Proposed Maryland Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Maryland does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Expiration and Renewal Periods for Retired Law Enforcement Officer
Description: Establishing alternative expiration and renewal periods for a handgun permit issued to a retired law enforcement officer who retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency of the State or a county or municipal corporation of the State; and providing that a handgun permit issued to a law enforcement officer who retired in good standing expires on the last day of the holder's birth month following five years after the date the permit is issued and may be renewed for successive periods of five years under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Hearing 1/29 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 10, 2025

Title: Income Tax - Credit for Firearm Safety Devices
Description: Allowing a credit against the State income tax for the purchase of certain firearm safety devices in an amount equal to the lesser of 100% of the purchase price or $200 during the taxable year; allowing an individual to carry over any excess credit to the next taxable year; requiring the Comptroller to establish a process to issue tax credit certificates; limiting the aggregate allowable amount of credits to $250,000 for any taxable year; and applying the Act to all taxable years beginning after December 31, 2024.
Last Action: Hearing 1/30 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 13, 2025

Title: Firearms - Right to Purchase, Own, Possess, and Carry
Description: Providing that a person may not be denied the right to purchase, own, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis.
Last Action: Hearing 2/05 at 2:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 3, 2025

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit Requirement - Repeal (Maryland's Constitutional Carry Act of 2025)
Description: Repealing the requirement that a person have a certain permit before the person carries, wears, or transports a handgun; repealing certain criminal prohibitions against a person who is at least 21 years old wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun; and establishing that a person may not wear, carry, or transport a handgun while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, with a penalty of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both on conviction.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 24, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Prohibitions on Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting a Handgun - Penalties
Description: Establishing a certain intent element for wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun in certain prohibited places; repealing a certain rebuttable presumption that a person transporting a handgun under certain circumstances transports the handgun knowingly; and altering certain penalty provisions related to wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun in certain prohibited places.
Last Action: Hearing 2/05 at 2:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 3, 2025

Title: Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act
Description: Imposing an excise tax on certain gross receipts of certain firearms dealers derived from the sales of firearms in the State and sales of firearms to residents of the State; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 31, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Controlled Dangerous Substances and Firearms
Description: Authorizing a person who is at least 21 years of age to manufacture a personal use amount of cannabis products or concentrated cannabis for personal use or adult sharing at a private residence if the manufacturing process does not involve the use of a volatile solvent; specifying that manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, or possessing certain large quantities of certain controlled dangerous substances is a felony; altering the penalties for being a volume dealer and drug kingpin with regard to cannabis; etc.
Last Action: Referred Judicial Proceedings
Last Action Date: March 17, 2025

Title: Frederick and Washington Counties - Bow Hunting - Openly Carrying Handguns
Description: Prohibiting the Department of Natural Resources from prohibiting certain licensed bow hunters from openly carrying a handgun under certain circumstances in Frederick County and Washington County during deer hunting season.
Last Action: Hearing 2/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 5, 2025

Title: Prohibited Possession of Firearms - Assisted Outpatient Treatment Respondents
Description: Prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm, rifle, or shotgun if the person is currently a respondent subject to a court order to comply with certain assisted outpatient treatment; and requiring a court to promptly report certain information through a certain data portal if the court orders a person to comply with certain assisted outpatient treatment.
Last Action: Referred Judicial Proceedings
Last Action Date: March 12, 2025

Title: Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Firearms and Ammunition
Description: Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to prepare certain literature relating to firearms and ammunition and to distribute the literature to all county health departments in the State; requiring each county health department to distribute certain literature to all establishments that sell firearms or ammunition within the county; requiring establishments that sell firearms or ammunition in the State to make certain literature visible and available and to distribute the literature to purchasers of firearms and ammunition; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 2/19 at 11:00 a.m.
Last Action Date: February 17, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Weapon Crimes - Transporting Firearm in Checked Bag on Public Transportation
Description: Prohibiting a person from transporting a firearm in a checked bag on public transportation in the State unless the firearm is disabled from discharging by an external safety lock; and defining "external safety lock" as a device attached to a firearm with a key or combination lock and designed to prevent a firearm from being discharged unless the device has been deactivated.
Last Action: Withdrawn by Sponsor
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention - Resources, Tools, and Educational Materials
Description: Altering the powers of the Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention to include the creation of certain resources, tools, and educational materials related to firearms; and authorizing the Center to consult with State and local agencies and third-party organizations in carrying out those powers.
Last Action: Hearing 3/05 at 3:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Sales and Use Tax - Firearms, Firearm Accessories, and Ammunition - Rate Alteration
Description: Increasing the sales and use tax rate for sales of firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition from 6% to 12%.
Last Action: Withdrawn by Sponsor
Last Action Date: March 12, 2025

