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2019-2020 Proposed New York Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 24th, 2019 02:27 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for New York.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed New York legislation click here

A00095 would require liability insurance for anyone applying for or renewing a license to carry a firearm

A00396 would require the surrender of all firearms by anyone taken in for a mental evaluation by police and would require a 'cooling off' period once they are discharged

A00418 would require surrender of black powder firearms after a felony conviction or mental health 'report'

A00425 would require firearms to be locked up if a person knows or reasonably knows a child could get to them

A00450 is an attempt to outlaw gun shows by making it illegal to sell or promote gun sales on public property own by the state or any local government

A00451 is another idiotic 'ghost gun' bill

A00503 would require all firearms to be locked up when not in use

A00506 would require all firearms to be locked unless they are in the direct possession of the owner

A00514 would prohibit anyone on the no fly list from getting or renewing a firearm license

A00625 would allow police to remove firearms when called for a domestic violence call

A00638 would restrict where gun dealers and gunsmiths can have their businesses

A00716 would prohibit the transfer of a firearm by a dealer until a proceed response is given by the ATF, no matter how long it takes

A00763 is a 'ghost gun' bill

A00773 would outlaw 3D printed firearms and magazines

S00042 would make the possession or sale of armor piercing ammunition illegal

S00101 would prevent schools from allowing teachers to carry firearms

S00114 would prevent banks from stopping credit card holders from buying firearms

S00174 would repeal sections of the safe act related to suspensions and revocation of firearm licenses

S00196 would clarify that a license to carry can only be suspended when a person is under a protection order or has violated a protection order

S00201 removes the maximum age limit for minors using firearms at a range

S00205 would allow victims of domestic abuse to carry a firearm while their license to carry is being processed

S00266 would limit the application of the safe act to the 5 boroughs of New York City

S00285 would remove the restrictions for firearms on college campuses

S00287 would remove the prohibition on suppressors

S00446 would allow police to seize firearms from a home during a domestic abuse call

S00455 removes the maximum age limit for minors using firearms at a range

S00458 changes the definition of large capacity magazines from 7 to 10 rounds

S00539 expands the list of immediate family related to firearm transfers

S00603 would eliminate the re-certification requirement for firearms regulated under the SAFE act

S00670 raises the ages of minors in relation to prohibitions of air gun

S00680 would allow national guard recruiters to carry firearms

S00682 would allow anyone that has a license to possess a firearm to carry it concealed

S00686 would prohibit any government literature or applications to contain explicit warnings regarding gun ownership

S00837 would allow the transfer of firearms to an immediate family member of the descendant's family

S00862 would allow the transfer of firearms to an immediate family member of the descendant's family

S00931 would require a written determination of a license to carry within 180 days and if it is denied all fees must be refunded

S01174 would set up a means to restore firearm rights

S01224 would allow any active military that has a license to carry in their own state carry in NY

S01275 would make it a class A misdemeanor to purchase or acquire more than one firearm every 30 days

A00859 would set up non-resident carry license

A00890 would create a ten day waiting period on all firearm sales

A01007 would outlaw marksmanship and shooting programs in public schools

A01054 would add layer upon layer of new restrictions on gun dealers

A01247 would make it illegal to take your children (under 12) to a gun show

A01251 would require all semi auto handguns sold in the state to be equipped with micro stamping technology

A01413 would make it illegal to have a firearm as a prize in any game of chance

A01589 would require anyone wishing to buy a firearm to first have a mental health evaluation and submit proof of it to the dealer

A01594 would require anyone transporting 5 or more weapons to have a separate storage area secured by a padlock

A01697 would prohibit any warnings about firearm ownership on firearm applications

A01701 would make a license to possess a firearm could be used to carry concealed

A01715 would prohibit educational institutions from allowing anyone to employee to carry firearms

A01724 would limit the sale of ammunition for 'assault weapons' to two times the magazine capacity every 120 days

A01738 would require gun dealers to report all sales that are denied to state police

S01231 would allow military personnel to carry service issued firearms at recruitment centers

S01337 would outlaw any device that accelerates the rate of fire of a firearm

S01412 would require anyone applying or renewing a firearm license to first apply for a hunting license and to provide a notarized drug test results, a notarized mental health screening and complete a live fire training course

S01413 would require anyone applying for or renewing a firearm license to allow a search of their social media posts and search engine queries

S01414 is yet another 'ghost gun' bill

S01764 would require firearms to be locked up in the home

S01831 would create a 10 day waiting period on all firearm sales

S01834 would limit firearm sales to one per month

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 27th, 2019 12:20 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

