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2021-2022 Proposed New York Firearm Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 1st, 2021 02:03 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for New York.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed New York legislation click here

  Posted January 1st, 2021 02:26 pm

Posts: 1,435

A00613 would prohibit the assembly of 'ghost guns' by anyone except a gunsmith and said gunsmiths must serialize and register any gun they assemble with the state

A00930 would make the state police the point of contact for firearm sales

S00014 is a 'ghost gun' bill

S00065 would allow the state to create a 'no gun' database and distribute it so ammunition dealers would have to check it before selling ammunition to a customer

S00050 would require any firearm manufacturer to submit an annual report to the state about how many firearms they sold

A00581 would require personal liability insurance to obtain a carry permit

A00483 would outlaw 3D printed firearms or magazines

S00013 would basically outlaw 80% receivers in the state

A11121 would require state police to maintain a registry of people who have voluntarily waived their right to purchase firearms

A00837 would add a host of new regulations on gun dealers including keeping firearm cases locked and storing ammunition separately from firearms

A00412 would make it illegal for anyone under 21 to own or possess a firearm

A00449 would require a 10 day waiting period after a background check has been completed

S00051 would add to the definition of an imitation weapon

S00314 would limit the sale of 'assault weapon' ammunition to two times the magazine capacity not more then every 120 days

A00812 would remove the grandfather clause that was including in the original 'high capacity' magazine ban of 2013

  Posted January 6th, 2021 02:30 pm

Posts: 1,435

S00476 would make it a crime for anyone under 21 to possess a firearm unless they have a valid hunting license

S00733 would prohibit the advertising of firearms as 'combat weapons'

  Posted January 12th, 2021 12:56 pm

Posts: 1,435

S01192 would require all gun owners to get a firearms safety certificate

A01815 would require all vehicles that are transporting 5 or more firearms, or ammunition to have a separate storage area secured by a lock

S01370 would allow retired police officers (and only retired police officers) to apply for a carry license that is valid throughout the state

A01839 would allow security guards and private investigators who have a carry permit to carry in NYC without a NYC license

A01796 would exempt police officers and retired police officers from freedom of information laws regarding the disclosure of carry permit information

S01401 would prohibit carrying firearms in national parks and national wildlife refuges

A01180 would require firearms to be locked up in homes where there are children

S01048 would create several new ways for government to go after firearm manufacturers for things such as false advertising or creating or creating a public nuisance

J00073 would make June 6, 2021 gun violence awareness day

S01235 would put a 10 day waiting period on all firearm sales

A01267 would restrict where gun dealers can be in relation to schools and houses of worship

A01598 would require anyone wishing to buy ammunition to produce a firearm license

S01236 is a one firearm a month bill

  Posted January 20th, 2021 12:33 pm

Posts: 1,435

S01623 would remove the recertification requirement for firearms implemented by the SAFE act

A02175 would make it illegal to sell ammunition to someone 'not authorized' to own a firearm of that caliber

S01602 would prohibit anyone on the no fly list from obtaining or renewing any firearm license

S01725 expands the list of immediate family who firearms can be transferred to

S01719 would require all gun buy back programs to check serial numbers against the state list of stolen firearms and would prevent any found to be stolen from being destroyed

S02085 would remove pistol grip from the definition of an 'assault weapon'

A02637 would outlaw armor piercing ammunition

S02094 would give a tax credit for gun safety equipment

A02556 would require all privately built firearms to have serial numbers and to require those serial numbers to be registered with the state

A02331 would prohibit anyone under 12 from entering a gun show

A02125 would add a $5 fee on all rifle and shotgun sales to be used for gun violence research

A02061 would prohibit firearms from being used as prizes in games of chance

A02093 would redefine the definition of an 'assault weapon'

S02096 would repeal parts of the 2013 SAFE act relating to firearm license, private sales and the minimum age to possess firearms

S01467 would create a taxpayer funded firearm violence task force

A02560 would require manufacturers who sell firearm in the state to report the amount sold on an annual basis

S01419 would require all firearms sold in the state to have some form of 'child proofing mechanism'

A02571 would outlaw unfinished receivers

S02073 would prevent carry license information from being released to the public

A02126 would limit the sale of ammunition for 'assault weapons' to two times the legal capacity every 120 days

A02074 would require 'instruction' in all schools in 'anti-gun violence'

A02170 would set up gun violence protection programs in all schools K-12

A02222 would eliminate school marksmanship and shooting programs

A02335 would limit the 'SAFE act' to the counties of Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York and Bronx

S01605 would require anyone wanting to buy a firearm to a mental health evaluation and then provide the seller with an 'approval to purchase such firearm'

A02176 would require all gun dealers and gunsmiths to keep all firearms locked up except when removing a single firearm to show to a customer

S01708 would allow military at recruitment centers to carry their service arm

  Posted January 26th, 2021 01:39 pm

Posts: 1,435

S02154 would prohibit credit card companies from prohibiting their customers from using their cards to purchase firearms and ammunition

J00284 would proclaim Feb 1-8 2021 as gun violence survivors week

S02299 would require five public hearings to be held before any firearm related legislation can be voted on

A02666 would outlaw the sale of unfinished receivers

S02647 would allow 'peace officers' to possess, carry, repair or dispose of firearms with any for of license

  Posted February 3rd, 2021 02:01 pm

Posts: 1,435

S03636 would limit the safe act to the 5 counties of NYC

S04116 would require all semi-auto handguns to be capable of micro-stamping

S03196 would remove suppressors from this list of prohibited items

S03206 would allow people that have permits to possess a firearm to carry firearms

