Proposed Indiana Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Indiana does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Handgun training for teachers.
Description: Handgun training for teachers. Creates a specialized firearms safety, education, and training curriculum (curriculum) for teachers, school staff members, and school employees. Specifies curriculum requirements. Authorizes funds from the: (1) Indiana safe schools fund; (2) Indiana secured schools fund; and (3) school corporation and charter school safety advance program; to be used for the purpose of providing specialized firearms instruction to certain teachers, school staff members, and school employees. Requires a charter school, nonpublic school, or school corporation to ensure that a teacher, school staff member, or school employee who receives a grant from the Indiana safe schools fund for the purpose of receiving specialized firearms instruction complies with certain requirements. Provides that the identity of any person who: (1) enrolls in; (2) participates in; or (3) completes; the curriculum is confidential. Provides that a public school or an accredited nonpublic school may not conduct a training or drill for an employee of the school that includes, as any part of the training or drill, the expelling of any type of projectile at the employee unless: (1) the school informs the employee of the use of projectiles in the training or drill; and (2) the employee consents, in writing, to the use of projectiles during the training or drill. Provides that a public school or an accredited nonpublic school may not conduct or approve a training or a drill for a student of the school that includes, as any part of the training or drill, the expelling of any type of projectile. Authorizes a qualified retired law enforcement officer to carry or possess a firearm on school property. Makes conforming and technical amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
Last Action Date: January 4, 2021

Title: Right to carry a handgun.
Description: Right to carry a handgun. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that certain persons who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a handgun are not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Prohibits certain individuals from knowingly or intentionally carrying a handgun. Creates the crime of "unlawful carrying of a handgun". Provides that a prohibited person who knowingly or intentionally carries a handgun commits a Class A misdemeanor. Specifies that the unlawful carrying of a handgun is a Level 4 felony when a person: (1) is less than 23 years of age; and (2) has an adjudication as a delinquent child for an act described by IC 35-47-4-5 (unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon). Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain from the superintendent of the state police department a reciprocity license. Requires law enforcement agencies to make use of certain data bases when issuing reciprocity licenses. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 4, 2021

Title: Interfering with public safety.
Description: Interfering with public safety. Provides that a person who enters a marked off area after having been denied entry by a firefighter commits interfering with public safety. (Under current law, the offense is committed only if the person is denied entry by an emergency medical services provider or a law enforcement officer.) Increases the penalty for obstruction of traffic under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Public Law 174
Last Action Date: April 29, 2021

Title: State of disaster emergencies.
Description: State of disaster emergencies. Provides that a state of disaster emergency (emergency) may not continue for longer than: (1) 14 days after the date of the governor's executive order, if the executive order is not renewed; or (2) 28 days after the date of the governor's executive order, if the executive order is renewed for an additional 14 days. Provides that the governor: (1) may renew a state of disaster emergency only once for a period of not more than 14 days if it is based on the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts as the original state of disaster emergency; and (2) shall notify the general assembly at least six days prior to the expiration of the original state of disaster emergency if the governor intends to renew the state of disaster emergency. Provides that the general assembly, by concurrent resolution, may do the following at its discretion when addressing the state of disaster emergency: (1) Extend the state of disaster emergency and state how long the state of disaster emergency will be extended. (2) Approve a new state of disaster emergency if requested by the governor. (3) Limit or expand the scope of the governor's powers. Provides that the governor may not issue a new executive order to circumvent the renewal limitations in the case of a state of disaster emergency based on the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts as the original state of disaster emergency. Provides that if the governor calls for a special session to address a state of disaster emergency, the general assembly shall only consider legislation concerning the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts of the original state of disaster emergency that was declared. Provides that an executive order issued, renewed, or extended shall be made in accordance with the hierarchy of law governing the state of Indiana. Provides that the governor shall not suspend or limit the lawful sale, dispensing, or transportation of any firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessory. Provides that the implementation of certain executive orders does not apply to a violation of offenses related to emergency management and disaster law. Repeals the authority of local health officers to order schools and churches closed and forbid public gatherings when considered necessary by the local health officers to prevent and stop epidemics. Provides that a public health authority may petition a court to impose a quarantine. (Current law allows a public health authority to impose a quarantine without petitioning a court.) Provides that a local health officer or a local or state agency may not close schools, athletic events, and other nonessential situations in which people gather in the event of a quarantine. Makes conforming changes.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedures
Last Action Date: January 7, 2021

