictive commercial practices and stringent recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun sales to criminals; provides that such measures shall be promulgated by the superintendent of state police; restricts premises of sales; requires employee training; prohibits straw purchases; imposes additional license conditions.

Description: Requires the creation and imposition of restrictive commercial practices and stringent recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun sales to criminals; provides that such measures shall be promulgated by the superintendent of state police; restricts premises of sales; requires employee training; prohibits straw purchases; imposes additional license conditions.

Last Action: print number 1054b

Last Action Date: November 6, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the definition of serious offense and felony offenses against animals for purposes of possession of a firearm.

Description: Relates to the definition of serious offense and felony offenses against animals for purposes of possession of a firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to reciprocity for pistol permit applications for military personnel; expedites application process.

Description: Relates to reciprocity for pistol permit applications for military personnel; expedites application process.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.

Description: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.

Last Action: signed chap.242

Last Action Date: September 3, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits entry to gun shows to anyone under twelve years of age.

Description: Prohibits entry to gun shows to anyone under twelve years of age.

Last Action: referred to economic development

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition; establishes fines for violations of this requirement and provides for an affirmative defense if the dealer had a certification from the manufacturer.

Description: Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition; establishes fines for violations of this requirement and provides for an affirmative defense if the dealer had a certification from the manufacturer.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to prohibiting firearms as prizes in any game of chance.

Description: Relates to prohibiting firearms as prizes in any game of chance.

Last Action: referred to racing and wagering

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires all law enforcement to report information regarding certain firearms to the National Crime Information Center; further requires law enforcement to test-fire seized firearms and submit the resulting ballistics information to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network and to also submit to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network ballistics information regarding spent shell casings found at crime scenes.

Description: Requires all law enforcement to report information regarding certain firearms to the National Crime Information Center; further requires law enforcement to test-fire seized firearms and submit the resulting ballistics information to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network and to also submit to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network ballistics information regarding spent shell casings found at crime scenes.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the revocation and suspension of licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.

Description: Relates to the revocation and suspension of licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.

Description: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.

Last Action: print number 1589a

Last Action Date: January 22, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires all motor vehicles transporting five or more weapons or ammunition for five or more weapons to have a separate storage area secured by padlock or combination lock and all such weapons and ammunition to be so secured when being transported and imposes a fine of at least $1,000 and not more than $5,000 for violation.

Description: Requires all motor vehicles transporting five or more weapons or ammunition for five or more weapons to have a separate storage area secured by padlock or combination lock and all such weapons and ammunition to be so secured when being transported and imposes a fine of at least $1,000 and not more than $5,000 for violation.

Last Action: referred to transportation

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm.

Description: Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Provides that a license to possess a pistol or revolver shall permit the licensee to carry such weapon concealed.

Description: Provides that a license to possess a pistol or revolver shall permit the licensee to carry such weapon concealed.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to designating every government entity which issues licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms as participating agencies for voter registration form distribution and assistance.

Description: Relates to designating every government entity which issues licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms as participating agencies for voter registration form distribution and assistance.

Last Action: held for consideration in election law

Last Action Date: July 14, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Description: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Last Action: substituted by s101a

Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons; class E felony.

Description: Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons; class E felony.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to establishing a database of denied firearms purchase and transfer applications, establishing a victim notification system and exemptions from public inspection and copying under the freedom of information law.

Description: Relates to establishing a database of denied firearms purchase and transfer applications, establishing a victim notification system and exemptions from public inspection and copying under the freedom of information law.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Allows security guards licensed as armed security guards and licensed private investigators to possess high capacity magazines.

Description: Allows security guards licensed as armed security guards and licensed private investigators to possess high capacity magazines.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state public protection and general government budget for the 2019-2020 state fiscal year; relates to the protection of the personal privacy of public employees (Part E); extends the authorization for public arbitration panels (Part F); creates a class one reassessment exemption in a special assessing unit that is not a city (Part J); extends certain provisions related to opportunities for service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises (Part L); extends certain provisions relating to expanding the geographic area of employment of certain police officers, prisoner furloughs in certain cases and the crime of absconding therefrom, inmate work release, certain appropriations made by chapter 50 of the laws of 1994 enacting the state operations budget, the incarceration fee, merging the department of correctional services and division of parole into the department of corrections and community supervision, prison and jail housing and alternatives to detention and incarceration programs, the ignition interlock device program, the use of closed-circuit television and other protective measures for certain child witnesses, electronic court appearance in certain counties, enacting the interstate compact for adult offender supervision, limiting the closing of certain correctional facilities, providing for the custody by the department of correctional services of inmates serving definite sentences, providing for custody of federal prisoners and requiring the closing of certain correctional facilities, military funds of the organized militia, providing for community treatment facilities and establishing the crime of absconding from the community treatment facility, pre-criminal proceeding settlements in the city of New York, the psychological testing of correctional candidates, and other provisions relating thereto (Part O); relates to the admissibility of a victim's sexual conduct in a sex offense (Part R); extends the workers' compensation board's authority to resolve medical bill disputes and simplify the process (Part CC); increases certain court fees and increases the amount of such fees which are deposited in the indigent legal services fund (Part DD); authorizes the alienation of certain parklands in the town of Hastings, county of Oswego (Part FF); authorizes the use of centralized services by public authorities and public benefit corporations to acquire energy products as a centralized service from the office of general services; extends certain provisions relating to authorizing the aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies, institutions, local governments, public authorities and public benefit corporations; and amends the effectiveness of certain provisions providing centralized service to political subdivisions and the authority of the commissioner of general services to aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies and political subdivisions (Part GG); increases the maximum contract amount during construction emergencies to $1,500,000 and extends provisions relating to value limitations on contracts to June 30, 2022 (Part HH); removes unnecessary barriers to reentry of people with criminal histories into society; relates to licensing consideration for check cashers (Subpart A); relates to eligibility for serving on a New York city community district education council and city wide council (Subpart B); relates to licensing consideration for bingo suppliers (Subpart C); relates to licensing consideration for notary publics (Subpart D); relates to licensing considerations for suppliers of games of chance, for games of chance licensees, for bingo licensees, and for lessors of premises to bingo licensees (Subpart E); relates to licensing considerations for insurer adjusters and for employment with insurance adjusters (Subpart F); relates to licensing considerations for real estate brokers or real estate salesmen (Subpart G); relates to participation as employer in subsidized employer programs (Subpart H); relates to eligibility for employment by a driver's school (Subpart I); relates to a certificate of relief from a disability and repeals certain provisions of the vehicle and traffic law, relating to mandatory suspension of drivers' licenses for certain offenses (Subpart J); prohibits disclosure of law enforcement booking information and photographs (Subpart K); relates to exclusion of undisposed cases from criminal history record searches (Subpart L); directs the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services to seal certain records of any action or proceeding terminated in favor of the accused or convictions for certain traffic violations; and relates to certain reports of criminal history record searches (Subpart M); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart N); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart O)(Part II); relates to shock incarceration (Part KK); reduces certain sentences of imprisonment for misdemeanors to three hundred sixty-four days (Part OO); restricts forfeiture actions and creates greater accountability for seized assets; creates an asset forfeiture escrow fund; relates to reporting certain demographic information (Part PP); relates to requiring reports on the use of force (Part RR); authorizes the Suffolk county clerk to charge a block fee (Part SS); relates to the closure of correctional facilities; and provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof (Part TT); makes provisions permanent relating to notice of foreclosure and mandatory settlement conferences in residential foreclosure actions (Part VV); includes felony drug offender sentences as eligible for a reduced sentence in certain circumstances where such offender was a victim of domestic violence (Part WW); authorizes computer generated registration lists; relates to the list of supplies to be delivered to poll sites (Part XX); relates to time allowed for employees to vote (Part YY); requires the establishment and regular updating of a model law enforcement use of force policy suitable for adoption by any agency that employs police or peace officers (Part ZZ); prohibits certain loans to be made to candidates or political committees (Part AAA); provides uniform polling hours during primary elections (Part BBB); establishes the voter enfranchisement modernization act (Part CCC).

