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NH Governor Vetoes Red Flag Bill
  Posted August 8th, 2020 11:32 am


Posts: 1,428

As expected, Gov. Chris Sununu on Friday vetoed a bill establishing extreme protective orders intended to reduce suicides and mass killings.

House Bill 687, commonly known as the 'red flag' bill, would have established a civil procedure to remove firearms and ammunition from someone who is at risk of harming him or herself or others. The bill would have established extreme risk protection orders through a civil process initiated by a person's family, housemates or law enforcement.

The legislation is similar to laws in 19 states and the District of Columbia.

Opponents say the bill would trample on the constitutional rights of individuals on hearsay evidence without due process, particularly gun rights.

In his veto message, Sununu said he has signed legislation to bring awareness to suicide prevention and has worked to improve the state's mental health system but cannot approve a bill that would strip residents of their constitutional rights.

"Unfortunately, the process laid out in House Bill 687 goes too far and would weaken the constitutional rights of law-abiding New Hampshire citizens," Sununu said. The bill's prime sponsor, Rep. Debra Altschiller, D-Stratham, said the bill is needed now more than ever due to the coronavirus pandemic with more people in mental health crisis and the significant increase in gun sales.

NH Governor Vetoes Red Flag Bill