Proposed Rhode Island Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Rhode Island has a limited carry over of legislation between sessions

Title: Large Capacity Feeding Device Ban Of 2022
Description: Same as 21H-5554 --Makes it a felony for an individual to possess any semi-automatic firearm magazine which is capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Violation is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment or a fine of up to $5,000.
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 20, 2022

Title: Assault Weapons
Description: Same as 21H-5556 --Bans the possession, sale, and transfer of assault weapons. Possession of assault weapons owned on the effective date of this act would be "grandfathered" subject to certain registration provisions.
Last Action: Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 6, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Same as 21H-6482 --Prohibits the sale or transfer of ammunition unless the purchaser successfully undergoes a background check.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Amends the definition of firearms to include tasers, as well as define taser and stun gun.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Makes it a violation to store or leave a firearm unsecured and punishable by a fine of $3,000, if a child is injured or killed as a result of firearm owner leaving firearm unsecured, owner shall be guilty of felony and punished up to five years in jail.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Permits any person 18 years of age or older to possess a stun gun and permits those persons with a concealed carry permit can also carry a stun gun. Adds "tasers" to the definition of "firearm." Creates appeal process for denial of permit to carry.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Provides that any person eighteen (18) years of age who is issued a license or permit may carry a stun gun and provides for an appeal process for denial of an application for a license or permit.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines rifle and shotgun as weapons and makes it unlawful to possess a loaded rifle or shotgun in public subject to various exceptions inclusive of hunting activity punishable upon conviction by imprisonment up to 5 years or a fine up to $5,000.
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 21, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Allows those persons with concealed carry permits issued by other states to carry upon their person weapons in Rhode Island provided that the issuing state recognizes and gives reciprocity to RI permit holders.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Increases the age from eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) years for lawful sale of firearms or ammunition. Exempts full-time law enforcement, state marshals and members of the U.S. military from these prohibitions.
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 21, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines suitable person relative to possessing a firearm. An unsuitable person being defined as one that is clear and present danger to themselves or others or anyone that is a member of a criminal street gang as defined under § 12-19-39(a).
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Permits any person 21 years of age or older to carry a concealed firearm provided that they have qualified in accordance with § 11-47-15 and has completed a hunter safety course.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Ordinances
Description: Allows cities and towns to create ordinances to regulate use and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: April 12, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines suitable person and establishes reasons for applying for carry permit, establishes what information is required on applications, establishes appeal process if application denied and provides that records are not public.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Disqualifies individuals with prior convictions for possession of a firearm without a license from purchasing or possessing a firearm.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons -- Education -- Health And Safety Of Pupils
Description: Establishes school security committee administer increased school security measures and an active shooter training program to increase school security and permit exemptions for entering school property by anyone with a carry concealed carry permit.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Prohibits the operation of an outdoor gun range within one mile or closer of any kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) schools.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Adds the chief inspector and inspectors within the office of inspections to the definition of "peace officer."
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 29, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Provides the review and appeal process for individuals applying for a permit or license to carry with the licensing authority or attorney general.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Description: Prohibits sheriffs from charging/accepting fees from any Rhode Island law enforcement agency for service of any temporary or 1-yr extreme risk protection order. Requires sheriffs to accept petitions/summons, by email, facsimile or other electronic means.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: April 13, 2022

Title: Health And Safety Of Pupils-weapons On School Grounds
Description: Strengthens school security measures/established 8 member school emergency response committee/rapid response teams/SWAT teams/requires annual appropriation of $1,000,000 to achieve these goals.
Last Action: Introduced, referred to House Finance
Last Action Date: June 3, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Includes the chief inspector and inspectors as those exempt from carrying a firearm without a permit and would define them as peace officers.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: May 3, 2022

