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Proposed New York Firearm Legislation A04968

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Legislation Overview

Title: Relates to being a good samaritan; adds "reasonable intervention" as a reason to be protected from liability; provides that a person may use physical force when and to the extent that such person reasonably believes that reasonable intervention is necessary to maintain order, but may use deadly physical force only when such person reasonably believes that reasonable intervention is necessary to prevent death or serious physical injury; appropriates $500,000 for public service announcements and community-based training programs aimed at educating people about the legal protections and responsibilities of being a good samaritan.

Description: Relates to being a good samaritan; adds "reasonable intervention" as a reason to be protected from liability; provides that a person may use physical force when and to the extent that such person reasonably believes that reasonable intervention is necessary to maintain order, but may use deadly physical force only when such person reasonably believes that reasonable intervention is necessary to prevent death or serious physical injury; appropriates $500,000 for public service announcements and community-based training programs aimed at educating people about the legal protections and responsibilities of being a good samaritan.

Session: 2025-2026 General Assembly

Last Action: referred to governmental operations

Last Action Date: February 10, 2025


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

22 sponsors: Eric Brown (R); Jodi Giglio (R); Brian Manktelow (R); David McDonough (R); David DiPietro (R); Michael Fitzpatrick (R); Christopher Friend (R); Joseph Angelino (R); Lester Chang (R); Joseph DeStefano (R); Kenneth Blankenbush (R); John Lemondes (R); Michael Novakhov (R); Stephen Hawley (R); Jeff Gallahan (R); Karl Brabenec (R); Robert Smullen (R); Philip Palmesano (R); Matthew Simpson (R); Keith Brown (R); Christopher Tague (R); Andrew Molitor (R);

Percentage of General Assembly sponsoring bill: 15% (22 of 150)

Chamber Date Action
Assembly Feb 10, 2025 referred to governmental operations
Type Date State Link Text
Introduced Feb 10, 2025 state link bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call

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Link: link to state bill page

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