Description: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state public protection and general government budget for the 2019-2020 state fiscal year; relates to the protection of the personal privacy of public employees (Part E); extends the authorization for public arbitration panels (Part F); creates a class one reassessment exemption in a special assessing unit that is not a city (Part J); extends certain provisions related to opportunities for service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises (Part L); extends certain provisions relating to expanding the geographic area of employment of certain police officers, prisoner furloughs in certain cases and the crime of absconding therefrom, inmate work release, certain appropriations made by chapter 50 of the laws of 1994 enacting the state operations budget, the incarceration fee, merging the department of correctional services and division of parole into the department of corrections and community supervision, prison and jail housing and alternatives to detention and incarceration programs, the ignition interlock device program, the use of closed-circuit television and other protective measures for certain child witnesses, electronic court appearance in certain counties, enacting the interstate compact for adult offender supervision, limiting the closing of certain correctional facilities, providing for the custody by the department of correctional services of inmates serving definite sentences, providing for custody of federal prisoners and requiring the closing of certain correctional facilities, military funds of the organized militia, providing for community treatment facilities and establishing the crime of absconding from the community treatment facility, pre-criminal proceeding settlements in the city of New York, the psychological testing of correctional candidates, and other provisions relating thereto (Part O); relates to the admissibility of a victim's sexual conduct in a sex offense (Part R); extends the workers' compensation board's authority to resolve medical bill disputes and simplify the process (Part CC); increases certain court fees and increases the amount of such fees which are deposited in the indigent legal services fund (Part DD); authorizes the alienation of certain parklands in the town of Hastings, county of Oswego (Part FF); authorizes the use of centralized services by public authorities and public benefit corporations to acquire energy products as a centralized service from the office of general services; extends certain provisions relating to authorizing the aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies, institutions, local governments, public authorities and public benefit corporations; and amends the effectiveness of certain provisions providing centralized service to political subdivisions and the authority of the commissioner of general services to aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies and political subdivisions (Part GG); increases the maximum contract amount during construction emergencies to $1,500,000 and extends provisions relating to value limitations on contracts to June 30, 2022 (Part HH); removes unnecessary barriers to reentry of people with criminal histories into society; relates to licensing consideration for check cashers (Subpart A); relates to eligibility for serving on a New York city community district education council and city wide council (Subpart B); relates to licensing consideration for bingo suppliers (Subpart C); relates to licensing consideration for notary publics (Subpart D); relates to licensing considerations for suppliers of games of chance, for games of chance licensees, for bingo licensees, and for lessors of premises to bingo licensees (Subpart E); relates to licensing considerations for insurer adjusters and for employment with insurance adjusters (Subpart F); relates to licensing considerations for real estate brokers or real estate salesmen (Subpart G); relates to participation as employer in subsidized employer programs (Subpart H); relates to eligibility for employment by a driver's school (Subpart I); relates to a certificate of relief from a disability and repeals certain provisions of the vehicle and traffic law, relating to mandatory suspension of drivers' licenses for certain offenses (Subpart J); prohibits disclosure of law enforcement booking information and photographs (Subpart K); relates to exclusion of undisposed cases from criminal history record searches (Subpart L); directs the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services to seal certain records of any action or proceeding terminated in favor of the accused or convictions for certain traffic violations; and relates to certain reports of criminal history record searches (Subpart M); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart N); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart O)(Part II); relates to shock incarceration (Part KK); reduces certain sentences of imprisonment for misdemeanors to three hundred sixty-four days (Part OO); restricts forfeiture actions and creates greater accountability for seized assets; creates an asset forfeiture escrow fund; relates to reporting certain demographic information (Part PP); relates to requiring reports on the use of force (Part RR); authorizes the Suffolk county clerk to charge a block fee (Part SS); relates to the closure of correctional facilities; and provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof (Part TT); makes provisions permanent relating to notice of foreclosure and mandatory settlement conferences in residential foreclosure actions (Part VV); includes felony drug offender sentences as eligible for a reduced sentence in certain circumstances where such offender was a victim of domestic violence (Part WW); authorizes computer generated registration lists; relates to the list of supplies to be delivered to poll sites (Part XX); relates to time allowed for employees to vote (Part YY); requires the establishment and regular updating of a model law enforcement use of force policy suitable for adoption by any agency that employs police or peace officers (Part ZZ); prohibits certain loans to be made to candidates or political committees (Part AAA); provides uniform polling hours during primary elections (Part BBB); establishes the voter enfranchisement modernization act (Part CCC).

Last Action: substituted by s1505c

Last Action Date: March 31, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts the "firearms and tobacco divestment act"; requires the comptroller to divest from firearm and tobacco product manufacturers.

Description: Enacts the "firearms and tobacco divestment act"; requires the comptroller to divest from firearm and tobacco product manufacturers.

Last Action: referred to governmental employees

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to establishing the civil rights restoration act and amends provisions of law regarding firearm licenses and destruction of firearms; exempts certain individuals from providing photographs in order to obtain a firearm license; expands the definition of immediate family.

Description: Relates to establishing the civil rights restoration act and amends provisions of law regarding firearm licenses and destruction of firearms; exempts certain individuals from providing photographs in order to obtain a firearm license; expands the definition of immediate family.

Last Action: held for consideration in judiciary

Last Action Date: July 14, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Imposes civil penalties for the improper disposition of a firearm.

Description: Imposes civil penalties for the improper disposition of a firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by private investigators, bail enforcement agents, watch, guard, or patrol agency employees, security guards and armored car guards in pursuit of their official duties or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.

Description: Authorizes possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by private investigators, bail enforcement agents, watch, guard, or patrol agency employees, security guards and armored car guards in pursuit of their official duties or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Implements the effective background check act of 2018; requires background checks for employees who would be authorized to possess or transfer firearms.

Description: Implements the effective background check act of 2018; requires background checks for employees who would be authorized to possess or transfer firearms.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Provides a 25% tax credit against personal income taxes for the purchase of gun safety equipment up to $500.

Description: Provides a 25% tax credit against personal income taxes for the purchase of gun safety equipment up to $500.

Last Action: referred to ways and means

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to manufacturers reporting the sale or distribution of firearms to the department of criminal justice services.

Description: Relates to manufacturers reporting the sale or distribution of firearms to the department of criminal justice services.

Last Action: print number 2486a

Last Action Date: January 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Clarifies that licenses to carry firearms may be issued to non-resident individuals.

Description: Clarifies that licenses to carry firearms may be issued to non-resident individuals.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to requiring all firearms manufactured, crafted or built by private individuals to have an identifying serial number.

Description: Relates to requiring all firearms manufactured, crafted or built by private individuals to have an identifying serial number.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits persons from having or possessing a firearm, including, but not limited to, a pistol, revolver, and a "sawed-off" shotgun or rifle unless he has successfully completed a firearm proficiency examination, the standards for which are to be prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of the division of the state police; exempts police officers and retired police officers.

Description: Prohibits persons from having or possessing a firearm, including, but not limited to, a pistol, revolver, and a "sawed-off" shotgun or rifle unless he has successfully completed a firearm proficiency examination, the standards for which are to be prepared by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of the division of the state police; exempts police officers and retired police officers.

Last Action: enacting clause stricken

Last Action Date: July 14, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to defining and prohibiting an accessory to accelerate the firing rate of a semiautomatic weapon.

Description: Relates to defining and prohibiting an accessory to accelerate the firing rate of a semiautomatic weapon.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Categorizes hate crimes as serious offenses in relation to possession of firearms.

Description: Categorizes hate crimes as serious offenses in relation to possession of firearms.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Requires a recent psychiatric evaluation of a petitioner seeking relief from firearms disabilities.

Description: Requires a recent psychiatric evaluation of a petitioner seeking relief from firearms disabilities.

Last Action: referred to judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of rapid-fire modification devices.

Description: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of rapid-fire modification devices.

Last Action: substituted by s2448

Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the municipal gun buyback program by the division of state police for the voluntary return of guns; establishes the municipal gun buyback program fund to fund the program.

Description: Establishes the municipal gun buyback program by the division of state police for the voluntary return of guns; establishes the municipal gun buyback program fund to fund the program.

Last Action: substituted by s2449

Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Amends provisions relating to requirements for the safe storage of rifles, shotguns and firearms; requires sellers to provide notice of the duty to use gun locking devices and otherwise lock guns away from children and other persons not authorized to possess them.

Description: Amends provisions relating to requirements for the safe storage of rifles, shotguns and firearms; requires sellers to provide notice of the duty to use gun locking devices and otherwise lock guns away from children and other persons not authorized to possess them.

Last Action: substituted by s2450a

Last Action Date: March 4, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Description: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Last Action: substituted by s2451

Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a waiting period before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person; requires either the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or its successor has issued a "proceed" response to the licensee, or thirty calendar days have elapsed since the date the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer contacted NICS to initiate a national instant criminal background check and NICS has not notified the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer that the transfer of the firearm, rifle or shotgun to such person should be denied.

Description: Establishes a waiting period before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person; requires either the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or its successor has issued a "proceed" response to the licensee, or thirty calendar days have elapsed since the date the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer contacted NICS to initiate a national instant criminal background check and NICS has not notified the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer that the transfer of the firearm, rifle or shotgun to such person should be denied.

Last Action: substituted by s2374

Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance in an amount not less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars.

Description: Requires owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance in an amount not less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars.

Last Action: referred to insurance

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund; makes an appropriation therefor.

Description: Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund; makes an appropriation therefor.

Last Action: referred to higher education

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Permits security guard companies, employing ten or more guards who are each holders of a duly issued, current special armed guard registration card, to perform security related work in the city of New York by armed guards without obtaining a New York city firearms special permit.

Description: Permits security guard companies, employing ten or more guards who are each holders of a duly issued, current special armed guard registration card, to perform security related work in the city of New York by armed guards without obtaining a New York city firearms special permit.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a legal procedure to obtain a serial number or other mark of identification from the division of state police prior to the assembly of firearms, and provides for the creation of the dealers' record of sale account to fund such activities by the division of state police and the gun violence family relief fund to provide assistance to the victims of gun violence and their families.

Description: Establishes a legal procedure to obtain a serial number or other mark of identification from the division of state police prior to the assembly of firearms, and provides for the creation of the dealers' record of sale account to fund such activities by the division of state police and the gun violence family relief fund to provide assistance to the victims of gun violence and their families.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts the "handgun trigger safety act" which creates a fund to develop personalized handgun technology; requires that all handguns manufactured in the state of New York have personalized handgun technology within five years and all handguns be retrofitted within ten years.

Description: Enacts the "handgun trigger safety act" which creates a fund to develop personalized handgun technology; requires that all handguns manufactured in the state of New York have personalized handgun technology within five years and all handguns be retrofitted within ten years.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession of concealed firearms in any national park or national wildlife refuge system; imposes a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for a violation thereof.

Description: Prohibits the possession of concealed firearms in any national park or national wildlife refuge system; imposes a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for a violation thereof.