Title: Handgun training for school employees.
Description: Handgun training for school employees. Provides that, before an employee or any other staff member of a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school may carry a firearm in or on school property as authorized by a school board of the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school, the employee or staff member shall do the following: (1) Successfully complete certain specialized weapons training or other firearm training. (2) Provide proof to the school board that the employee or other staff member has successfully completed the training. (3) Complete the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory 2 (MMPI-II) and provide the results from the inventory to the school board of the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school. Establishes requirements for specialized weapons training. Requires an employee or any other staff member of a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school to successfully complete 16 hours of weapons training each year that the employee or staff member is authorized and intends to carry a firearm in or on school property. Provides that the specialized weapons training must be provided by a person or entity approved by the school board of the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school. Provides immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances. Allows a school to barricade or block a door during an active shooter drill or during an active shooter emergency occurring in a school building.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
Last Action Date: January 7, 2021

Title: Background checks at gun shows.
Description: Background checks at gun shows. Requires a person wishing to sell, trade, or transfer a firearm at a gun show to transact the sale, trade, or transfer through a firearms dealer (dealer). Specifies certain exemptions. Requires a dealer to complete the sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm if the following conditions are met: (1) The dealer agrees to transact the sale, trade, or transfer of the firearm. (2) The dealer is able to successfully contact the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). (3) The dealer receives authorization from NICS to complete the sale, trade, or transfer of the firearm. (4) The recipient of the firearm being sold, traded, or transferred: (A) is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal or state law; and (B) is in compliance with all federal and state laws pertaining to the possession and transfer of certain firearms as defined under the National Firearms Act (NFA firearm), if applicable. Allows a dealer to refuse to transact the sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm for any reason. Requires a dealer to abort the sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm when: (1) the seller of the firearm; (2) the intended recipient of the firearm; or (3) both; are not eligible to possess a firearm or an NFA firearm, as applicable. Requires a dealer to abort the sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm if the firearm to be sold, traded, or transferred is: (1) reported lost; (2) reported stolen; or (3) used in the commission of a crime. Provides that a dealer is not required to return payment issued to the dealer for the dealer's role in transacting the sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm in certain instances. Provides a dealer with immunity from civil liability and damages in certain instances. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally makes a materially false statement to a dealer for the purpose of completing a sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm commits firearm transfer fraud, a Level 6 felony. Enhances the offense to a Level 5 felony if the person has a prior unrelated conviction for the offense. Provides that a dealer or person who transacts a sale, trade, or transfer of a firearm in violation of certain requirements commits unlawful transfer of a firearm, a Level 6 felony. Provides that the offense is a Level 5 felony if the dealer or person has a prior unrelated conviction for the offense. Requires gun show organizers and operators to provide signage and written notice concerning required National Instant Criminal Background Checks. Specifies certain defenses. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 7, 2021