A02005 is the state budget bill but it also contains language to outlaw bump stocks and trigger activators

A02035 would prohibit the state from any investment in firearm manufacturers

A02132 would set up a means to restore a persons firearm rights

A02148 is a universal background check bill

A02486 would require all firearm manufacturers that ship firearms to NY to submit an annual report to the state detailing how many firearms they manufacture

A02487 would allow non-residents to get carry licenses if they have a license to carry in their home state

A02492 would require all privately made firearms to have a serial number

A02517 would require anyone who possesses a firearm to complete a firearm proficiency examination that shall be implemented by the state

A02538 would outlaw any device that would accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle

A02684 would outlaw 'rapid-fire modification' devices for firearms

A02685 would use taxpayer money to fund gun buy back programs

A02689 would create extreme risk protection orders

A02690 would require a 30 day waiting period before a firearm can be delivered if a 'proceed' response is not received from NICS

A02847 would require all owners of firearms to carry at least $250,000 worth of liability insurance

S01505 is the state budget but also contains language that bans bump stocks and trigger activators

S02143 is a 'ghost gun' bill

S02181 would open up gun owners to civil suits if they loan a firearm and something happens

S02240 would make it illegal for anyone to purchase more than one rifle or shotgun every 3 months

S02277 would require all semi-automatic handguns to be capable of micro-stamping ammunition

S02280 would make it illegal for anyone under 21 to possess a firearm

S02291 would require anyone that owns a firearm to complete a firearm safety course

S02374  would require a 30 day waiting period before a firearm can be delivered if a 'proceed' response is not received from NICS

S02415 would outlaw attachments to electronic devices to the definition of imitation weapons

S02419 would require all privately built firearms to have serial numbers

S02422 would require all firearm manufacturers to report the sale and distribution of firearms annually to the state

S02437 would outlaw 50 caliber (and larger) firearms and would require state police to buy them back

S02438 would require the search of foreign state records (if any) when someone applies for a firearm license

S02448 would outlaw rapid-fire modification devices for firearms

S02449 would use taxpayer money to fund local gun buy back programs

S02451 would create extreme risk protection orders

S02522 would use taxpayer money to create and run a firearm violence research fund

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 18th, 2019 03:33 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

A05314 would allow military working at recruiting centers to carry sidearms

A05376 would repeal most of the SAFE act

A05381 would repeal the section of the SAFE act regarding the definition of an 'assault weapon'

A05392 would remove the upper age restriction for minors handling firearms

A05599 would allow county clerks to issue licenses to carry

A05684 would make commercial shipping of firearms an absolute nightmare by requiring specific packaging, labeling and detailed manifests

A05725 would prohibit carrying firearms at any government meeting

A05758 would make the SAFE act only applicable in the 5 boroughs of NYC

S03565 would require all handguns sold in the state to include some form of 'childproofing' so an 'average 5 year old' could not operate the gun

S03771 is a universal background check bill

  Posted February 18th, 2019 03:56 pm

Posts: 1,435

S00714 would repeal sections of the SAFE act

S00931 would require a written determination of a license to carry within 180 days and if it is denied all fees must be refunded

S00680 would allow national guard recruiters to carry firearms

S00455 removes the maximum age limit for minors using firearms at a range

A00773 would outlaw 3D printed firearms and magazines

A00763 is a 'ghost gun' bill

A01594 would require anyone transporting 5 or more weapons to have a separate storage area secured by a padlock

A05005 would allow police officers to get a license to carry and possess anywhere in the state

S00266 would limit the application of the safe act to the 5 boroughs of New York City

S03354 would require firearm applications for victims of abuse within 14 days

S00114 would prevent banks from stopping credit card holders from buying firearms

S00174 would repeal sections of the safe act related to suspensions and revocation of firearm licenses

S00042 would make the possession or sale of armor piercing ammunition illegal

A01724 would limit the sale of ammunition for 'assault weapons' to two times the magazine capacity every 120 days

S00201 removes the maximum age limit for minors using firearms at a range

A05725 would prohibit carrying firearms at any government meeting

A00095 would require liability insurance for anyone applying for or renewing a license to carry a firearm

A01738 would require gun dealers to report all sales that are denied to state police

A01701 would make a license to possess a firearm could be used to carry concealed

A01697 would prohibit any warnings about firearm ownership on firearm applications

A02690 would require a 30 day waiting period before a firearm can be delivered if a 'proceed' response is not received from NICS

A05180 would eliminate firearm re-certification from the SAFE act

S03565 would require all handguns sold in the state to include some form of 'childproofing' so an 'average 5 year old' could not operate the gun