Last Action: referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits using toxic ammunition in the taking of wildlife; allows any federally approved nontoxic ammunition in the taking wildlife.

Description: Prohibits using toxic ammunition in the taking of wildlife; allows any federally approved nontoxic ammunition in the taking wildlife.

Last Action: referred to environmental conservation

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the ammunition coding system database fund.

Description: Establishes a statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the ammunition coding system database fund.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the no-gun database under the division of criminal justice services.

Description: Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the no-gun database under the division of criminal justice services.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Exempts from disclosure, under the freedom of information law, the issuance of pistol permits to active and retired police officers, peace officers and correction officers.

Description: Exempts from disclosure, under the freedom of information law, the issuance of pistol permits to active and retired police officers, peace officers and correction officers.

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the sale of handgun ammunition to any person unless the person can produce proof of a firearm license; defines "ammunition"; imposes a civil penalty of between $500 and $1,000 for each violation.

Description: Prohibits the sale of handgun ammunition to any person unless the person can produce proof of a firearm license; defines "ammunition"; imposes a civil penalty of between $500 and $1,000 for each violation.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Makes it a class B felony to be a straw purchaser for firearms or to allow the use of your firearm in the commission of a class A or B felony.

Description: Makes it a class B felony to be a straw purchaser for firearms or to allow the use of your firearm in the commission of a class A or B felony.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t); establishes the background check fund.

Description: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t); establishes the background check fund.

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes retired police officers to apply for a firearms license that is valid throughout the state.

Description: Authorizes retired police officers to apply for a firearms license that is valid throughout the state.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Allows individuals, duly licensed out-of-state to carry a pistol or firearm, authority to carry such weapon within New York state for a limited duration with proper documentation.

Description: Allows individuals, duly licensed out-of-state to carry a pistol or firearm, authority to carry such weapon within New York state for a limited duration with proper documentation.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to the suspension and revocation of a license to carry firearms; relates to the applicability of certain provisions of the penal law, large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and gun licenses; relates to effectiveness of certain provisions of the NY SAFE Act relating to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses, private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles or shotguns; establishes a minimum age to possess a firearm; repeals various other provisions of law relating to the NY SAFE Act.

Description: Relates to the suspension and revocation of a license to carry firearms; relates to the applicability of certain provisions of the penal law, large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and gun licenses; relates to effectiveness of certain provisions of the NY SAFE Act relating to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses, private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles or shotguns; establishes a minimum age to possess a firearm; repeals various other provisions of law relating to the NY SAFE Act.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to adding the Orange county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer.

Description: Relates to adding the Orange county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes the possession of certain antique rifles and their modern day replicas.

Description: Authorizes the possession of certain antique rifles and their modern day replicas.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Makes possession and sale of armor piercing ammunition a class B felony; includes exchanging and disposing of armor piercing ammunition.

Description: Makes possession and sale of armor piercing ammunition a class B felony; includes exchanging and disposing of armor piercing ammunition.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

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Title: Provides that large capacity ammunition devices shall only include those devices which hold more than 10 rounds.

Description: Provides that large capacity ammunition devices shall only include those devices which hold more than 10 rounds.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to the definition of assault weapons; removes certain characteristics from the definition of assault weapons.

Description: Relates to the definition of assault weapons; removes certain characteristics from the definition of assault weapons.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment or possession of an undetectable knife.

Description: Prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment or possession of an undetectable knife.

Last Action: substituted by s4202

Last Action Date: June 20, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to liability for the manufacture, sale, leasing or other disposition of ammunition feeding devices and compensation for damages.

Description: Relates to liability for the manufacture, sale, leasing or other disposition of ammunition feeding devices and compensation for damages.

Last Action: referred to judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to adding St. Lawrence county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer as well as judges or justices of a court of record having an office in the county of St. Lawrence.

Description: Relates to adding St. Lawrence county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer as well as judges or justices of a court of record having an office in the county of St. Lawrence.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to pistol permit applications for military personnel; requires the licensing officer to act on an application for any member of the active or reserve component of the armed forces within 90 days of presentment.

Description: Relates to pistol permit applications for military personnel; requires the licensing officer to act on an application for any member of the active or reserve component of the armed forces within 90 days of presentment.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Prohibits individuals adjudicated as youthful offenders for any offense listed under article one hundred twenty-five of the penal law, from possessing firearms, rifles and shotguns.

Description: Prohibits individuals adjudicated as youthful offenders for any offense listed under article one hundred twenty-five of the penal law, from possessing firearms, rifles and shotguns.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to licenses to carry and possess firearms for police officers; authorizes police officers to apply for a firearms license that is valid throughout the state.

Description: Relates to licenses to carry and possess firearms for police officers; authorizes police officers to apply for a firearms license that is valid throughout the state.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Description: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Clarifies that military members are authorized to possess large capacity feeding devices and other banned weapons when acting in their official military capacity.

Description: Clarifies that military members are authorized to possess large capacity feeding devices and other banned weapons when acting in their official military capacity.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to exempting military personnel from the large capacity ammunition feeding device ban.

Description: Relates to exempting military personnel from the large capacity ammunition feeding device ban.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provisions of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.

Description: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provisions of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes a person to pass his or her guns to an immediate family member through his or her estate.

Description: Authorizes a person to pass his or her guns to an immediate family member through his or her estate.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to the recertification process for firearms.

Description: Relates to the recertification process for firearms.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms.

Description: Relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Expands the definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms.

Description: Expands the definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law.

Description: Exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the carrying of service-issued firearms by military personnel at recruiting centers while on duty.

Description: Authorizes the carrying of service-issued firearms by military personnel at recruiting centers while on duty.

Last Action: held for consideration in governmental operations

Last Action Date: February 25, 2020

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Title: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2020.

Description: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2020.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses; private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles or shotguns and establishing a minimum age to possess a firearm relating to gun control.

Description: Relates to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses; private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles or shotguns and establishing a minimum age to possess a firearm relating to gun control.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Repeals provisions relating to the definition of an assault weapon.

Description: Repeals provisions relating to the definition of an assault weapon.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to removing the maximum age limit for firearms instruction exemptions; removes upper age limits of sixteen and twenty-one.

Description: Relates to removing the maximum age limit for firearms instruction exemptions; removes upper age limits of sixteen and twenty-one.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family.

Description: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Description: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes amendments to a license to carry or possess a firearm to be made by the filing officers or county clerk of each county, unless otherwise specified through resolution of the county's legislative body.

Description: Authorizes amendments to a license to carry or possess a firearm to be made by the filing officers or county clerk of each county, unless otherwise specified through resolution of the county's legislative body.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Provides for the labeling of all shipments of firearms, and shipments of shotguns and rifles in jurisdictions which require a permit or license to possess a rifle or shotgun; provides for manifests for transportation thereof, notice to the superintendent of state police, transporters to know what they are transporting when reasonably possible, and for postponement of delivery pending police investigation.

Description: Provides for the labeling of all shipments of firearms, and shipments of shotguns and rifles in jurisdictions which require a permit or license to possess a rifle or shotgun; provides for manifests for transportation thereof, notice to the superintendent of state police, transporters to know what they are transporting when reasonably possible, and for postponement of delivery pending police investigation.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession of a gun or non-folding knife while upon the premises of a governmental chamber or at a public hearing of the state or any political subdivision thereof; such violation shall constitute a class E felony; exempts police officers and security personnel.

Description: Prohibits the possession of a gun or non-folding knife while upon the premises of a governmental chamber or at a public hearing of the state or any political subdivision thereof; such violation shall constitute a class E felony; exempts police officers and security personnel.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Limits the application of the "safe act" to the counties of Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York and Bronx.

Description: Limits the application of the "safe act" to the counties of Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York and Bronx.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Increases the types of firearms that are to be included in the firearm ballistic identification databank.

Description: Increases the types of firearms that are to be included in the firearm ballistic identification databank.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

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Title: Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons.

Description: Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons.

Last Action: approval memo.2

Last Action Date: May 30, 2019

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Title: Makes it a class B violent felony to fire a gun into a crowded space with the intent to harm or absent the intent to harm when such an act creates a great risk of death to one or more people within the crowded space; establishes the crime of criminal use of weapons; firing into a crowded space.

Description: Makes it a class B violent felony to fire a gun into a crowded space with the intent to harm or absent the intent to harm when such an act creates a great risk of death to one or more people within the crowded space; establishes the crime of criminal use of weapons; firing into a crowded space.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

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Title: Relates to granting dealers in firearms access to the New York Statewide Police Information Network to allow law enforcement the opportunity to question persons that attempt to sell stolen firearms.

Description: Relates to granting dealers in firearms access to the New York Statewide Police Information Network to allow law enforcement the opportunity to question persons that attempt to sell stolen firearms.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Categorizes hate crimes as serious offenses in relation to possession of firearms.

Description: Categorizes hate crimes as serious offenses in relation to possession of firearms.

Last Action: print number 6263a

Last Action Date: January 30, 2020

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Title: Relates to the unlawful wearing of a body vest.

Description: Relates to the unlawful wearing of a body vest.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

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Title: Creates the New York state school resource officer program for school districts outside of New York City; requires retired police officers be certified by the department of education to become school resource officers; allows retired police officers employed as school resource officers to carry a firearm on school grounds given an appropriate license; relates to the earnings limitations for retired police officers employed as a school resource officer.