Title: Gun Theft Felony Act of 2025
Description: Classifying the theft of a firearm as a felony; establishing a penalty for a first conviction for theft of a firearm of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both; and establishing a penalty for subsequent convictions of imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $2,500 or both.
Last Action: Hearing 3/05 at 3:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Family Law - Protective Orders - Surrender of Firearms
Description: Altering and establishing provisions relating to the surrender of firearms by a respondent under the domestic violence statutes; creating the Task Force to Study the Use of Firearms in Domestic Violence Situations; and requiring the Task Force to submit a report on its recommendations on or before November 15, 2025.
Last Action: Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 17, 2025

Title: Judicial and Public Safety for Service Members Act
Description: Establishing rules of interpretation related to the uniformed services; altering the rule of interpretation for "veteran"; and altering the application of certain provisions of judicial proceedings, corrections, criminal, family, public safety, and real property laws to apply to all uniformed services, rather than only the armed forces.
Last Action: Referred Judicial Proceedings Education, Energy, and the Environment
Last Action Date: March 12, 2025

Title: Civil Actions Against Firearm Industry Members - Private Right of Action
Description: Authorizing persons who suffer injury or loss to bring an action against a firearm industry member for certain unlawful or unreasonable conduct.
Last Action: Withdrawn by Sponsor
Last Action Date: March 3, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Drug Trafficking Crime - Definition
Description: Altering the definition of "drug trafficking crime" applicable to prohibitions against possessing, using, wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm during and in relation to a drug trafficking crime.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 10, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Firearm Crimes - Convertible Pistols
Description: Prohibiting a person from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, purchasing, receiving, or transferring a certain convertible pistol; and defining "convertible pistol" as any semiautomatic pistol that can be converted into a machine gun solely by the attachment of a switch/auto-sear.
Last Action: Hearing 3/05 at 3:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Crimes Against Property - Right to Defend Property
Description: Establishing that an occupant of a dwelling or place of business is justified in using any degree of physical force, including deadly physical force, against another person when that other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling or place of business, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that the other person has committed, is committing, or intends to commit a crime in the dwelling or place of business in addition to the uninvited entry; etc.
Last Action: First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Last Action Date: February 12, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Minor's Access to Firearms - Penalty
Description: Altering the penalty for storing or leaving a loaded firearm in a location where the person knew or should have known that an unsupervised minor has access to the firearm; and providing that a person who violates the Act is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment of up to 2 years or a fine of up to $1,000 or both.
Last Action: First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Last Action Date: February 17, 2025

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Expiration and Renewal Periods for Retired Law Enforcement Officer
Description: Establishing alternative expiration and renewal periods for a handgun permit issued to a retired law enforcement officer who retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency of the State or a county or municipal corporation of the State; and providing that a handgun permit issued to a law enforcement officer who retired in good standing expires on the last day of the holder's birth month following five years after the date the permit is issued and may be renewed for successive periods of five years under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Referred Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 31, 2025

Title: Judicial and Public Safety for Service Members Act
Description: Establishing rules of interpretation related to the uniformed services; altering the rule of interpretation for "veteran"; and altering the application of certain provisions of judicial proceedings, corrections, criminal, family, public safety, and real property laws to apply to all uniformed services, rather than only the armed forces.
Last Action: Referred Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 17, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Theft of a Handgun
Description: Establishing the felony of theft of a handgun; establishing a penalty for theft of a handgun of, for a first conviction, imprisonment of up to 5 years or a fine of up to $1,000 or both and, for a second or subsequent conviction, imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to $2,500 or both; and requiring that a sentence imposed under the Act be separate from and consecutive to a sentence for any other offense.
Last Action: Withdrawn by Sponsor
Last Action Date: January 27, 2025