A05314 would allow military working at recruiting centers to carry sidearms

A02005 is the state budget bill but it also contains language to outlaw bump stocks and trigger activators

A05087 would make it easier to transfer firearms to family members upon a person's death

A05183 would repeal portions of the SAFE act regarding applying for firearm license

A05376 would repeal most of the SAFE act

A05381 would repeal the section of the SAFE act regarding the definition of an 'assault weapon'

A05392 would remove the upper age restriction for minors handling firearms

S00287 would remove the prohibition on suppressors

S00285 would remove the restrictions for firearms on college campuses

S00196 would clarify that a license to carry can only be suspended when a person is under a protection order or has violated a protection order

S00458 changes the definition of large capacity magazines from 7 to 10 rounds

S00446 would allow police to seize firearms from a home during a domestic abuse call

A01715 would prohibit educational institutions from allowing anyone to employee to carry firearms

S01764 would require firearms to be locked up in the home

A02035 would prohibit the state from any investment in firearm manufacturers

A02148 is a universal background check bill

S01224 would allow any active military that has a license to carry in their own state carry in NY

A02132 would set up a means to restore a persons firearm rights

S01505 is the state budget but also contains language that bans bump stocks and trigger activators

S02181 would open up gun owners to civil suits if they loan a firearm and something happens

A02486 would require all firearm manufacturers that ship firearms to NY to submit an annual report to the state detailing how many firearms they manufacture

A02492 would require all privately made firearms to have a serial number

A02538 would outlaw any device that would accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle

S02291 would require anyone that owns a firearm to complete a firearm safety course

S02280 would make it illegal for anyone under 21 to possess a firearm

S00686 would prohibit any government literature or applications to contain explicit warnings regarding gun ownership

A02487 would allow non-residents to get carry licenses if they have a license to carry in their home state

S02240 would make it illegal for anyone to purchase more than one rifle or shotgun every 3 months

A01007 would outlaw marksmanship and shooting programs in public schools

S01231 would allow military personnel to carry service issued firearms at recruitment centers

A00890 would create a ten day waiting period on all firearm sales

S01414 is yet another 'ghost gun' bill

S01413 would require anyone applying for or renewing a firearm license to allow a search of their social media posts and search engine queries

A00503 would require all firearms to be locked up when not in use

S01337 would outlaw any device that accelerates the rate of fire of a firearm

A01413 would make it illegal to have a firearm as a prize in any game of chance

A04808 would remove some characteristics that classify a firearm as an 'assault weapon'

A04750 would make sale or possession of 'armor piercing' ammunition a class B felony

A00638 would restrict where gun dealers and gunsmiths can have their businesses

A01054 would add layer upon layer of new restrictions on gun dealers

S01275 would make it a class A misdemeanor to purchase or acquire more than one firearm every 30 days

A04841 would make magazine manufacturers directly liable for damages for any crime that was committed using one of their 'high capacity' magazines

S01174 would set up a means to restore firearm rights

A00625 would allow police to remove firearms when called for a domestic violence call

S00205 would allow victims of domestic abuse to carry a firearm while their license to carry is being processed

S00682 would allow anyone that has a license to possess a firearm to carry it concealed

A00418 would require surrender of black powder firearms after a felony conviction or mental health 'report'

S00862 would allow the transfer of firearms to an immediate family member of the descendant's family

A01247 would make it illegal to take your children (under 12) to a gun show

S01412 would require anyone applying or renewing a firearm license to first apply for a hunting license and to provide a notarized drug test results, a notarized mental health screening and complete a live fire training course

S01831 would create a 10 day waiting period on all firearm sales

A00450 is an attempt to outlaw gun shows by making it illegal to sell or promote gun sales on public property own by the state or any local government

A01589 would require anyone wishing to buy a firearm to first have a mental health evaluation and submit proof of it to the dealer

S01834 would limit firearm sales to one per month

A01251 would require all semi auto handguns sold in the state to be equipped with micro stamping technology

S02451 would create extreme risk protection orders

A02689 would create extreme risk protection orders

A05599 would allow county clerks to issue licenses to carry

S02277 would require all semi-automatic handguns to be capable of micro-stamping ammunition

A02684 would outlaw 'rapid-fire modification' devices for firearms

S02449 would use taxpayer money to fund local gun buy back programs

A02685 would use taxpayer money to fund gun buy back programs

S00101 would prevent schools from allowing teachers to carry firearms

S02438 would require the search of foreign state records (if any) when someone applies for a firearm license

S02415 would outlaw attachments to electronic devices to the definition of imitation weapons

A00859 would set up non-resident carry license

S02437 would outlaw 50 caliber (and larger) firearms and would require state police to buy them back

