Proposed Federal Firearm Legislation HB986

Legislation Overview
Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2015
Subject: Civil actions and liability: Firearms and explosives: Intergovernmental relations: Judicial procedure and administration: Legal fees and court costs: State and local government operations: Crime and law enforcement
Description: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2015 Amends the federal criminal code to authorize a person who is not prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm under federal law, and who is carrying a valid, government-issued identification document containing that person's photograph and a valid permit issued by any state to carry a concealed firearm, to possess or carry a concealed handgun (other than a machine gun or destructive device) in any other state that permits residents to carry a concealed firearm, in accordance with the restrictions of that state. Makes presentation of facially valid documents prima facie evidence that the individual has a license or permit as required.
Session: 114th Congress
Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
217 sponsors: Richard Hudson; Ralph Abraham; Rick Allen; Mark Amodei; Brian Babin; Lou Barletta; Garland Barr; Joe Barton; Dan Benishek; Gus Bilirakis; Mike Bishop; Rob Bishop; Sanford Bishop; Diane Black; Marsha Blackburn; Rod Blum; Mike Bost; Charles Boustany; Kevin Brady; Dave Brat; Jim Bridenstine; Mo Brooks; Susan Brooks; Larry Bucshon; Michael Burgess; Bradley Byrne; Earl Carter; John Carter; Steve Chabot; Jason Chaffetz; Curt Clawson; Tom Cole; Chris Collins; Doug Collins; Barbara Comstock; Michael Conaway; Paul Cook; Kevin Cramer; Eric Crawford; Ander Crenshaw; Henry Cuellar; John Culberson; Carlos Curbelo; Rodney Davis; Jeff Denham; Charles Dent; Ron DeSantis; Scott DesJarlais; Mario Diaz-Balart; Sean Duffy; Jeff Duncan; John Duncan; Renee Ellmers; Tom Emmer; Blake Farenthold; Stephen Fincher; Charles Fleischmann; John Fleming; Bill Flores; Randy Forbes; Virginia Foxx; Trent Franks; Bob Gibbs; Christopher Gibson; Louie Gohmert; Paul Gosar; Trey Gowdy; Kay Granger; Garret Graves; Sam Graves; Tom Graves; Gene Green; Morgan Griffith; Glenn Grothman; Frank Guinta; Brett Guthrie; Richard Hanna; Cresent Hardy; Gregg Harper; Andy Harris; Vicky Hartzler; Joseph Heck; Jeb Hensarling; Jaime Herrera Beutler; Jody Hice; French Hill; George Holding; Tim Huelskamp; Bill Huizenga; Randy Hultgren; Duncan Hunter; Will Hurd; Robert Hurt; Darrell Issa; Evan Jenkins; Lynn Jenkins; Bill Johnson; Sam Johnson; David Jolly; Walter Jones; Jim Jordan; David Joyce; John Katko; Mike Kelly; Trent Kelly; Steve King; Adam Kinzinger; John Kline; Stephen Knight; Raul Labrador; Doug LaMalfa; Doug Lamborn; Leonard Lance; Robert Latta; Billy Long; Barry Loudermilk; Mia Love; Frank Lucas; Cynthia Lummis; Thomas MacArthur; Kenny Marchant; Tom Marino; Michael McCaul; Tom McClintock; Patrick McHenry; David McKinley; Martha McSally; Mark Meadows; Luke Messer; John Mica; Jeff Miller; John Moolenaar; Alexander Mooney; Markwayne Mullin; Mick Mulvaney; Tim Murphy; Randy Neugebauer; Dan Newhouse; Devin Nunes; Pete Olson; Steven Palazzo; Gary Palmer; Stevan Pearce; Scott Perry; Collin Peterson; Robert Pittenger; Joseph Pitts; Ted Poe; Bruce Poliquin; Mike Pompeo; Bill Posey; Tom Price; John Ratcliffe; Tom Reed; James Renacci; Reid Ribble; Tom Rice; Scott Rigell; Martha Roby; David Roe; Mike D. Rogers; Dana Rohrabacher; Todd Rokita; Thomas Rooney; Dennis Ross; Keith Rothfus; David Rouzer; Edward Royce; Paul Ryan; Matt Salmon; Mark Sanford; Steve Scalise; David Schweikert; Austin Scott; James Sensenbrenner; Pete Sessions; John Shimkus; Bill Shuster; Michael Simpson; Adrian Smith; Christopher Smith; Jason Smith; Lamar Smith; Elise Stefanik; Chris Stewart; Steve Stivers; Marlin Stutzman; Glenn Thompson; Mac Thornberry; Scott Tipton; David Trott; Michael Turner; Fred Upton; David Valadao; Ann Wagner; Tim Walberg; Greg Walden; Mark Walker; Jackie Walorski; Mimi Walters; Randy Weber; Daniel Webster; Brad Wenstrup; Bruce Westerman; Lynn Westmoreland; Ed Whitfield; Roger Williams; Joe Wilson; Robert Wittman; Steve Womack; Kevin Yoder; Ted Yoho; David Young; Don Young; Todd Young; Lee Zeldin; Ryan Zinke;
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 50% (217 of 435)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Mar 16, 2015 | Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations. |
House | Feb 13, 2015 | Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. |
Type | Date | Federal Link | Text |
Introduced | Feb 27 2015 | federal link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Chamber: H
Committee Name: Judiciary
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
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