Title: Gun Theft Felony Act of 2025
Description: Classifying the theft of a firearm as a felony; and establishing a penalties for a first conviction of imprisonment of up to 5 years or a fine of up to $1,000 or both, and for subsequent convictions, imprisonment not to exceed 10 years or a fine of up to $2,500 or both, for theft of a firearm.
Last Action: Hearing 1/30 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 20, 2025

Title: Trafficking Regulated Firearms - Felony Classification
Description: Requiring that the prosecution for an offense of trafficking a regulated firearm be instituted within 3 years after the offense was committed; reclassifying the prohibition against transporting a regulated firearm into the State for the purpose of unlawfully selling or trafficking the firearm to be a felony; and establishing a penalty on conviction of imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to $25,000 or both.
Last Action: Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 19, 2025

Title: Public Safety - Gun Buyback Programs - Destruction of Firearms
Description: Requiring a person or an entity operating a gun buyback program to destroy a firearm, including all components and parts attached to the firearm, that is traded in at a certain gun buyback program; authorizing a certain person or entity to contract with a law enforcement agency, an organization, or a business to destroy certain firearms; and requiring the Secretary of State Police to revoke a certain person's dealer's license if the person violates the provisions of the Act.
Last Action: Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 19, 2025

Title: Frederick and Washington Counties - Bow Hunting - Openly Carrying Handguns
Description: Prohibiting the Department of Natural Resources from prohibiting certain licensed bow hunters from openly carrying a handgun under certain circumstances in Frederick County and Washington County during deer hunting season.
Last Action: Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 19, 2025

Title: Prohibited Possession of Firearms - Assisted Outpatient Treatment Respondents
Description: Prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm, rifle, or shotgun if the person is currently a respondent subject to a court order to comply with certain assisted outpatient treatment; and requiring a court to promptly report certain information through a certain data portal if the court orders a person to comply with certain assisted outpatient treatment.
Last Action: Hearing 2/07 at 10:00 a.m.
Last Action Date: February 6, 2025

Title: Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Firearms and Ammunition
Description: Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to prepare certain literature relating to firearms and ammunition and to distribute the literature to all county health departments in the State; requiring each county health department to distribute certain literature to all establishments that sell firearms or ammunition within the county; requiring establishments that sell firearms or ammunition in the State to make certain literature visible and available and to distribute the literature to purchasers of firearms and ammunition; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 2/07 at 10:00 a.m.
Last Action Date: February 6, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Exception to Armed Trespass Prohibition - Retired Law Enforcement Officials
Description: Establishing an exception to the prohibition against entering or trespassing on real property while wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm for a retired law enforcement official who has retired in good standing from a law enforcement agency of the United States, the State or another state, or a local unit in the State or another state under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Referred Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 13, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Controlled Dangerous Substances and Firearms
Description: Authorizing a person who is at least 21 years of age to manufacture a personal use amount of cannabis products or concentrated cannabis for personal use or adult sharing at a private residence if the manufacturing process does not involve the use of a volatile solvent; specifying that manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, or possessing certain large quantities of certain controlled dangerous substances is a felony; altering the penalties for being a volume dealer and drug kingpin with regard to cannabis; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 2/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 4, 2025

Title: Firearms - Right to Purchase, Own, Possess, and Carry
Description: Providing that a person may not be denied the right to purchase, own, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis.
Last Action: First Reading Senate Rules
Last Action Date: February 10, 2025

Title: Criminal Law - Child's Access to Firearms - Penalty (Ny'Kala Strawder Act)
Description: Increasing the penalty to up to 5 years of imprisonment or a fine or both for storing or leaving a loaded firearm in a location where the person knew or should have known that an unsupervised minor has access to the firearm.
Last Action: Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 25, 2025