Description: Creates the New York state school resource officer program for school districts outside of New York City; requires retired police officers be certified by the department of education to become school resource officers; allows retired police officers employed as school resource officers to carry a firearm on school grounds given an appropriate license; relates to the earnings limitations for retired police officers employed as a school resource officer.

Last Action: print number 6456b

Last Action Date: January 9, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires gunsmiths and firearms dealers to implement a plan for securing firearms, rifles and shotguns, including those transported in interstate commerce with the following minimum requirements for such security plan: display cases must be locked at all times; firearms, rifles and shotguns must be secured in a locked fireproof safe or vault in the licensed premises or in a similar secured and locked area; and ammunition must be stored and secured separately from the firearms, rifles and shotguns, and out of reach of the customers.

Description: Requires gunsmiths and firearms dealers to implement a plan for securing firearms, rifles and shotguns, including those transported in interstate commerce with the following minimum requirements for such security plan: display cases must be locked at all times; firearms, rifles and shotguns must be secured in a locked fireproof safe or vault in the licensed premises or in a similar secured and locked area; and ammunition must be stored and secured separately from the firearms, rifles and shotguns, and out of reach of the customers.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to persons designated as peace officers and the authority of such peace officers to carry, possess, repair, or dispose of a firearm without an appropriate license.

Description: Relates to persons designated as peace officers and the authority of such peace officers to carry, possess, repair, or dispose of a firearm without an appropriate license.

Last Action: enacting clause stricken

Last Action Date: March 25, 2019

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Title: Provides that the possession of any disguised knife shall be a class A misdemeanor of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree; defines the term "disguised knife".

Description: Provides that the possession of any disguised knife shall be a class A misdemeanor of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree; defines the term "disguised knife".

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

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Title: Raises the level of certain criminal possession and criminal sale of weapons crimes if they are committed on school grounds; defines "school grounds" as in or on or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground or land contained within the real property boundary line of a public or private elementary, parochial, intermediate, junior high, vocational, or high school, or any area accessible to the public located within one thousand feet of the real property boundary line comprising any such school or any parked automobile or other parked vehicle located within one thousand feet of the real property boundary line comprising any such school; defines "area accessible to the public".

Description: Raises the level of certain criminal possession and criminal sale of weapons crimes if they are committed on school grounds; defines "school grounds" as in or on or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground or land contained within the real property boundary line of a public or private elementary, parochial, intermediate, junior high, vocational, or high school, or any area accessible to the public located within one thousand feet of the real property boundary line comprising any such school or any parked automobile or other parked vehicle located within one thousand feet of the real property boundary line comprising any such school; defines "area accessible to the public".

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the protection of victims of domestic violence act, which requires defendants to wear global positioning systems monitoring the location of the defendant.

Description: Relates to the protection of victims of domestic violence act, which requires defendants to wear global positioning systems monitoring the location of the defendant.

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

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Title: Authorizes active or inactive members of the military to be eligible for a firearms license upon providing evidence of completion of firearms training while serving in the military and provides that such applications shall be acted upon within thirty days of submission.

Description: Authorizes active or inactive members of the military to be eligible for a firearms license upon providing evidence of completion of firearms training while serving in the military and provides that such applications shall be acted upon within thirty days of submission.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: July 17, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Clarifies the definition of imitation weapons.

Description: Clarifies the definition of imitation weapons.

Last Action: referred to consumer affairs and protection

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requires five public hearings to be conducted by the senate and assembly codes committees prior to the passage of any legislation relating to gun control.

Description: Requires five public hearings to be conducted by the senate and assembly codes committees prior to the passage of any legislation relating to gun control.

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to notification of rights of victims of domestic violence in criminal and family court proceedings.

Description: Relates to notification of rights of victims of domestic violence in criminal and family court proceedings.

Last Action: signed chap.663

Last Action Date: December 16, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.

Description: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a special fee on firearms, rifles and shotguns; establishes the gun violence research fund.

Description: Establishes a special fee on firearms, rifles and shotguns; establishes the gun violence research fund.

Last Action: referred to ways and means

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Grants access to local and state law enforcement of records of applications for licenses of firearms.

Description: Grants access to local and state law enforcement of records of applications for licenses of firearms.

Last Action: substituted by s6160

Last Action Date: June 18, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the transport of pistols or revolvers by licensees.

Description: Relates to the transport of pistols or revolvers by licensees.

Last Action: signed chap.104

Last Action Date: July 16, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.

Description: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prohibits retaliating against an employee who uses a firearm, for which the employee has a conceal carry permit, in self-defense in the course of employment on a perpetrator during the course of a crime.

Description: Prohibits retaliating against an employee who uses a firearm, for which the employee has a conceal carry permit, in self-defense in the course of employment on a perpetrator during the course of a crime.

Last Action: held for consideration in labor

Last Action Date: July 15, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Description: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Last Action: substituted by s6196

Last Action Date: June 17, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Provides for an exception to firearm storage requirements related to persons less than sixteen years old when such person less than sixteen years old is at a shooting range under immediate supervision, or when such person less than sixteen years old is the holder of a hunting license or permit.

Description: Provides for an exception to firearm storage requirements related to persons less than sixteen years old when such person less than sixteen years old is at a shooting range under immediate supervision, or when such person less than sixteen years old is the holder of a hunting license or permit.

Last Action: signed chap.133

Last Action Date: July 30, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the unlawful wearing of a body vest; provides that a person is guilty of the unlawful wearing of a body vest when he or she commits a certain misdemeanor or felony and in the course of and in furtherance of such crime he wears a body vest.

Description: Relates to the unlawful wearing of a body vest; provides that a person is guilty of the unlawful wearing of a body vest when he or she commits a certain misdemeanor or felony and in the course of and in furtherance of such crime he wears a body vest.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to adding ammunition to the list of prohibited items to purchase or dispose of after certain convictions.

Description: Relates to adding ammunition to the list of prohibited items to purchase or dispose of after certain convictions.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to unfinished frames and receivers; establishes the crime of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver.

Description: Relates to unfinished frames and receivers; establishes the crime of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires sales of unfinished frames or receivers to be conducted through a licensed gun dealer and receive a serial number.

Description: Requires sales of unfinished frames or receivers to be conducted through a licensed gun dealer and receive a serial number.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to establishing the civil rights restoration act and amends provisions of law regarding firearm licenses and destruction of firearms; exempts certain individuals from providing photographs in order to obtain a firearm license; expands the definition of immediate family.

Description: Relates to establishing the civil rights restoration act and amends provisions of law regarding firearm licenses and destruction of firearms; exempts certain individuals from providing photographs in order to obtain a firearm license; expands the definition of immediate family.

Last Action: referred to judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to defining and prohibiting an accessory to accelerate the firing rate of a semiautomatic weapon.

Description: Relates to defining and prohibiting an accessory to accelerate the firing rate of a semiautomatic weapon.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 8, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires firearms manufacturers to include global positioning system technology to allow a stolen firearm to be tracked.

Description: Requires firearms manufacturers to include global positioning system technology to allow a stolen firearm to be tracked.

Last Action: referred to consumer affairs and protection

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun and establishes procedures for the application, administration, and expiration or termination of such protection orders.

Description: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun and establishes procedures for the application, administration, and expiration or termination of such protection orders.


Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Provides a 25% tax credit against personal income taxes for the purchase of gun safety equipment up to $500.

Description: Provides a 25% tax credit against personal income taxes for the purchase of gun safety equipment up to $500.

Last Action: referred to ways and means

Last Action Date: January 10, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to establishing a database of denied firearms purchase and transfer applications, establishing a victim notification system and exemptions from public inspection and copying under the freedom of information law.

Description: Relates to establishing a database of denied firearms purchase and transfer applications, establishing a victim notification system and exemptions from public inspection and copying under the freedom of information law.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 18, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Implements the effective background check act of 2018; requires background checks for employees who would be authorized to possess or transfer firearms.

Description: Implements the effective background check act of 2018; requires background checks for employees who would be authorized to possess or transfer firearms.

Last Action: reported referred to rules

Last Action Date: June 18, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to recertification of firearm licenses.

Description: Relates to recertification of firearm licenses.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: June 5, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Authorizes possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by private investigators, bail enforcement agents, watch, guard, or patrol agency employees, security guards and armored car guards in pursuit of their official duties or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.

Description: Authorizes possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by private investigators, bail enforcement agents, watch, guard, or patrol agency employees, security guards and armored car guards in pursuit of their official duties or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: June 5, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2019.

Description: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2019.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: June 5, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Extends the period of time for an initial firearm license recertification two months to March 31, 2018.

Description: Extends the period of time for an initial firearm license recertification two months to March 31, 2018.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: January 30, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm.

Description: Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: February 2, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to designating every government entity which issues licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms as participating agencies for voter registration form distribution and assistance.

Description: Relates to designating every government entity which issues licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms as participating agencies for voter registration form distribution and assistance.

Last Action: referred to election law

Last Action Date: February 2, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to removing the maximum age limit for firearms instruction exemptions; removes upper age limits of sixteen and twenty-one.

Description: Relates to removing the maximum age limit for firearms instruction exemptions; removes upper age limits of sixteen and twenty-one.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: June 5, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Description: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Last Action: held for consideration in codes

Last Action Date: June 5, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of trigger modification devices; exemptions.

Description: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of trigger modification devices; exemptions.


Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.

Description: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.


Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Description: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Last Action: enacting clause stricken

Last Action Date: April 30, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to limitations on investments of public pension funds; prohibits investment and requires divestment of any stocks, debt or other securities of any company engaged in the manufacture of firearms or ammunition.

