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Nebraska Legislature Close To Passing Constitutional Carry Bill
  Posted March 4th, 2023 10:36 am


Posts: 1,428

Nebraskans are closer than ever before to not having to obtain a government-issued permission slip before exercising their right to bear arms in self-defense after lawmakers voted to advance a Constitutional Carry bill on Friday morning, overcoming a filibuster attempt by Democratic opponents that stretched over three days.

LB 77 passed first reading by a vote of 36-12 shortly before noon on Friday; the strongest sign yet that the bill's chances of passage are much better than in recent years. Sen. Tom Brewer has brought forward a Constitutional Carry bill for several sessions running, and last year came just two votes short of ending the Democrats' filibuster. In last November's elections Republicans were able to make some additional gains in the unicameral legislature, while Brewer was able to defuse the objections and win the support or neutrality of the state's largest police unions by offering an amendment that will enhance the penalties for using a firearm in the commission of some crimes.

Nebraska Legislature Close To Passing Constitutional Carry Bill