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Federal Court Strikes Down Parts Of New York Concealed Carry Law, Upholds Other Parts
  Posted December 9th, 2023 12:35 pm


Posts: 1,435

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit blocked three provisions of New York's "Concealed Carry Improvement Act" (CCIA), a law Democrats passed last year in response to a Supreme Court ruling that declared the state's previous concealed carry permitting requirements unconstitutional. In doing so, the appeals court allowed other parts of the law to go into effect.

In a 261-page ruling, the three judge panel struck down a requirement that gun owners disclose their social media accounts for review when applying for a concealed carry permit. The court also blocked restrictions on carrying firearms on private property that is accessible to the public, as well as a restriction on concealed carry in houses of worship.

However, controversial parts of the law remain intact, including a requirement that applicants demonstrate good moral character and disclose household and family members on a permit application. New York will also be allowed to enforce bans on concealed carry in so-called "sensitive places," including theaters, bars, public parks and other spaces.

Federal Court Strikes Down Parts Of New York Concealed Carry Law, Upholds Other Parts