Proposed Pennsylvania Firearm Legislation HB671

Legislation Overview
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
Session: 2017-2018 Regular Session
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 23, 2017
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
101 sponsors: Mark Keller (R); Daryl Metcalfe (R); Ron Marsico (R); Matthew Baker (R); Stephen Barrar (R); Stephen Bloom (R); Karen Boback (R); Frank Burns (D); Martin Causer (R); Jim Christiana (R); Donald Cook (R); Rebecca Corbin (R); Dominic Costa (D); Jim Cox (R); Lynda Schlegel Culver (R); Bryan Cutler (R); Sheryl Delozier (R); Russ Diamond (R); George Dunbar (R); Cris Dush (R); Brian Ellis (R); Joseph Emrick (R); Eli Evankovich (R); Garth Everett (R); Frank Farry (R); Melinda Fee (R); Jonathan Fritz (R); Matthew Gabler (R); Keith Gillespie (R); Robert Godshall (R); Neal Goodman (D); Keith Greiner (R); Seth Grove (R); Marcia Hahn (R); Michael Hanna (D); Christopher Harris (R); Doyle Heffley (R); Susan Helm (R); David Hickernell (R); Kristin Phillips-Hill (R); Rich Irvin (R); Robert James (R); Barry Jozwiak (R); Robert Kauffman (R); Dawn Keefer (R); Frederick Keller (R); Kate Klunk (R); Jerome Knowles; William Kortz (D); Harry Lewis (R); Ryan Mackenzie (R); John Maher (R); David Maloney (R); James Marshall; John McGinnis (R); Thomas Mehaffie (R); Carl Metzgar; David Millard (R); Brett Miller (R); Dan Moul (R); Gerald Mullery (D); Thomas Mustio (R); Eric Nelson (R); Tedd Nesbit (R); Jason Ortitay (R); Michael Peifer (R); Joseph Petrarca (D); Tina Pickett (R); Jeffrey Pyle (R); Thomas Quigley (R); Jack Rader (R); Kathy Rapp (R); Harry Readshaw (D); Michael Reese (R); Bradley Roae (R); Greg Rothman (R); Francis Ryan (R); Richard Saccone (R); Christopher Sainato (D); Thomas Sankey (R); Stanley Saylor (R); Paul Schemel (R); Pam Snyder (D); Curtis Sonney (R); Craig Staats (R); Will Tallman (R); Tarah Toohil; Jesse Topper (R); Justin Walsh (R); Judith Ward (R); Ryan Warner (R); Parke Wentling (R); Jeff Wheeland (R); David Zimmerman (R); Matthew Dowling (R); Justin Simmons (R); Kurt Masser (R); Brandon Neuman (D); Mark Rozzi (D); Aaron Bernstine (R); Kate Harper (R);
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 50% (101 of 203)
Chamber | Date | Action |
Senate | Jun 23, 2017 | Referred to JUDICIARY |
House | Apr 26, 2017 | Re-reported as committed |
Senate | Apr 26, 2017 | In the Senate |
House | Apr 26, 2017 | Third consideration and final passage (134-53) |
House | Apr 25, 2017 | Second consideration |
House | Apr 25, 2017 | Re-committed to APPROPRIATIONS |
House | Apr 19, 2017 | Reported as committed |
House | Apr 19, 2017 | Removed from table |
House | Apr 19, 2017 | Laid on the table |
House | Apr 19, 2017 | First consideration |
House | Mar 2, 2017 | Referred to JUDICIARY |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Introduced | not available | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
House Judiciary: Report Bill As Committed
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A773, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A774, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A775, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A778, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A780, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A781, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A785, THOMAS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A863, FRANKEL
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A811, DALEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A812, MCCARTER
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A813, MCCLINTON
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A815, O'BRIEN
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A816, DONATUCCI
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A834, DEAN
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A846, KIM
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A848, KINSEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A850, KINSEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A852, KINSEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A858, DELISSIO
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A875, BOYLE
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A878, GAINEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A880, BOYLE
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A886, FREEMAN
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A887, BOYLE
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A893, BRADFORD
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A909, KRUEGER-BRANEKY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A917, DALEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A922, SIMS
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A926, DAVIDSON
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A997, COMITTA
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, 2017 A999, DALEY
House Floor: HB 671 PN 717, FP
House Appropriations: Re-report Bill As Committed
Link: link to state bill page