Description: Relates to limitations on investments of public pension funds; prohibits investment and requires divestment of any stocks, debt or other securities of any company engaged in the manufacture of firearms or ammunition.

Last Action: referred to governmental employees

Last Action Date: March 8, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t).

Description: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t).

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: March 8, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to prohibiting firearms as prizes in any game of chance.

Description: Relates to prohibiting firearms as prizes in any game of chance.

Last Action: referred to racing and wagering

Last Action Date: March 14, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the definition of serious offense and felony offenses against animals for purposes of possession of a firearm.

Description: Relates to the definition of serious offense and felony offenses against animals for purposes of possession of a firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: March 22, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.

Description: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: March 27, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the possession of weapons by domestic violence offenders.

Description: Relates to the possession of weapons by domestic violence offenders.

Last Action: substituted by s8121

Last Action Date: March 30, 2018

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Repeals provisions relating to the definition of an assault weapon.

Description: Repeals provisions relating to the definition of an assault weapon.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family.

Description: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provision of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.

Description: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provision of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to adding the Orange county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer.

Description: Relates to adding the Orange county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes, in the county of Chautauqua, the possession of a pistol or revolver while attending a firearms familiarity, safety, loading and firing course conducted by a law enforcement agency.

Description: Authorizes, in the county of Chautauqua, the possession of a pistol or revolver while attending a firearms familiarity, safety, loading and firing course conducted by a law enforcement agency.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Expands the definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms.

Description: Expands the definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts the "firearms and tobacco divestment act"; requires the comptroller to divest from firearm and tobacco product manufacturers.

Description: Enacts the "firearms and tobacco divestment act"; requires the comptroller to divest from firearm and tobacco product manufacturers.

Last Action: referred to governmental employees

Last Action Date: April 19, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.

Description: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: April 20, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes that public schools shall prohibit marksmanship and/or shooting programs.

Description: Establishes that public schools shall prohibit marksmanship and/or shooting programs.

Last Action: referred to education

Last Action Date: April 20, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to possession of ammunition by domestic violence offenders.

Description: Relates to possession of ammunition by domestic violence offenders.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: May 17, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts the "handgun trigger safety act" which creates a fund to develop personalized handgun technology; requires that all handguns manufactured in the state of New York have personalized handgun technology within five years and all handguns be retrofitted within ten years.

Description: Enacts the "handgun trigger safety act" which creates a fund to develop personalized handgun technology; requires that all handguns manufactured in the state of New York have personalized handgun technology within five years and all handguns be retrofitted within ten years.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: May 29, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to granting dealers in firearms access to the New York Statewide Police Information Network to allow law enforcement the opportunity to question persons that attempt to sell stolen firearms.

Description: Relates to granting dealers in firearms access to the New York Statewide Police Information Network to allow law enforcement the opportunity to question persons that attempt to sell stolen firearms.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: May 29, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Description: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.


Last Action Date: June 13, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a ten day waiting period from contact of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person.

Description: Establishes a ten day waiting period from contact of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: July 25, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires all law enforcement to report information regarding certain firearms to the National Crime Information Center; further requires law enforcement to test-fire seized firearms and submit the resulting ballistics information to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network and to also submit to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network ballistics information regarding spent shell casings found at crime scenes.

Description: Requires all law enforcement to report information regarding certain firearms to the National Crime Information Center; further requires law enforcement to test-fire seized firearms and submit the resulting ballistics information to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network and to also submit to the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network ballistics information regarding spent shell casings found at crime scenes.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: September 19, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to eliminating the default proceed firearm loophole by requiring a "proceed" response from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System before a licensee delivers a firearm to any person.

Description: Relates to eliminating the default proceed firearm loophole by requiring a "proceed" response from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System before a licensee delivers a firearm to any person.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: September 19, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a legal procedure to obtain a serial number or other mark of identification from the division of state police prior to the assembly of firearms, and provides for the creation of the dealers' record of sale account to fund such activities by the division of state police and the gun violence family relief fund to provide assistance to the victims of gun violence and their families.

Description: Establishes a legal procedure to obtain a serial number or other mark of identification from the division of state police prior to the assembly of firearms, and provides for the creation of the dealers' record of sale account to fund such activities by the division of state police and the gun violence family relief fund to provide assistance to the victims of gun violence and their families.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: September 19, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Description: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: October 19, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Clarifies the definition of imitation weapons.

Description: Clarifies the definition of imitation weapons.

Last Action: referred to consumer affairs and protection

Last Action Date: July 21, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Makes possession and sale of armor piercing ammunition a class B felony; includes exchanging and disposing of armor piercing ammunition.

Description: Makes possession and sale of armor piercing ammunition a class B felony; includes exchanging and disposing of armor piercing ammunition.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Description: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.138

Last Action Date: July 31, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requires credit card, debit card, or processor service companies to allow for the purchase of firearms and firearm ammunition with such services.

Description: Requires credit card, debit card, or processor service companies to allow for the purchase of firearms and firearm ammunition with such services.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to persons designated as peace officers and the authority of such peace officers to carry, possess, repair, or dispose of a firearm without an appropriate license.

Description: Relates to persons designated as peace officers and the authority of such peace officers to carry, possess, repair, or dispose of a firearm without an appropriate license.


Last Action Date: January 13, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Repeals certain provisions of chapter 1 of the laws of 2013, amending the criminal procedure law and other laws relating to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses.

Description: Repeals certain provisions of chapter 1 of the laws of 2013, amending the criminal procedure law and other laws relating to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to revocation or suspension of a license to carry or possess a firearm.

Description: Relates to revocation or suspension of a license to carry or possess a firearm.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to removing the maximum age limit for firearms instruction exemptions; removes upper age limits of sixteen and twenty-one.

Description: Relates to removing the maximum age limit for firearms instruction exemptions; removes upper age limits of sixteen and twenty-one.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Allows victims of domestic violence to carry or possess firearms without a license where they are protected by an order of protection and have applied for a license to carry or possess a firearm.

Description: Allows victims of domestic violence to carry or possess firearms without a license where they are protected by an order of protection and have applied for a license to carry or possess a firearm.


Last Action Date: February 24, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Limits the application of the "safe act" to the counties of Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York and Bronx.

Description: Limits the application of the "safe act" to the counties of Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York and Bronx.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Allows rifles, shotguns, and firearms on college and university campuses.

Description: Allows rifles, shotguns, and firearms on college and university campuses.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Removes the prohibition on firearm silencers.

Description: Removes the prohibition on firearm silencers.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.

Description: Establishes the safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prevents discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities in regards to organ donations.

Description: Prevents discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities in regards to organ donations.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Provides that large capacity ammunition devices shall only include those devices which hold more than 10 rounds.

Description: Provides that large capacity ammunition devices shall only include those devices which hold more than 10 rounds.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to gun buy back programs; requires entities operating such programs to check the serial number of all firearms obtained against the NYSPIN records and to obtain the express permission of the lawful owner of any firearm found to be stolen before the destruction thereof.

Description: Relates to gun buy back programs; requires entities operating such programs to check the serial number of all firearms obtained against the NYSPIN records and to obtain the express permission of the lawful owner of any firearm found to be stolen before the destruction thereof.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Expands the definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms.

Description: Expands the definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to the recertification process for firearms.

Description: Relates to the recertification process for firearms.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession of weapons by persons under the age of seventeen and eighteen.

Description: Prohibits the possession of weapons by persons under the age of seventeen and eighteen.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to security and protection of New York national guard and air national guard recruiting centers; provides that personnel be permitted to carry a firearm.

Description: Relates to security and protection of New York national guard and air national guard recruiting centers; provides that personnel be permitted to carry a firearm.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Provides that a license to possess a pistol or revolver shall permit the licensee to carry such weapon concealed.

Description: Provides that a license to possess a pistol or revolver shall permit the licensee to carry such weapon concealed.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm.

Description: Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to designating every government entity which issues licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms as participating agencies for voter registration form distribution and assistance.

Description: Relates to designating every government entity which issues licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms as participating agencies for voter registration form distribution and assistance.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law.

Description: Exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Repeals provisions relating to the definition of an assault weapon.

Description: Repeals provisions relating to the definition of an assault weapon.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by private investigators, bail enforcement agents, watch, guard, or patrol agency employees, security guards and armored car guards in pursuit of their official duties or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.

Description: Authorizes possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by private investigators, bail enforcement agents, watch, guard, or patrol agency employees, security guards and armored car guards in pursuit of their official duties or when duly authorized by regulation or order to possess the same.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Establishes a task force to assess data and information compiled by law enforcement personnel and health providers related to incidents of firearm violence and injury; provides that the task force would designate a state agency to coordinate a statewide system for reporting the nature, incidence and specific causes of firearm violence.

Description: Establishes a task force to assess data and information compiled by law enforcement personnel and health providers related to incidents of firearm violence and injury; provides that the task force would designate a state agency to coordinate a statewide system for reporting the nature, incidence and specific causes of firearm violence.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a domestic violence offender in the first and second degree.

Description: Establishes the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a domestic violence offender in the first and second degree.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family.

Description: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms.

Description: Relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provisions of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.

Description: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provisions of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Description: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.


Last Action Date: March 19, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Increases the penalties for certain criminal possession of a weapon offenses from a misdemeanor to a class D felony.

Description: Increases the penalties for certain criminal possession of a weapon offenses from a misdemeanor to a class D felony.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the no-gun database under the division of criminal justice services.

Description: Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the no-gun database under the division of criminal justice services.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund; makes an appropriation therefor.

