Proposed Federal Firearm Legislation HB868

Legislation Overview
Title: Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2013
Subject: Firearms and explosives: Law enforcement administration and funding: Retail and wholesale trades: Crime and law enforcement
Description: Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2013 - Authorizes the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance to make two-year grants to states and local governments for subgrants to gun dealers, or to gun dealers directly, to conduct gun buyback programs under which gun dealers shall be issued smart prepaid cards to purchase specified guns (listed in this Act) from individuals wishing to dispose of them. Prohibits: (1) such an individual from using such a card to buy a gun or ammunition, and (2) a merchant from accepting such a card to sell a gun or ammunition. Requires a state or local government to: (1) use 10% of grant funds to recycle the guns received from dealers to make street signs, energy efficient washing machines, car parts, energy efficient refrigerators, or other steel parts such as railroad or metro tracks; and (2) use not more than 10% for administrative costs of the program. Requires a gun dealer participating in the program to: (1) pay an individual 125% of a gun's market value, as determined by the Director; and (2) deliver guns received to the closest Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ATF] office (for grantees) or to the state or local government (for subgrantees) within 60 days of receipt. Allows grant funds to be used to provide incentives to gun dealers to participate.
Session: 113th Congress
Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations.
Last Action Date: April 8, 2013
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
5 sponsors: Payne, Donald, Jr.; Clay, Wm. Lacy; Robin Kelly; Norton, Eleanor Holmes; Wilson, Frederica S.;
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 1% (5 of 435)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Apr 8, 2013 | Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. |
House | Feb 27, 2013 | Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. |
Type | Date | Federal Link | Text |
Introduced | Mar 1 2013 | federal link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Chamber: H
Committee Name: Judiciary
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
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