S02419 would require all privately built firearms to have serial numbers

S02448 would outlaw rapid-fire modification devices for firearms

S02422 would require all firearm manufacturers to report the sale and distribution of firearms annually to the state

A00716 would prohibit the transfer of a firearm by a dealer until a proceed response is given by the ATF, no matter how long it takes

S02522 would use taxpayer money to create and run a firearm violence research fund

A02847 would require all owners of firearms to carry at least $250,000 worth of liability insurance

A05758 would make the SAFE act only applicable in the 5 boroughs of NYC

A05684 would make commercial shipping of firearms an absolute nightmare by requiring specific packaging, labeling and detailed manifests

S03771 is a universal background check bill

A02517 would require anyone who possesses a firearm to complete a firearm proficiency examination that shall be implemented by the state

S02143 is a 'ghost gun' bill

S02374 would require a 30 day waiting period before a firearm can be delivered if a 'proceed' response is not received from NICS

A03008 would create a taxpayer funded firearm research institute

S02614 would repeal sections of the SAFE act

A03152 would require a person the intends to build a firearm to first obtain a serial number from the state

A04496 would repeal sections of the SAFE act

A03485 would ban the use of lead based ammunition for hunting

A03353 would prohibit possession of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges

S02902 would require all ammunition sold in the state to have serial numbers and each sale to be registered

A03258 would require all handguns sold in the state to be equipped with personalized handgun technology within 5 years and all older handguns to be retro-fitted with it within 10 years

A00703 would outlaw hunting with lead ammunition on state land or any land 'contributing surface water to the New York city water supply'

S00539 expands the list of immediate family related to firearm transfers

A00396 would require the surrender of all firearms by anyone taken in for a mental evaluation by police and would require a 'cooling off' period once they are discharged

A00451 is another idiotic 'ghost gun' bill

A04140 would require anyone wishing to buy handgun ammunition to show a firearm license

A04067 would make it a crime to sell ammunition to any prohibited person

A04123 would protect retire law enforcement who have concealed carry permits from having their names release to the public

A00514 would prohibit anyone on the no fly list from getting or renewing a firearm license

S00837 would allow the transfer of firearms to an immediate family member of the descendant's family

S00670 raises the ages of minors in relation to prohibitions of air gun

A00425 would require firearms to be locked up if a person knows or reasonably knows a child could get to them

A00506 would require all firearms to be locked unless they are in the direct possession of the owner

S01038 would require anyone wishing to buy ammunition to be run through a state run 'no gun' database

S00603 would eliminate the re-certification requirement for firearms regulated under the SAFE act

A04428 would allow people with out of state carry permits to carry in upstate NY for up to a month

  Posted February 26th, 2019 03:16 pm

Posts: 1,435

S03936 would repeal the section of the SAFE act regarding magazine capacity

A05822 would increase the types of firearms to be included in the firearm ballistic database

S03832 would prohibit carrying in national parks and national wildlife refuges

  Posted March 4th, 2019 02:59 pm

Posts: 1,435

  Posted March 11th, 2019 11:29 am

Posts: 1,435

S04202 is a 'ghost knife' bill

A06263 would make anyone convicted of a hate crime a prohibited person

  Posted May 22nd, 2019 03:36 pm

Posts: 1,435

A07460 would raise the age to buy firearms to 21

A06661 would require firearm dealers to keep all firearm locked up during business hours and in a fireproof safe when not open

S05583 would allow retired police officers to get a firearm license that is good threw out the state (own and carry)

A07640 would add an extra tax on all firearm sales to be used to fund a gun violence research fund

A07362 would require the legislature to hold 5 public hearings before any firearm related bill could be passed

S04868 would require firearm owners to have a 1 million dollar liability policy

A07739 would allow local and state government officials access to records of applications for licenses of firearms

S04886 would require all gunsmiths that 'manufacture' firearms with 3D printed parts engrave a unique serial number and then register it with the state

A07752 is New York's attempt to stop the Supreme Court case by allowing people to transport firearms between places the are allowed to be (business, second home)

S06151 is New York's attempt to stop the Supreme Court case by allowing people to transport firearms between places the are allowed to be (business, second home)

S04564 would prohibit firearms on any property owned or held in trust for SUNY ESF

S05019 would expand the useless firearm ballistic identification database

S06160 would allow state and local law enforcement access to firearm license applications

S05961 would allow the transfer of firearms covered by the safe act to relatives via a will but would ban the transfer of 'large capacity' magazines