Description: Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund; makes an appropriation therefor.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to establishing the civil rights restoration act and amends provisions of law regarding firearm licenses and destruction of firearms; exempts certain individuals from providing photographs in order to obtain a firearm license; expands the definition of immediate family.

Description: Relates to establishing the civil rights restoration act and amends provisions of law regarding firearm licenses and destruction of firearms; exempts certain individuals from providing photographs in order to obtain a firearm license; expands the definition of immediate family.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to adding St. Lawrence county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer as well as judges or justices of a court of record having an office in the county of St. Lawrence.

Description: Relates to adding St. Lawrence county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer as well as judges or justices of a court of record having an office in the county of St. Lawrence.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to reciprocity for pistol permit applications for military personnel; expedites application process.

Description: Relates to reciprocity for pistol permit applications for military personnel; expedites application process.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the carrying of service-issued firearms by military personnel at recruiting centers while on duty.

Description: Authorizes the carrying of service-issued firearms by military personnel at recruiting centers while on duty.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the class A misdemeanor of unlawful procurement of a firearm, for the purchase or acquisition of more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days; implements a 10-day waiting period.

Description: Establishes the class A misdemeanor of unlawful procurement of a firearm, for the purchase or acquisition of more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days; implements a 10-day waiting period.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Establishes the New York state school resource officer program; provides for grants for school resource officers (Part A); relates to peace officers who are retired police officers employed by a school district as a school resource officer (Part B); and allows retired police officers to be employed by a school district as a school safety officer, school security officer or any other substantially similar position for an annual salary of $50,000 or less to continue to receive their full retirement benefit (Part C).

Description: Establishes the New York state school resource officer program; provides for grants for school resource officers (Part A); relates to peace officers who are retired police officers employed by a school district as a school resource officer (Part B); and allows retired police officers to be employed by a school district as a school safety officer, school security officer or any other substantially similar position for an annual salary of $50,000 or less to continue to receive their full retirement benefit (Part C).


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the possession, manufacture or sale of a trigger crank, a bump-fire device or other firing accelerators.

Description: Relates to the possession, manufacture or sale of a trigger crank, a bump-fire device or other firing accelerators.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to establishing additional requirements to purchase a firearm, shotgun or rifle; requires a person to apply for a hunting license prior to the purchase of a shotgun or rifle; establishes additional requirements for all firearms, shotguns and rifles including taking a five hour gun safety course and exam, passing a shooting range test with 90% accuracy, providing notarized proof of a passed drug test and mental health evaluation, providing proof of purchase of firearm and ammunition safe storage depositories and passing a criminal background check.

Description: Relates to establishing additional requirements to purchase a firearm, shotgun or rifle; requires a person to apply for a hunting license prior to the purchase of a shotgun or rifle; establishes additional requirements for all firearms, shotguns and rifles including taking a five hour gun safety course and exam, passing a shooting range test with 90% accuracy, providing notarized proof of a passed drug test and mental health evaluation, providing proof of purchase of firearm and ammunition safe storage depositories and passing a criminal background check.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to requiring social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.

Description: Relates to requiring social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal manufacture or possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle, or shotgun.

Description: Establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal manufacture or possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle, or shotgun.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.134

Last Action Date: July 30, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state public protection and general government budget for the 2019-2020 state fiscal year; relates to the protection of the personal privacy of public employees (Part E); extends the authorization for public arbitration panels (Part F); creates a class one reassessment exemption in a special assessing unit that is not a city (Part J); extends certain provisions related to opportunities for service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises (Part L); extends certain provisions relating to expanding the geographic area of employment of certain police officers, prisoner furloughs in certain cases and the crime of absconding therefrom, inmate work release, certain appropriations made by chapter 50 of the laws of 1994 enacting the state operations budget, the incarceration fee, merging the department of correctional services and division of parole into the department of corrections and community supervision, prison and jail housing and alternatives to detention and incarceration programs, the ignition interlock device program, the use of closed-circuit television and other protective measures for certain child witnesses, electronic court appearance in certain counties, enacting the interstate compact for adult offender supervision, limiting the closing of certain correctional facilities, providing for the custody by the department of correctional services of inmates serving definite sentences, providing for custody of federal prisoners and requiring the closing of certain correctional facilities, military funds of the organized militia, providing for community treatment facilities and establishing the crime of absconding from the community treatment facility, pre-criminal proceeding settlements in the city of New York, the psychological testing of correctional candidates, and other provisions relating thereto (Part O); relates to the admissibility of a victim's sexual conduct in a sex offense (Part R); extends the workers' compensation board's authority to resolve medical bill disputes and simplify the process (Part CC); increases certain court fees and increases the amount of such fees which are deposited in the indigent legal services fund (Part DD); authorizes the alienation of certain parklands in the town of Hastings, county of Oswego (Part FF); authorizes the use of centralized services by public authorities and public benefit corporations to acquire energy products as a centralized service from the office of general services; extends certain provisions relating to authorizing the aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies, institutions, local governments, public authorities and public benefit corporations; and amends the effectiveness of certain provisions providing centralized service to political subdivisions and the authority of the commissioner of general services to aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies and political subdivisions (Part GG); increases the maximum contract amount during construction emergencies to $1,500,000 and extends provisions relating to value limitations on contracts to June 30, 2022 (Part HH); removes unnecessary barriers to reentry of people with criminal histories into society; relates to licensing consideration for check cashers (Subpart A); relates to eligibility for serving on a New York city community district education council and city wide council (Subpart B); relates to licensing consideration for bingo suppliers (Subpart C); relates to licensing consideration for notary publics (Subpart D); relates to licensing considerations for suppliers of games of chance, for games of chance licensees, for bingo licensees, and for lessors of premises to bingo licensees (Subpart E); relates to licensing considerations for insurer adjusters and for employment with insurance adjusters (Subpart F); relates to licensing considerations for real estate brokers or real estate salesmen (Subpart G); relates to participation as employer in subsidized employer programs (Subpart H); relates to eligibility for employment by a driver's school (Subpart I); relates to a certificate of relief from a disability and repeals certain provisions of the vehicle and traffic law, relating to mandatory suspension of drivers' licenses for certain offenses (Subpart J); prohibits disclosure of law enforcement booking information and photographs (Subpart K); relates to exclusion of undisposed cases from criminal history record searches (Subpart L); directs the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services to seal certain records of any action or proceeding terminated in favor of the accused or convictions for certain traffic violations; and relates to certain reports of criminal history record searches (Subpart M); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart N); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart O)(Part II); relates to shock incarceration (Part KK); reduces certain sentences of imprisonment for misdemeanors to three hundred sixty-four days (Part OO); restricts forfeiture actions and creates greater accountability for seized assets; creates an asset forfeiture escrow fund; relates to reporting certain demographic information (Part PP); relates to requiring reports on the use of force (Part RR); authorizes the Suffolk county clerk to charge a block fee (Part SS); relates to the closure of correctional facilities; and provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof (Part TT); makes provisions permanent relating to notice of foreclosure and mandatory settlement conferences in residential foreclosure actions (Part VV); includes felony drug offender sentences as eligible for a reduced sentence in certain circumstances where such offender was a victim of domestic violence (Part WW); authorizes computer generated registration lists; relates to the list of supplies to be delivered to poll sites (Part XX); relates to time allowed for employees to vote (Part YY); requires the establishment and regular updating of a model law enforcement use of force policy suitable for adoption by any agency that employs police or peace officers (Part ZZ); prohibits certain loans to be made to candidates or political committees (Part AAA); provides uniform polling hours during primary elections (Part BBB); establishes the voter enfranchisement modernization act (Part CCC).