A03538 would allow people to carry handguns if they have a permit to possess

A03880 would require all firearms to be locked up when not in use

A03829 would require anyone wishing to own a firearm to submit to a mental health evaluation and to provide a certificate to the seller of the firearm

S03658 would prohibit banning legally carried firearms in rest stops, parking areas and scenic overlooks

S03347 would allow people to sue someone who loaned a firearm to someone else and that person injured someone with the firearm

A03808 would create a new section of law making it illegal to promote or sell a firearm on public property

S04103 would repeal several sections of the SAFE act

S03718 would remove the duty to retreat from self-defense laws and would provide civil liability

S03246 would put a limit on rifle and shotgun sales to one per 90 day period

A03926 would make prohibited people turn over antique and black powder and muzzle loading firearms

S02892 would outlaw 50 cal center fire rifles

A04029 would make gun dealers and manufacturers civilly liable for crimes committed using large capacity magazines

S03018 would add more requirements to buy a firearm including passing a drug test and a mental health evaluatioon

A03841 would prohibit anyone on the terrorist no-fly zone from obtaining or renewing a license to carry, posses, repair and dispose of firearms

S03651 would remove language that prohibits rifles and shotguns on college and university campuses

S03614 would prohibit any literature about the dangers of firearms from being distributed when firearms are sold

S03627 would require a written disposition for firearm licenses to be made within 180 days and if not refund the fees

S03624 would require any agency that issues firearm permits to act within 14 days for anyone applying and is under the protection of a court order

A04051 would allow firearms to be passed to an immediate family member through their estate

S03610 would allow recruiters to carry their personal firearms at recruiting stations

S03545 would make it illegal for prohibited persons to buy ammunition

S02981 would set up a firearm violence research institute

S02844 would set up a background check system within the state police instead of using NICS

S02949 would set up a firearm violence research institute

  Posted February 13th, 2021 01:37 pm

Posts: 1,435

K00051 would proclaim Feb. 1-8 as gun violence survivors week

A05145 would make people on the federal no-fly list and terrorist watch list prohibited persons

A04928 would require gun dealers to report all failed background checks directly to the state police

A05229 would prohibit the department of transportation to prohibit carrying of firearms with a permit in rest areas, parking areas and scenic overlooks

A04790 would allow people from other states to carry concealed firearms with a permit and identification

A05298 would require that a hearing be held before a carry license is suspended

A04937 would require police to take mandatory training in the use of force before carrying a firearm

A05269 would strengthen self-defense laws and remove the duty to retreat

  Posted February 26th, 2021 01:02 pm

Posts: 1,435

A05455 would require police to seize firearms for 120 hours when responding to reports of family violence

S04946 would require liability insurance to own a firearm

S05026 would require police to seize firearms for no less than 120 hours when responding to reports of family violence

S04947 would require 3D printed firearms to have a serial number and be registered with the state police

S05058 would prohibit using lead ammo for hunting

  Posted March 11th, 2021 04:03 pm

Posts: 1,435

S05442 would add hunting and fishing courses to high school PE courses

S05426 would increase the ballistic firearms database by requiring more firearms to include a spent casing

A05937 would create civil penalties for the improper disposal of a firearm

S05360 would repeal the large capacity magazine ban

S05291 would add additional taxes on firearms to pay for a gun violence research project

  Posted March 24th, 2021 02:20 pm

Posts: 1,435

S05952 would create a gun violence research fund and would allow citizens to contribute to it via their tax return

S05872 would prevent an estate from transferring 'large capacity' magazines to heirs

A06418 would create a carry permit for police officers that is valid throughout the state

A06411 would bar certain 'youthful offenders' from possessing firearms

  Posted April 20th, 2021 10:39 am

Posts: 1,435

A06762 is an attempt to go after firearm manufacturers with nonsensical false advertising lawsuits

S06150 would prohibit anyone under 17 from using a bb gun

  Posted May 13th, 2021 01:15 pm

Posts: 1,435

S06443 would require the courts to inquire about firearm ownership when issuing a protective order

S06363 would allow searches to seize firearms when a person refuses to surrender them

A07246 would require all firearm owners to hold a safety certificate

A07243 would require a quarterly report on firearms used in the commission of a crime

A07302 would create a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund

A07414 would prohibit carrying firearms into polling places

S06659 would set a fee for firearm licenses in Westchester county

  Posted May 30th, 2021 02:45 pm

Posts: 1,435

A07771 would require drug testing, a mental health evaluation and live fire training before someone can buy a firearm

S07066 would require anyone wishing the get, or renew, a concealed carry license to show proof of personal liability insurance

J01009 would make June 2021 gun violence awareness month

  Posted June 8th, 2021 02:31 pm

Posts: 1,435

A07926 would require all newly manufactured semi-auto handguns sold in the state to have microstamping technology

S07226 would require handguns sold in the state to be capable of microstamping ammunition

S07196 is a ridiculous piece of legislation attempting to hold gun manufacturers responsible for actions by others using their firearms

  Posted July 11th, 2021 01:31 pm

Posts: 1,435

A08102 would require a court to order the immediate search and seizure of a defendant's firearms when they refuse to surrender them

A08131 would require the department of state to maintain a database of the sale and use of microstamped firearms

A08149 would require law enforcement in areas of 'high gun violence' to post 'signage'

2021-2022 Proposed New York Firearm Legislation