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We have a challenge that needs to be met!
  Posted March 26th, 2018 01:22 am


Posts: 1,434

So here's a challenge ... a friend of ours thinks you 'gun owners' are capable of outdoing the 'march for life' ... meaning we can get more than 200,000 people down to DC (and in other countries) to tell the world we will NOT accept any new challenges to our god given rights.

He says we have more people and more of a voice ... we on the other hand said gun owners will NOT step up until something they care about is at risk .. and that's from experience.

So prove us wrong ... we want to see 10,000 likes on this thread and no less that 1000 comments .. are we right or is he right? We are damn curious to see the outcome.

We have a challenge that needs to be met!
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