Title: Right to carry a handgun.
Description: Right to carry a handgun. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that certain persons who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a handgun are not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Prohibits certain individuals from knowingly or intentionally carrying a handgun. Creates the crime of "unlawful carrying of a handgun". Provides that a prohibited person who knowingly or intentionally carries a handgun commits a Class A misdemeanor. Specifies that the unlawful carrying of a handgun is a Level 4 felony when a person: (1) is less than 21 years of age; and (2) has an adjudication as a delinquent child for an act described by IC 35-47-4-5 (unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon). Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain from the superintendent of the state police department a reciprocity license. Requires law enforcement agencies to make use of certain data bases when issuing reciprocity licenses. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Possession of firearms.
Description: Possession of firearms. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that certain persons who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a handgun are not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Prohibits certain individuals from knowingly or intentionally carrying a handgun including persons convicted of a federal or state offense punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding one year. Creates the crime of "unlawful carrying of a handgun". Provides that a prohibited person who knowingly or intentionally carries a handgun commits a Class A misdemeanor. Specifies that the unlawful carrying of a handgun is a Level 4 felony when a person: (1) is less than 23 years of age; and (2) has an adjudication as a delinquent child for an act described by IC 35-47-4-5 (unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon). Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain from the superintendent of the state police department a reciprocity license. Requires law enforcement agencies to make use of certain data bases when issuing reciprocity licenses. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Citizen's arrests.
Description: Citizen's arrests. Specifies that a person may perform a citizen's arrest only if: (1) the arrest is justified under the self-defense statute; (2) the arrest is justified under the shoplifter or unlawful recording detention statutes; or (3) the arrest is based on a criminal offense committed on private property in the presence of the arresting person, if the arresting person has a contractual interest in the property or is an employee of an establishment located on the property. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Constitutional carry of handguns.
Description: Constitutional carry of handguns. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Provides that a nonresident of Indiana may carry a handgun in Indiana without possessing a license or permit to carry a handgun from the person's state of residence. Allows a member of the: (1) general assembly; (2) general assembly's professional staff; or (3) lobby registration commission; to possess a handgun on the Indiana government center campus if the person is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm. Allows a person who wishes to carry a handgun in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain a license to carry a handgun. Beginning July 1, 2021, permits a person not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law to possess a firearm on any property that is: (1) affiliated with; (2) operated or managed by; (3) owned by; or (4) leased by; the department of natural resources. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Elimination of gun-free zones.
Description: Elimination of gun-free zones. Provides that beginning July 1, 2021, the state of Indiana may not regulate: (1) firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; and (2) the ownership, possession, carrying, transportation, registration, transfer, and storage of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories. Specifies certain exceptions. Provides that any provision of an ordinance, measure, enactment, rule, or policy enacted by the state and pertaining to: (1) firearms; (2) ammunition; (3) firearm accessories; and (4) the: (A) ownership; (B) possession; (C) carrying; (D) transportation; (E) registration; (F) transfer; and (G) storage of; firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; is void July 1, 2021. Provides that a person not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm under federal or state law may carry or possess a firearm, without restriction, on property affiliated with, or regulated by, the following state agencies beginning July 1, 2021: (1) The Indiana state fair commission. (2) The Indiana department of administration. Provides the Indiana state fair commission and Indiana department of administration with rulemaking and emergency rulemaking authority to implement these changes. Specifies certain rulemaking deadlines. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Firearms matters.
Description: Firearms matters. Effective March 30, 2022: (1) Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana; (2) Specifies that certain persons who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a handgun are not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana; (3) Prohibits certain individuals from knowingly or intentionally carrying a handgun; (4) Creates the crime of "unlawful carrying of a handgun"; (5) Provides that a prohibited person who knowingly or intentionally carries a handgun commits a Class A misdemeanor; (6) Specifies that the unlawful carrying of a handgun is a Level 5 felony if a person: (A) is less than 23 years of age; and (B) has an adjudication as a delinquent child for an act described by IC 35-47-4-5 (unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon); (7) Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain from the superintendent of the state police department a reciprocity license; (8) Requires law enforcement agencies to make use of certain data bases when issuing reciprocity licenses; (9) Specifies the following fees for reciprocity licenses: (A) $0 for five year reciprocity licenses, and (B) $75 for lifetime reciprocity licenses; (10) Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally exerts unauthorized control over a firearm of another person with the intent to deprive the person of any part of its value or use commits theft, a Level 5 felony; and (11) Allows for the imposition of an additional fixed term of imprisonment when a person knowingly or intentionally: (A) points; or (B) discharges; a firearm at someone the person knew, or reasonably should have known, was a first responder. Effective July 1, 2021: (1) Provides that the following must develop a process that allows law enforcement officers the ability to quickly access information about whether a person is a prohibited person who may not knowingly or intentionally carry a handgun: (A) The state police department; (B) The bureau of motor vehicles; (C) Local law enforcement agencies; and (D) Any other state entity with access to information related to persons who may not knowingly or intentionally carry a handgun; (2) Provides that the information made available to law enforcement officers must meet all state and federal statutory, constitutional, and regulatory requirements; and (3) Allows state entities to enter into a memorandum of understanding to ensure that all legal requirements are met. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: Senator Rogers added as cosponsor
Last Action Date: April 1, 2021

