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<p>HB5602 is a 'domestic terrorism' bill basically aimed at Trump supporters</p><p>HB8461 would stop all suppressor exports unless they are being sold to a government</p><p>HB8681 is a veiled attempt to make advertising of firearms and ammunition a crime </p><p>HB8735 would demilitarize certain federal agencies</p><p>HB8822 would dramatically change ATF responsibilities and would eliminate many safeguards for guns owners including the destruction of records of sales</p><p>HB8929 would add all sorts of new restrictions to FBI background checks including dealers having to report to the FBI any transfer that was completed before the NICS check comes back</p><p>SB4841 would allow ATF to keep firearm transfer records indefinitely </p><p>SB4888 would prevent the secretary of veterans affairs from transmitting any information to the department of justice (for inclusion in the NICS system) about a vet that does not handle their own finances</p>