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2019 Proposed Indiana Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 24th, 2019 02:14 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Indiana.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Indiana legislation click here

HB1040 would require all firearms to be locked up in the home if children are present

HB1048 would require firearms to be locked up if a child is in the home

SB0088 would allow carrying firearms in schools that also contain a house of worship

SB0119 would make it illegal to transfer a machine gun to anyone under 18 years old

SB0125 would make it illegal to open carry an 'assault weapon' or to transport one loaded

SB0126 would ban bump stocks and 'multi-burst' trigger activators

SB0135 would allow carrying in houses of worship

SB0263 wo8uld raise the minimum age to buy 'assault weapons' to 21

HB1149 would require keeping firearms locked up when the person 'knows or reasonably knows' a child could get to it

HB1164 would require anyone convicted of any domestic abuse charge to turn in their firearms

HB1230 would repeal state preemption laws

HB1272 would change a handgun license from 4 to 5 years and would drop part of the fee starting in 2020

HB1284 would provide civil immunity to anyone who justifiably uses force to defend themselves

HB1291 is a universal background check bill

SB0309 would prohibit selling 'assault weapons' to anyone under 21

SB0353 would outlaw bump stocks and all other 'multi burst' trigger activators

SB0468 is a universal background check bill

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 27th, 2019 12:18 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB1107 would eliminate gun free zones

  Posted February 18th, 2019 03:56 pm

Posts: 1,428

HB1107 would eliminate gun free zones

HB1048 would require firearms to be locked up if a child is in the home

SB0309 would prohibit selling 'assault weapons' to anyone under 21

SB0263 wo8uld raise the minimum age to buy 'assault weapons' to 21

HB1164 would require anyone convicted of any domestic abuse charge to turn in their firearms

SB0135 would allow carrying in houses of worship

HB1284 would provide civil immunity to anyone who justifiably uses force to defend themselves

SB0125 would make it illegal to open carry an 'assault weapon' or to transport one loaded

HB1291 is a universal background check bill

SB0353 would outlaw bump stocks and all other 'multi burst' trigger activators

HB1230 would repeal state preemption laws

SB0119 would make it illegal to transfer a machine gun to anyone under 18 years old

HB1040 would require all firearms to be locked up in the home if children are present

HB1149 would require keeping firearms locked up when the person 'knows or reasonably knows' a child could get to it

HB1272 would change a handgun license from 4 to 5 years and would drop part of the fee starting in 2020

SB0126 would ban bump stocks and 'multi-burst' trigger activators

SB0088 would allow carrying firearms in schools that also contain a house of worship

SB0468 is a universal background check bill

2019 Proposed Indiana Legislation