Title: Elimination of gun-free zones.
Description: Elimination of gun-free zones. Provides that beginning July 1, 2021, the state of Indiana may not regulate: (1) firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; and (2) the ownership, possession, carrying, transportation, registration, transfer, and storage of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories. Specifies certain exceptions. Provides that any provision of an ordinance, measure, enactment, rule, or policy enacted by the state and pertaining to: (1) firearms; (2) ammunition; (3) firearm accessories; and (4) the: (A) ownership; (B) possession; (C) carrying; (D) transportation; (E) registration; (F) transfer; and (G) storage of; firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; is void July 1, 2021. Provides that a person not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm under federal or state law may carry or possess a firearm, without restriction, on property affiliated with, or regulated by, the following state agencies beginning July 1, 2021: (1) The Indiana department of natural resources. (2) The Indiana state fair commission. (3) The Indiana department of administration. (4) The Indiana department of workforce development. Provides certain commissions and departments with rulemaking and emergency rulemaking authority to implement these changes. Specifies certain rulemaking deadlines. Prohibits a state educational institution (institution) from regulating the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories: (1) on land that is; or (2) in buildings and other structures that are; owned, leased, or managed by the institution. Specifies certain exceptions. Voids, as of July 1, 2021, any rules or policies enacted or undertaken by an institution before, on, or after June 30, 2021, that concern the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories on land or in structures owned or leased by the institution. Allows a person to bring an action against an institution if the person is adversely affected by a rule, a measure, an enactment, or a policy that: (1) is adopted or enforced by the institution; and (2) concerns the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories on land or in structures owned, leased, or managed by the institution. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: State of disaster emergencies.
Description: State of disaster emergencies. Provides that the governor shall not limit the operation of a business, industry, or religious organization as long as the business, industry, or religious organization is following standard safety procedures and guidelines when making, amending, and rescinding the necessary orders, rules, and regulations in the event of a disaster or emergency beyond local control. Provides that: (1) the initial state of disaster emergency may not continue longer than 30 days following the initial date of the declaration; and (2) a state of disaster emergency may not be renewed or extended by the governor without the approval of the general assembly. Provides that if the governor calls a special session, the special session shall be limited only to consideration of the purpose for which the initial state of disaster emergency was declared. Provides that if a local emergency is declared, a political subdivision may not limit the operation of a business, industry, or religious organization as long as the business, industry, or religious organization is following standard safety procedures and guidelines. Provides that an emergency order or emergency action longer than seven days that is issued by a county health officer or municipal health officer must be approved by the executive of a unit that has an established health department. Provides that any extensions of an emergency order or emergency action issued by a county health officer or a municipal health officer must be approved by the executive of a unit every 30 days. Repeals the provision giving local health officers the authority to order churches closed when considered necessary by the local health officers to prevent and stop epidemics. Provides that a public health authority shall not limit the operation of a business, industry, or religious organization in the event of a quarantine as long as the business, industry, or religious organization is following standard safety procedures and guidelines. Makes conforming changes.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Possession of firearms.
Description: Possession of firearms. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that certain persons who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a handgun are not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Prohibits certain individuals from knowingly or intentionally carrying a handgun. Creates the crime of "unlawful carrying of a handgun". Provides that a prohibited person who knowingly or intentionally carries a handgun commits a Class A misdemeanor. Specifies that the unlawful carrying of a handgun is a Level 4 felony when a person: (1) is less than 23 years of age; and (2) has an adjudication as a delinquent child for an act described by IC 35-47-4-5 (unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon). Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain from the superintendent of the state police department a reciprocity license. Requires law enforcement agencies to make use of certain data bases when issuing reciprocity licenses. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Voting matters.
Description: Voting matters. Defines "breach of peace" and "law enforcement officer" for purposes of election law. Includes an identification document issued by a Native American Indian tribe or band for purposes of proof of identification. Specifies to whom a watcher must report any violation of election laws. Requires the prior consent of an inspector for a watcher to object to any other precinct election officer concerning an alleged violation of election laws and allows for the removal of the watcher and revocation of credentials for a violation. Amends the definition of "electioneering" and adds language prohibiting making verbal statements, displaying certain written statements, or the display of support for the approval or defeat of a public question and electioneering before election day in specified locations. Makes it criminal trespass for a person to enter or refuse to leave a polling location after having been prohibited entry or asked to leave by an election officer or a law enforcement officer acting on behalf of an election officer.
Last Action: Public Law 209
Last Action Date: April 29, 2021

Title: Possession of firearms.
Description: Possession of firearms. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that certain persons at least 18 years of age who are not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a handgun are not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Prohibits certain individuals from knowingly or intentionally carrying a handgun. Creates the crime of "unlawful carrying of a handgun". Provides that a prohibited person who knowingly or intentionally carries a handgun commits a Class A misdemeanor. Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain from the superintendent of the state police department a reciprocity license. Requires law enforcement agencies to make use of certain data bases when issuing reciprocity licenses. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Surrender of firearms for domestic violence crimes.
Description: Surrender of firearms for domestic violence crimes. Provides that a person who: (1) has been convicted of a crime of domestic violence; and (2) knowingly or intentionally possesses a firearm; commits possession of a firearm by a domestic batterer, a Class A misdemeanor. Provides certain defenses. Requires a court to issue an order, upon entry of a judgment of conviction for a crime of domestic battery or a crime of domestic violence, that: (1) prohibits ownership or possession of a firearm until the defendant's right to possess a firearm is restored; and (2) requires the defendant to surrender: (A) any firearm owned or possessed by the defendant; and (B) any valid license or permit to carry a handgun (license); to a law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer with jurisdiction over the area where the defendant's offense occurred, where the defendant resides, or where the defendant plans to reside. Requires a court to order an appropriate law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer to seize, within 72 hours, any firearm or license owned or possessed by a defendant convicted of domestic battery or a crime of domestic violence. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally fails to surrender: (1) all firearms owned or possessed by the person; or (2) any valid license or permit to carry a handgun possessed by the person; after being convicted of domestic battery or a crime of domestic violence commits unlawful retention of a firearm or license by a domestic batterer, a Class A misdemeanor. Enhances the offense to a Level 6 felony if the person has a prior unrelated conviction for the offense. Provides certain defenses. Specifies how a confiscated firearm or license shall be: (1) returned to the rightful owner; or (2) disposed of; if a defendant's right to possess a firearm is restored. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 14, 2021

