Proposed Wyoming Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
Filter: Click on bill number for details. jump to upper chamber
note: Wyoming does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: School safety and security.
Description: AN ACT relating to school safety and security; allowing possession of firearms by school district employees on school property; providing rulemaking authority to school districts; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did Not Consider in COW
Last Action Date: February 21, 2014

Title: Repeal gun free zones in schools.
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; removing restriction on the carrying of concealed weapons in primary, secondary and postsecondary schools as specified; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons by permit holders as specified; providing for compliance with federal law on primary and secondary school properties; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Failed Introduction
Last Action Date: February 13, 2014

Title: Restoration of rights after felony conviction.
Description: AN ACT relating to restoration of rights lost as a result of a felony conviction; modifying eligibility requirements for restoration of rights; providing that restoration of rights is ministerial as specified; amending authority of parole board; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Failed Introduction
Last Action Date: February 13, 2014

Title: Penalties for misdemeanor offenses.
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; modifying penalties for certain misdemeanor offenses; providing for classes for certain misdemeanors; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Failed Introduction
Last Action Date: February 11, 2014

Title: Hunter safety-exceptions.
Description: AN ACT relating to hunting; providing exemptions to hunter safety course requirements; providing for multiple special authorizations; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Assigned Chapter Number
Last Action Date: March 6, 2014

Title: Freedom of teachers in protecting students.
Description: AN ACT relating to school safety and security; allowing possession of firearms by teachers on school property; creating a process for school districts to approve possession of firearms on school property; creating a process for revocation of permission to carry firearms on school property; requiring minimum qualifications for application; requiring training; providing rulemaking authority to school districts; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did Not Consider in COW
Last Action Date: February 21, 2014

Title: Firearm background checks-mental health records.
Description: AN ACT relating to public safety; requiring the division of criminal investigation to collect and disclose specified mental health information relevant to firearm background checks; imposing a duty upon state agencies to report specified mental health information; providing for limited liability as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Died In Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
Last Action Date: March 5, 2014