Description: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state public protection and general government budget for the 2019-2020 state fiscal year; relates to the protection of the personal privacy of public employees (Part E); extends the authorization for public arbitration panels (Part F); creates a class one reassessment exemption in a special assessing unit that is not a city (Part J); extends certain provisions related to opportunities for service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises (Part L); extends certain provisions relating to expanding the geographic area of employment of certain police officers, prisoner furloughs in certain cases and the crime of absconding therefrom, inmate work release, certain appropriations made by chapter 50 of the laws of 1994 enacting the state operations budget, the incarceration fee, merging the department of correctional services and division of parole into the department of corrections and community supervision, prison and jail housing and alternatives to detention and incarceration programs, the ignition interlock device program, the use of closed-circuit television and other protective measures for certain child witnesses, electronic court appearance in certain counties, enacting the interstate compact for adult offender supervision, limiting the closing of certain correctional facilities, providing for the custody by the department of correctional services of inmates serving definite sentences, providing for custody of federal prisoners and requiring the closing of certain correctional facilities, military funds of the organized militia, providing for community treatment facilities and establishing the crime of absconding from the community treatment facility, pre-criminal proceeding settlements in the city of New York, the psychological testing of correctional candidates, and other provisions relating thereto (Part O); relates to the admissibility of a victim's sexual conduct in a sex offense (Part R); extends the workers' compensation board's authority to resolve medical bill disputes and simplify the process (Part CC); increases certain court fees and increases the amount of such fees which are deposited in the indigent legal services fund (Part DD); authorizes the alienation of certain parklands in the town of Hastings, county of Oswego (Part FF); authorizes the use of centralized services by public authorities and public benefit corporations to acquire energy products as a centralized service from the office of general services; extends certain provisions relating to authorizing the aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies, institutions, local governments, public authorities and public benefit corporations; and amends the effectiveness of certain provisions providing centralized service to political subdivisions and the authority of the commissioner of general services to aggregate purchases of energy for state agencies and political subdivisions (Part GG); increases the maximum contract amount during construction emergencies to $1,500,000 and extends provisions relating to value limitations on contracts to June 30, 2022 (Part HH); removes unnecessary barriers to reentry of people with criminal histories into society; relates to licensing consideration for check cashers (Subpart A); relates to eligibility for serving on a New York city community district education council and city wide council (Subpart B); relates to licensing consideration for bingo suppliers (Subpart C); relates to licensing consideration for notary publics (Subpart D); relates to licensing considerations for suppliers of games of chance, for games of chance licensees, for bingo licensees, and for lessors of premises to bingo licensees (Subpart E); relates to licensing considerations for insurer adjusters and for employment with insurance adjusters (Subpart F); relates to licensing considerations for real estate brokers or real estate salesmen (Subpart G); relates to participation as employer in subsidized employer programs (Subpart H); relates to eligibility for employment by a driver's school (Subpart I); relates to a certificate of relief from a disability and repeals certain provisions of the vehicle and traffic law, relating to mandatory suspension of drivers' licenses for certain offenses (Subpart J); prohibits disclosure of law enforcement booking information and photographs (Subpart K); relates to exclusion of undisposed cases from criminal history record searches (Subpart L); directs the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services to seal certain records of any action or proceeding terminated in favor of the accused or convictions for certain traffic violations; and relates to certain reports of criminal history record searches (Subpart M); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart N); prevents employment discrimination against persons whose criminal charges have been adjourned in contemplation of dismissal (Subpart O)(Part II); relates to shock incarceration (Part KK); reduces certain sentences of imprisonment for misdemeanors to three hundred sixty-four days (Part OO); restricts forfeiture actions and creates greater accountability for seized assets; creates an asset forfeiture escrow fund; relates to reporting certain demographic information (Part PP); relates to requiring reports on the use of force (Part RR); authorizes the Suffolk county clerk to charge a block fee (Part SS); relates to the closure of correctional facilities; and provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof (Part TT); makes provisions permanent relating to notice of foreclosure and mandatory settlement conferences in residential foreclosure actions (Part VV); includes felony drug offender sentences as eligible for a reduced sentence in certain circumstances where such offender was a victim of domestic violence (Part WW); authorizes computer generated registration lists; relates to the list of supplies to be delivered to poll sites (Part XX); relates to time allowed for employees to vote (Part YY); requires the establishment and regular updating of a model law enforcement use of force policy suitable for adoption by any agency that employs police or peace officers (Part ZZ); prohibits certain loans to be made to candidates or political committees (Part AAA); provides uniform polling hours during primary elections (Part BBB); establishes the voter enfranchisement modernization act (Part CCC).

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.55

Last Action Date: April 12, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns, or firearms.

Description: Relates to the safe storage of rifles, shotguns, or firearms.


Last Action Date: January 9, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of any firearm; violations of such provisions shall constitute a class A misdemeanor.

Description: Establishes a 10 day waiting period for the purchase of any firearm; violations of such provisions shall constitute a class A misdemeanor.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the class A misdemeanor of unlawful procurement of a firearm, for the purchase or acquisition of more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days.

Description: Establishes the class A misdemeanor of unlawful procurement of a firearm, for the purchase or acquisition of more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Establishes the municipal gun tip hotline program and the municipal gun tip hotline fund.

Description: Establishes the municipal gun tip hotline program and the municipal gun tip hotline fund.


Last Action Date: February 26, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.

Description: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Provides for compensation for injury or death caused by the negligent entrustment of a firearm.

Description: Provides for compensation for injury or death caused by the negligent entrustment of a firearm.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to limiting the acquisition of a rifle or shotgun to one per ninety-day period.

Description: Relates to limiting the acquisition of a rifle or shotgun to one per ninety-day period.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition; establishes fines for violations of this requirement and provides for an affirmative defense if the dealer had a certification from the manufacturer.

Description: Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition; establishes fines for violations of this requirement and provides for an affirmative defense if the dealer had a certification from the manufacturer.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.

Description: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires persons possessing any firearm to hold a firearms safety certificate; establishes application and training process therefor.

Description: Requires persons possessing any firearm to hold a firearms safety certificate; establishes application and training process therefor.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Categorizes hate crimes as serious offenses in relation to possession of firearms.

Description: Categorizes hate crimes as serious offenses in relation to possession of firearms.


Last Action Date: December 28, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a waiting period before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person; requires either the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or its successor has issued a "proceed" response to the licensee, or thirty calendar days have elapsed since the date the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer contacted NICS to initiate a national instant criminal background check and NICS has not notified the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer that the transfer of the firearm, rifle or shotgun to such person should be denied.

Description: Establishes a waiting period before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person; requires either the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or its successor has issued a "proceed" response to the licensee, or thirty calendar days have elapsed since the date the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer contacted NICS to initiate a national instant criminal background check and NICS has not notified the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer that the transfer of the firearm, rifle or shotgun to such person should be denied.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.129

Last Action Date: July 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Includes attachments to electronic devices within the meaning of the term "imitation weapon".

Description: Includes attachments to electronic devices within the meaning of the term "imitation weapon".


Last Action Date: December 28, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to requiring all firearms manufactured, crafted or built by private individuals to have an identifying serial number.

Description: Relates to requiring all firearms manufactured, crafted or built by private individuals to have an identifying serial number.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to manufacturers reporting the sale or distribution of firearms to the department of criminal justice services.

Description: Relates to manufacturers reporting the sale or distribution of firearms to the department of criminal justice services.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to prohibiting the possession of certain 50 caliber firearms; directs the division of state police to embark on a program whereby persons currently in lawful possession of such weapons may be reimbursed for the fair market value thereof upon turning in such weapons to a designated officer.

Description: Relates to prohibiting the possession of certain 50 caliber firearms; directs the division of state police to embark on a program whereby persons currently in lawful possession of such weapons may be reimbursed for the fair market value thereof upon turning in such weapons to a designated officer.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.

Description: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.

Last Action: SUBSTITUTED BY A1213

Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of rapid-fire modification devices.

Description: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of rapid-fire modification devices.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.130

Last Action Date: July 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the municipal gun buyback program by the division of state police for the voluntary return of guns; establishes the municipal gun buyback program fund to fund the program.

Description: Establishes the municipal gun buyback program by the division of state police for the voluntary return of guns; establishes the municipal gun buyback program fund to fund the program.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.139

Last Action Date: July 31, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Amends provisions relating to requirements for the safe storage of rifles, shotguns and firearms; requires sellers to provide notice of the duty to use gun locking devices and otherwise lock guns away from children and other persons not authorized to possess them.

Description: Amends provisions relating to requirements for the safe storage of rifles, shotguns and firearms; requires sellers to provide notice of the duty to use gun locking devices and otherwise lock guns away from children and other persons not authorized to possess them.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.135

Last Action Date: July 30, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Description: Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.19

Last Action Date: February 25, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund.

Description: Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes an applicant for a pistol or revolver license to possess such while attending a pre-license firearms safety course and while under the supervision of the instructor thereof.

Description: Authorizes an applicant for a pistol or revolver license to possess such while attending a pre-license firearms safety course and while under the supervision of the instructor thereof.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relates to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses; private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles or shotguns and establishing a minimum age to possess a firearm relating to gun control.

Description: Relates to suspension and revocation of firearms licenses; private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles or shotguns and establishing a minimum age to possess a firearm relating to gun control.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Provides a 25% tax credit against personal income taxes for the purchase of gun safety equipment up to $500.

Description: Provides a 25% tax credit against personal income taxes for the purchase of gun safety equipment up to $500.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the ammunition coding system database fund.

Description: Establishes a statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the ammunition coding system database fund.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to prohibiting the distribution and sale of certain lasers.

Description: Relates to prohibiting the distribution and sale of certain lasers.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to increasing the penalties for criminal use of a firearm in the second degree and criminal use of a firearm in the first degree; provides that criminal use of a firearm in the second degree is a class B felony and criminal use of a firearm in the first degree is a class A felony.

Description: Relates to increasing the penalties for criminal use of a firearm in the second degree and criminal use of a firearm in the first degree; provides that criminal use of a firearm in the second degree is a class B felony and criminal use of a firearm in the first degree is a class A felony.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms.

Description: Relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Directs the licensing authority in each county to process firearms license applications for victims of domestic abuse who have been issued an order of protection within 14 days of receiving the application.

Description: Directs the licensing authority in each county to process firearms license applications for victims of domestic abuse who have been issued an order of protection within 14 days of receiving the application.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits persons, firms or corporations engaged in the retail business of selling firearms from selling, delivering or transferring child operated firearms; defines "child operated firearm" to mean a pistol or revolver manufactured 1 year after the effective date of these provisions which does not contain a childproofing device or mechanism incorporated into the design of such pistol or revolver to effectively preclude an average 5 year old from firing same; makes violations a class A misdemeanor.

Description: Prohibits persons, firms or corporations engaged in the retail business of selling firearms from selling, delivering or transferring child operated firearms; defines "child operated firearm" to mean a pistol or revolver manufactured 1 year after the effective date of these provisions which does not contain a childproofing device or mechanism incorporated into the design of such pistol or revolver to effectively preclude an average 5 year old from firing same; makes violations a class A misdemeanor.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t); establishes the background check fund.

Description: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t); establishes the background check fund.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession of concealed firearms in any national park or national wildlife refuge system; imposes a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for a violation thereof.