Title: Indiana crime guns task force.
Description: Indiana crime guns task force. Establishes the Indiana crime guns task force (task force) to address violent crime in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan, Johnson, and Shelby counties by delivering, in cooperation with state and federal officials, a uniform strategy to trace firearms used to commit crimes. Establishes an executive board to direct and oversee the task force. Requires the Indiana criminal justice institute to establish and administer the task force fund. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: Public Law 217
Last Action Date: April 29, 2021

Title: A SENATE RESOLUTION declaring that the policy of the state is to protect the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Description: A SENATE RESOLUTION declaring that the policy of the state is to protect the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Last Action: Senator Grooms added as coauthor
Last Action Date: April 12, 2021

Title: Unlawful viewpoint discrimination.
Description: Unlawful viewpoint discrimination. Provides that it is an unlawful discriminatory practice for a financial institution or a governmental entity to refuse to do business with, or otherwise discriminate against, a person because the person supports or is engaged in the lawful commerce of firearms, firearms accessories, or ammunition. Provides an exemption with respect to certain practices engaged in by a financial institution for a legitimate business reason or to comply with the directive of a regulator. Provides for a civil cause of action for a person aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice. Provides that the attorney general may bring a civil action in the name of the state against a person believed to be engaging in, or to have previously engaged in, an unlawful discriminatory practice. Provides that if the attorney general prevails in such an action, the attorney general shall recommend to the governor the discontinuation of state business relations with any person found to have engaged in an unlawful discriminatory practice.
Last Action: Senator Gaskill added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 25, 2021

Title: School safety.
Description: School safety. Provides that, before an employee or any other staff member of a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school may carry a firearm in or on school property as authorized by a school board of the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school, the employee or staff member shall do the following: (1) Successfully complete certain specialized weapons training or other firearm training. (2) Provide proof to the school board that the employee or staff member has successfully completed the training. (3) Complete the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory 2 (MMPI-II) and provide the results from the inventory to the school board of the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school. Establishes requirements for specialized weapons training. Requires an employee or any other staff member of a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school to successfully complete 16 hours of weapons training each year that the employee or staff member is authorized and intends to carry a firearm in or on school property. Provides that the specialized weapons training must be provided by a person or entity approved by the school board of the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school. Allows a school to barricade or block a door during an active shooter drill or during an active shooter emergency occurring in a school building. Provides that the Indiana secured school fund may be used to employ a law enforcement officer who has completed at least 40 hours of certified school resource officer training. Provides that, after June 30, 2021, a law enforcement officer or a school security officer who is not considered a school resource officer must complete 40 hours of certified school resource officer training. Resolves substantive conflicts between P.L 197-2019, P.L.50-2019, and P.L.153-2019.
Last Action: Senator Crane added as coauthor
Last Action Date: February 9, 2021

Title: Minimum age for license to carry a handgun.
Description: Minimum age for license to carry a handgun. Changes the minimum age required for a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
Last Action Date: January 5, 2021

Title: Self-defense.
Description: Self-defense. Specifies that "reasonable force" includes the pointing of a loaded or unloaded firearm for purposes of arrest or to prevent an escape, or for self-defense when used to prevent or terminate the an unlawful entry of or attack on a dwelling, curtilage, fixed place of business, motor vehicle, or aircraft in flight.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: March 1, 2021

Title: Storage of firearms.
Description: Storage of firearms. Prohibits a person from keeping or storing a firearm on any premises controlled by the person if one or more of the following conditions apply: (1) The person knows, or reasonably should know, that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm. (2) A permanent or temporary resident of the premises is disqualified, ineligible, or prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal or state law. (3) A permanent or temporary resident of the premises poses a risk of imminent personal injury to himself or herself or any other individual. Provides that a failure to secure a firearm that results in injury to, or the death of, another person is a Level 6 felony. Enhances the offense to a Level 5 felony if the person has a prior, unrelated conviction for the offense. Specifies certain defenses. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
Last Action Date: January 11, 2021

Title: Handgun possession on government center campus.
Description: Handgun possession on government center campus. Allows state employees and state officers to possess and carry a handgun on the Indiana government center campus. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments. Makes technical corrections.
Last Action: Senator Garten added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 25, 2021