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Consitutional Carry Bill Passes New Hampshire House
  Posted February 9th, 2017 01:06 pm


Posts: 1,428

A bill that would make it easier for Granite Staters to carry a concealed weapon on Thursday easily passed its final major legislative hurdle on its path toward becoming law.

The state House of Representatives voted 200-97 in favor of the measure, which would repeal the need for a permit or license to carry a concealed handgun. There were a large number of absent state representatives, due to the powerful snowstorm slamming New Hampshire.

Last month the New Hampshire state Senate, in a 13-10 party line vote, passed the bill.

Republican Gov. Chris Sununu has repeatedly said he'll sign the bill into law.

Last month, following the measure's passage in the state Senate, the state's first GOP governor in a dozen years wrote "I am pleased that the State Senate today voted to advance common sense legislation in support of a citizen's fundamental right to carry a firearm, joining neighboring states throughout the region and across the country," Sununu wrote in a statement following the vote.

Consitutional Carry Bill Passes New Hampshire House