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2019 Proposed Virginia Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 24th, 2019 02:36 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Virginia.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Virginia legislation click here

HB1654 would outlaw carrying a rifle or shotgun in public

HB1691 is a 'ghost gun' bill

HB1856 would allow local governments to restrict carrying firearms in libraries

HB1899 would eliminate online training for carry permits

H3363 would hold anyone who has a firearm stolen from them that is then used in a crime civilly liable

SB1158 is a constitutional carry bill

SB1162 is a universal background check bill

SB1163 would outlaw bump stock and any other 'trigger activator' that accelerates the rate of fire of a firearm

SB1164 is a universal background check bill

HB1956 would allow local governments to pass laws concerning firearms

HB1992 would allow local government to create laws governing carrying firearms in local government buildings

HB2253 would require state police to issue non-resident carry permits within 45 of receiving an application

HB2399 would require a background check to be completed before transferring a firearm

HB2492 is a high capacity magazine ban bill

HB2504 would require anyone under an order of protection to sell or transfer their firearms

HB2604 would limit handgun sales to one a month

SB1303 would allow local governments to prohibit carrying of firearms in government meeting places

SB1324 is a lost or stolen bill requiring the victim to report the theft to police or face charges

SB1446 would limit handgun sales to one a month

SB1454 is a universal background check bill

SB1458 is an extreme risk protection order bill

SB1473 would allow local government to prohibit carrying of firearms a permitted events

HB2797 would require a person to be 21 to buy an 'assault' weapon

SB1748 would outlaw magazines that hold more than 10 rounds

  Posted February 18th, 2019 03:57 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1992 would allow local government to create laws governing carrying firearms in local government buildings

HB1691 is a 'ghost gun' bill

SB1164 is a universal background check bill

SB1162 is a universal background check bill

HB2399 would require a background check to be completed before transferring a firearm

HB1856 would allow local governments to restrict carrying firearms in libraries

SB1454 is a universal background check bill

SB1458 is an extreme risk protection order bill

HB1956 would allow local governments to pass laws concerning firearms

SB1324 is a lost or stolen bill requiring the victim to report the theft to police or face charges

H3363 would hold anyone who has a firearm stolen from them that is then used in a crime civilly liable

HB2604 would limit handgun sales to one a month

SB1163 would outlaw bump stock and any other 'trigger activator' that accelerates the rate of fire of a firearm

HB2492 is a high capacity magazine ban bill

SB1446 would limit handgun sales to one a month

SB1158 is a constitutional carry bill

SB1748 would outlaw magazines that hold more than 10 rounds

HB1899 would eliminate online training for carry permits

HB1654 would outlaw carrying a rifle or shotgun in public

SB1473 would allow local government to prohibit carrying of firearms a permitted events

SB1303 would allow local governments to prohibit carrying of firearms in government meeting places

HB2504 would require anyone under an order of protection to sell or transfer their firearms

HB2253 would require state police to issue non-resident carry permits within 45 of receiving an application

HB2797 would require a person to be 21 to buy an 'assault' weapon

  Posted July 23rd, 2019 01:11 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB4024 would ban the sale of 'assault weapons', magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, trigger activators and 'silencers'. The bill would give current owners 1 years to get rid of them or make them inoperable

HB4003 would create extreme risk protection orders

HJR4005 would create a committee to study the effects of gun violence

HB4031 would set up procedures for removing firearms from anyone subject to an extreme risk protection order

HB4024 would make anyone who seeks voluntary treatment and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar 1 disorder a prohibited person. It would also require doctors to notify the state when they diagnose someone with either disorder

HJR4003 limited the scope of the 2019 special session to only firearm and ammunition related bills

SJR4002 would set up a committee to study firearm related issues

HB4008 would remove online and video training course from the acceptable training types to get a concealed carry license

SB4001 would allow local governments to ban firearms at meetings

HB4007 would allow local governments to ban firearms in any building owned or controlled by the government

SB4016 would prohibit businesses from prohibiting employees that have a carry license from carrying at work

SB4019 is a universal background check bill

HB4004 would limit handgun purchases to one per month

HB4011 would require lost or stolen firearms to be reported to police within 24 hours of the discovery

HB4002 would allow state employees that have carry permits to carry at work

SB4002 would limit handgun sales to one per month

SB4021 would require anyone who loses or has a firearm stolen to report it to the state police within 24 hours of the discovery

HB4021 would outlaw the sale of 'assault weapons' and limit magazines to 7 rounds

HB4015 would require a background check any time a firearm is sold, rented, traded or transferred,

SB4012 would amke anyone subject to an extreme risk order a prohibited person

SB4008 would allow local governments to create their own firearm and ammunition laws

SB4015 would require school boards to provide firearm safety training in all grades

HB4005 would allow local governments to enact their own firearm laws

HJR4001 would make June 1, 2020 gun violence awareness day

SB4013 would make it a felony to carry a firearm into any building owned or used by a locality for governmental purposes

HB4020 would require people who agreed to voluntary commitment to sell their firearms

2019 Proposed Virginia Legislation