S04380 is another 'ghost gun' bill

  Posted June 3rd, 2019 01:16 pm

Posts: 1,435

S06230 is another 'ghost gun' bill

A07921 would prohibit carrying firearms on any property held in trust for SUNY ESF

A07891 would prohibit employers from retaliating against an employee that uses a firearm at work in self defense during the course of a crime

S06196 would prohibit carrying firearms on property owned by or held in trust for SUNY ESF

A07847 is another 'ghost gun' bill

  Posted June 12th, 2019 01:53 pm

Posts: 1,435

  Posted June 27th, 2019 01:09 pm

Posts: 1,435

K00621 would make June 2019 gun violence awareness month

  Posted September 6th, 2019 10:43 am

Posts: 1,435

  Posted September 17th, 2019 11:07 am

Posts: 1,435

S06716 would outlaw unfinished receivers

A08575 would make people prohibited from buying firearms prohibited from buying ammunition (which means they will have background checks for ammunition purchases)

  Posted October 28th, 2019 01:12 pm

Posts: 1,435

S06738 would outlaw using firearms as prizes for raffles and small games of chance

A08650 would make it a crime to sell an unfinished receiver

  Posted November 9th, 2019 01:28 pm

Posts: 1,435

  Posted November 27th, 2019 11:29 am

Posts: 1,435

S06866 would prohibit the department of transportation from making any rule that prohibits concealed carry

  Posted December 20th, 2019 06:29 pm

Posts: 1,435

A08870 would define unfinished receivers as firearm and mandate the sale of the go through an FFL

  Posted January 1st, 2020 11:33 am

Posts: 1,435

S07064 would make anyone on the federal no fly list a prohibited person

A08931 wouls require gun manufacturers to install global positioning technology so the firearm could be tracked when stolen

S07065 would require anyone buying a firearm ro submit to a mental health evaluation and then provide the dealer with that evaluation

  Posted January 15th, 2020 01:11 pm

Posts: 1,435

A05569 would allow the use of a single shot 22 rifle at ranges by children 11 years and up while under supervision

A09022 would prohibit the department of transportation to prohibit carrying concealed firearms at rest stops, parking areas and scenic overlooks

A05209 would amend the state constitution to include the right to keep and bear arms

  Posted January 17th, 2020 11:57 am

Posts: 1,435

S07299 would add ammunition to the prohibited items list for purchase after certain convictions

  Posted January 25th, 2020 11:15 am

Posts: 1,435

A09505 would prohibit the sale of major component of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun, or an unfinished frame or receiver unless it goes through a licensed dealer and a background check is completed

S07505 would prohibit the sale of major component of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun, or an unfinished frame or receiver unless it goes through a licensed dealer and a background check is completed

J02600 would proclaim June 2, 2020 as gun violence awareness day

  Posted February 7th, 2020 01:26 pm

Posts: 1,435

J02758 asks the governor to make February 1-8, 2020 'Gun Violence Survivors Week'

  Posted February 14th, 2020 01:09 pm

Posts: 1,435

A09783 would create a commission to study personalized handguns and create a roster of personalized handguns that can be sold in the state

  Posted February 19th, 2020 10:30 am

Posts: 1,435

S07762 would make it illegal to sell unfinished receivers

S07763 is a ghost gun bill that would also require gunsmiths to add serial numbers and then register them with the state

  Posted February 24th, 2020 03:16 pm

Posts: 1,435

S07780 would require any bill involving gun control to have 5 regional hearings before it can be voted on

  Posted February 27th, 2020 01:08 pm

Posts: 1,435

A09903 is a 'ghost gun' bill that would also require all gunsmiths to add a serial number to any firearm they make and then register it with the state

  Posted March 14th, 2020 03:28 pm

Posts: 1,435

A10114 would remove the duty to retreat before using deadly force

S08028 would make the department of criminal justice produce and publish safe storage information that would published on their website to parents of school children

S07915 would remove the duty to retreat before using deadly force

A09945 would make it illegal to own or sell unfinished receivers

  Posted May 13th, 2020 12:34 pm

Posts: 1,435

S08297 would prohibit advertising firearms as 'combat weapons'

  Posted July 28th, 2020 01:50 pm

Posts: 1,435

A10755 would prohibit peace officers from carrying firearms while working unless they are turning them in the authorities

A10684 would make anyone on the federal no fly list a prohibited person

  Posted October 25th, 2020 04:10 pm

Posts: 1,435

S08926 states "No gun industry member shall create or maintain a condition which endangers safety or health through the sale, manufacturing, importing or marketing of firearms" ... basically a way to put gun manufacturers out of business using lawsuits

2019-2020 Proposed New York Legislation

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