Proposed Federal Firearm Legislation HB47

Legislation Overview
Title: To ensure secure gun storage and gun safety devices.
Subject: Firearms and explosives: Licensing and registrations: Product safety and quality: Crime and law enforcement
Description: To ensure secure gun storage and gun safety devices. Amends the federal criminal code to repeal provisions: (1) establishing exceptions to the prohibition against a licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer transferring a firearm to any person other than a licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer unless the transferee is provided with a secure gun storage or safety device; and (2) granting immunity from a qualified civil liability action to a person who has lawful possession and control of a handgun and who uses such a device. Revises penalty provisions by authorizing the Attorney General to suspend (currently for not more than six months) or revoke any firearms license of, or to subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 (currently $2,500), any licensee who has knowingly violated such prohibition.
Session: 114th Congress
Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.
Last Action Date: February 2, 2015
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
1 sponsors: Sheila Jackson-Lee (D);
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 0% (1 of 435)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Feb 2, 2015 | Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations. |
House | Jan 6, 2015 | Introduced in House |
House | Jan 6, 2015 | Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. |
Type | Date | Federal Link | Text |
Introduced | Jan 10 2015 | federal link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Chamber: H
Committee Name: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
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