Description: Prohibits the possession of concealed firearms in any national park or national wildlife refuge system; imposes a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for a violation thereof.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons.

Description: Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons.


Last Action Date: March 11, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Relates to firearms; authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; relates to reports of substantial risk or threat of harm by mental health professionals; and repeals certain provisions of law relating thereto.

Description: Relates to firearms; authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; relates to reports of substantial risk or threat of harm by mental health professionals; and repeals certain provisions of law relating thereto.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Provides that restrictions regarding the carrying of concealed weapons and licenses therefor shall be by statute only.

Description: Provides that restrictions regarding the carrying of concealed weapons and licenses therefor shall be by statute only.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Repeals provision of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices and the exemption of certain ammunition feeding devices at firing ranges.

Description: Repeals provision of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices and the exemption of certain ammunition feeding devices at firing ranges.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2019.

Description: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2019.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Establishes the safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.

Description: Establishes the safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.


Last Action Date: April 29, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment or possession of an undetectable knife.

Description: Prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment or possession of an undetectable knife.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.146

Last Action Date: August 6, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to a ban on undetectable firearms, undetectable firearm receivers and undetectable ammunition magazines.

Description: Relates to a ban on undetectable firearms, undetectable firearm receivers and undetectable ammunition magazines.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Requires the division of criminal justice services to publish quarterly reports beginning October 1, 2020, providing information related to firearms, rifles and shotguns used in the commission of crimes in the state of New York.

Description: Requires the division of criminal justice services to publish quarterly reports beginning October 1, 2020, providing information related to firearms, rifles and shotguns used in the commission of crimes in the state of New York.


Last Action Date: December 28, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Description: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.


Last Action Date: March 14, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Description: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the protection of victims of domestic violence act, which requires defendants to wear global positioning systems monitoring the location of the defendant.

Description: Relates to the protection of victims of domestic violence act, which requires defendants to wear global positioning systems monitoring the location of the defendant.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relates to allowing the possession and sale of electronic dart guns and electronic stun guns for self-defense; adds such weapons in the definition of obstructing governmental administration by means of a self-defense spray device.

Description: Relates to allowing the possession and sale of electronic dart guns and electronic stun guns for self-defense; adds such weapons in the definition of obstructing governmental administration by means of a self-defense spray device.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons.

Description: Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons.

Last Action: SUBSTITUTED BY A5944

Last Action Date: May 13, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars.

Description: Requires owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars.

Last Action: PRINT NUMBER 4868A

Last Action Date: July 6, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the manufacturing of firearms; requires any firearm manufactured by a three-dimensional printer to contain a unique identifying number and to be registered with the state police.

Description: Relates to the manufacturing of firearms; requires any firearm manufactured by a three-dimensional printer to contain a unique identifying number and to be registered with the state police.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Increases the types of firearms that are to be included in the firearm ballistic identification databank.

Description: Increases the types of firearms that are to be included in the firearm ballistic identification databank.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Authorizes retired police officers to apply for a firearms license that is valid throughout the state.

Description: Authorizes retired police officers to apply for a firearms license that is valid throughout the state.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the exchange or transfer of firearms, rifles and shotguns pursuant to a decedent's will and/or probate order; prohibits transfers of large capacity ammunition feeding devices.

Description: Authorizes the exchange or transfer of firearms, rifles and shotguns pursuant to a decedent's will and/or probate order; prohibits transfers of large capacity ammunition feeding devices.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the transport of pistols or revolvers by licensees.

Description: Relates to the transport of pistols or revolvers by licensees.

Last Action: SUBSTITUTED BY A7752

Last Action Date: June 20, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Grants access to local and state law enforcement of records of applications for licenses of firearms.

Description: Grants access to local and state law enforcement of records of applications for licenses of firearms.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.244

Last Action Date: September 3, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Description: Relates to possession of firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.354

Last Action Date: October 4, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.

Description: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Provides for an exception to firearm storage requirements related to persons less than sixteen years old when such person less than sixteen years old is at a shooting range under immediate supervision, or when such person less than sixteen years old is the holder of a hunting license or permit.

Description: Provides for an exception to firearm storage requirements related to persons less than sixteen years old when such person less than sixteen years old is at a shooting range under immediate supervision, or when such person less than sixteen years old is the holder of a hunting license or permit.

Last Action: SUBSTITUTED BY A8174

Last Action Date: June 18, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the transport of pistols.

Description: Relates to the transport of pistols.


Last Action Date: June 20, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the class A-I felony of operating as a major firearms trafficker.

Description: Establishes the class A-I felony of operating as a major firearms trafficker.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to unfinished frames and receivers; establishes the crime of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver.

Description: Relates to unfinished frames and receivers; establishes the crime of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to prohibiting firearms as prizes in a game of chance not organized by an organization of veterans, volunteer firefighters or a police benevolent association.

Description: Relates to prohibiting firearms as prizes in a game of chance not organized by an organization of veterans, volunteer firefighters or a police benevolent association.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Protects the personal and private information of persons granted a pistol permit; allows for opting into public disclosure of pistol permit applications.

Description: Protects the personal and private information of persons granted a pistol permit; allows for opting into public disclosure of pistol permit applications.


Last Action Date: August 11, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Provides that the department of transportation shall not prohibit concealed carry firearms at state rest and parking areas and scenic overlooks by persons with a valid permit to carry concealed.

Description: Provides that the department of transportation shall not prohibit concealed carry firearms at state rest and parking areas and scenic overlooks by persons with a valid permit to carry concealed.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits persons named on the No Fly List maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining or renewing a license to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.

Description: Prohibits persons named on the No Fly List maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining or renewing a license to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.

Description: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Extends the period of time for an initial firearm license recertification two months to March 31, 2018.

Description: Extends the period of time for an initial firearm license recertification two months to March 31, 2018.


Last Action Date: January 8, 2018

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Authorizes the carrying of service-issued firearms by military personnel at recruiting centers while on duty.

Description: Authorizes the carrying of service-issued firearms by military personnel at recruiting centers while on duty.


Last Action Date: January 26, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to persons designated as peace officers and the authority of such peace officers to carry, possess, repair, or dispose of a firearm without an appropriate license.

Description: Relates to persons designated as peace officers and the authority of such peace officers to carry, possess, repair, or dispose of a firearm without an appropriate license.


Last Action Date: January 26, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2019.

Description: Relates to extending the deadline for recertification of licenses to carry or possess a pistol or revolver until July 31, 2019.


Last Action Date: January 26, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.

Description: Relates to access to foreign state records concerning previous or present mental illness of applicants for firearms licenses.


Last Action Date: January 30, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to acts of terrorism and the New York state intelligence center.

Description: Relates to acts of terrorism and the New York state intelligence center.

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: March 5, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.

Description: Limits an educational institution's ability to authorize the possession of a weapon on school grounds to certain officers or agents of a law enforcement agency.


Last Action Date: March 5, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.

Description: Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one.


Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Authorizes, in the county of Chautauqua, the possession of a pistol or revolver while attending a firearms familiarity, safety, loading and firing course conducted by a law enforcement agency.

Description: Authorizes, in the county of Chautauqua, the possession of a pistol or revolver while attending a firearms familiarity, safety, loading and firing course conducted by a law enforcement agency.


Last Action Date: March 27, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the possession of weapons by domestic violence offenders.

Description: Relates to the possession of weapons by domestic violence offenders.


Last Action Date: March 30, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the possession of weapons by domestic violence offenders.

Description: Relates to the possession of weapons by domestic violence offenders.

Last Action: SIGNED CHAP.60

Last Action Date: April 12, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession of weapons by persons under the age of seventeen and eighteen.

Description: Prohibits the possession of weapons by persons under the age of seventeen and eighteen.


Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t).

Description: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t).


Last Action Date: April 13, 2018

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requires credit card, debit card, or processor service companies to allow for the purchase of firearms and firearm ammunition with such services.

Description: Requires credit card, debit card, or processor service companies to allow for the purchase of firearms and firearm ammunition with such services.


Last Action Date: April 16, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Relates to adding the Orange county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer.

Description: Relates to adding the Orange county sheriff as an additional firearms licensing officer.

Last Action: referred to codes

Last Action Date: June 6, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.

Description: Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm.


Last Action Date: April 19, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to acts of terrorism and falsely reporting an incident, expanding the definition of the term "act of terrorism" and including the unlawful discharge of a firearm in the types of incidents it is a crime to falsely report.

Description: Relates to acts of terrorism and falsely reporting an incident, expanding the definition of the term "act of terrorism" and including the unlawful discharge of a firearm in the types of incidents it is a crime to falsely report.


Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the municipal gun tip hotline program and the municipal gun tip hotline fund.

Description: Establishes the municipal gun tip hotline program and the municipal gun tip hotline fund.


Last Action Date: May 7, 2018

watching this bill


Title: Prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment or possession of an undetectable knife.

Description: Prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment or possession of an undetectable knife.


Last Action Date: May 8, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of trigger modification devices; exemptions.

Description: Prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of trigger modification devices; exemptions.


Last Action Date: May 10, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes a statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the ammunition coding system database fund.

Description: Establishes a statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the ammunition coding system database fund.


Last Action Date: May 18, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.

Description: Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or serious crime.


Last Action Date: August 1, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Establishes the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a domestic violence offender in the first and second degrees.

Description: Establishes the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a domestic violence offender in the first and second degrees.


Last Action Date: September 17, 2018

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relates to requiring social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.

Description: Relates to requiring social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.


Last Action Date: November 14, 2018

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