Title: Emergency Management
Description: Limits the governor to one thirty (30) day renewal of a declaration of emergency without a joint resolution of the general assembly.
Last Action: Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 25, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Authorizes the police authority making a background check of an applicant seeking to buy a firearm, to invoice the seller of any pistol, revolver, shotgun or rifle, a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee per non-disqualifying background check.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Procedure Generally - Causes Of Action
Description: Provides for a cause of action against an individual or entity that prohibits the possession of firearms on real property, except residences, by an individual that is authorized and licensed to carry a firearm.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Assault Weapons
Description: Bans the possession, sale, and transfer of assault weapons. Possession of assault weapons owned on the effective date of this act would be "grandfathered" subject to certain registration provisions.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Prohibits the sale or possession of firearm silencers unless the person complies with federal law in the sale, possession and use.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Provides the review and appeal process for individuals applying for a permit or license to carry with the licensing authority or attorney general.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Burglary And Breaking And Entering
Description: Provides a rebuttable defense if any person shall die or sustain a personal injury while committing any violent criminal offense that individual is lawfully in a place they have a right to be, and acted in self-defense and reasonable belief of harm.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 24, 2022

Title: Burglary And Breaking And Entering
Description: Adds a rebuttable defense if any person shall die or sustain a personal injury while committing robbery of the owner, lessor, or occupant of a motor vehicle and that the owner or occupant of the vehicle acted in self-defense.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 24, 2022

Title: Access To Public Records
Description: Exempts from "public records" availability, all those documents, evidence and records of proceedings considered by the "relief from disqualifiers board and appellate courts" involving request for relief from firearm prohibitions.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Allows reciprocal concealed carry permits from out of state to be valid in Rhode Island, which is either authorized by the attorney general or subject to other reciprocal restrictions.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Permits Rhode Island residents, twenty-one (21) years of age or older, to carry a concealed handgun, without a permit.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Increases sentences for carrying a firearm when committing a crime of violence and for possessing a stolen firearm and requires that a person convicted of these offenses serve a period of time in which they would not be eligible for parole or probation.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Allows a person over eighteen (18) to purchase, carry, conceal, possess, use or attempt to use a stun gun for self defense. Additionally, establishes no duty to retreat when using a stun gun for self defense of the person or a third party.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines taser and stun gun under § 11-47-2, provides any person over the age of 18 is permitted to carry a taser without a license and use it in self-defense if they have a reasonable belief that they are in imminent fear of bodily harm.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons -- Access To Public Records
Description: Amends various laws related to firearms.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines suitable person and establishes reasons for applying for carry permit, establishes what information is required on applications, establishes appeal process if application denied and provides that records are not public.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Permits the city of Warwick to prohibit the sale of firearms within five hundred feet (500 ft.) of any school or daycare facility.
Last Action: Meeting postponed (03/31/2022)
Last Action Date: March 30, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Increases the age from eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) years for lawful sale of firearms or ammunition. Exempts full-time law enforcement, state marshals and members of the U.S. military from these prohibitions.
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 21, 2022

Title: Large Capacity Feeding Device Ban Of 2022
Description: Makes it a felony for an individual to possess any semi-automatic firearm magazine which is capable of holding more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition. Violations are punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment or a fine of up to $5,000.
Last Action: Defeated in Committee
Last Action Date: June 14, 2022

Title: Ordinances
Description: Allows cities and towns to create ordinances to regulate use and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: May 17, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Permits only attorney general to issue concealed carry permits, repeals provisions allowing minors to possess firearms, requires federal background check on all concealed carry applicants, repeals right of carry permits for retired law enforcement.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Disqualifies individuals with prior convictions for possession of a firearm without a license from purchasing or possessing a firearm.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Felony to store firearms unlocked.
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: March 31, 2022

Title: Maintenance Of Order On Campus
Description: Mandates arming campus police at public higher educational institutions and includes campus police in the definition of "law enforcement officer" for the purposes of the "Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights."
Last Action: Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Last Action Date: May 3, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Adds the chief inspector and inspectors within the office of inspections to the definition of "peace officer."
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 29, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines rifle and shotgun as weapons and makes it unlawful to possess a loaded rifle or shotgun in public subject to various exceptions inclusive of hunting activity punishable upon conviction by imprisonment up to 5 years or a fine up to $5,000.
Last Action: Signed by Governor
Last Action Date: June 21, 2022

Title: Weapons
Description: Defines "electric arm" as a handheld device that transmits an electric charge from the device to a person, including a stun gun or a taser, subject to the various protections of firearms and removes stun gun from the list of prohibited weapons.
Last Action: Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
Last Action Date: May 19, 2022