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2020 Proposed Florida Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted November 21st, 2019 10:25 am

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Florida.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Florida legislation click here

H0631 would require all firearms to be locked up in homes where children live

H0629 would make 'assault weapon' and 'high capacity magazine' registrations exempt from public disclosure

H0627 is a 'assault weapon' and 'high capacity magazine' ban bill and would require current owners to register with the state<

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted December 29th, 2019 11:55 am

dc dalton
Posts: 705

S0270 is a universal background check bill

S0094 is a universal background check bill

H6009 would repeal state preemption of guns laws (allowing local governments to enact their own laws)

S0134 would repeal state preemption of guns laws (allowing local governments to enact their own laws)

H0117 would require anyone applying for a concealed carry license to undergo a psychological evaluation

S0266 would require all firearms to be locked up in a home where 16 year old and younger children live

H0291 would require any background check for a sale of ammunition that fails to be reported to the state

S0462 would require any background check for a sale of ammunition that fails to be reported to the state

H0451 is a universal background check bill

S0586 would only allow private firearm sales between two parties that must both have a concealed carry license. Secondly the seller must keep and retain a copy of the buyer's carry license and the serial number of the firearm

S0558 would outlaw any magazine that holds more than ten rounds

H0289 would require background checks for ammunition sales

H0245 would prohibit those with a concealed carry license from carrying in a child care facility

S0460 would require background checks for ammunition sales

S0398 would prohibit those with a concealed carry license from carrying in a child care facility

S0428 would ban carrying firearms from performing arts centers and theaters

H0273 is a constitutional carry bill

S0634 would prohibit carrying firearms within 1500 feet of a school, house of worship, government building or 'guarded' beach

H0353 would make anyone who has been subject to an involuntary examination or under any order for involuntary outpatient services for mental health issues subject to a red flag protection order

H0499 would make anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence a prohibited person

S0718 would make anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence a prohibited person

S0728 would make it illegal to 'threaten' to use a firearm or any other weapon without defining what threatening is

H0809 would require the state to store fingerprints that are submitted for a carry license in a database and submit them to the federal criminal database. The bill would also require anyone renewing their carry license to show proof of training.

H0885 would allow local government to regulate the sale of firearms and ammunition for sale on any property owned by the entity

H6049 would repeal the state's stand your ground law

S1208 would ban the sael of 'assault weapons' and high capacity magazines. Existing owners of 'assault weapons' would be require to register them with the state

H0923 would require gun dealers and manufacturers to lock up all firearm when the business isn't open

S1248 would require gun dealers to lock up their firearms when the store is closed

S1300 is an 'assault weapon' ban bill that also requires registration of existing ones

  Posted January 1st, 2020 11:33 am

Posts: 1,428

H6001 would repeal the prohibition on carrying on college campuses

H6003 would remove firearm prohibitions for those that have been treated for mental disorders

S0548 is a universal background check bill

S0310 would outlaw 3D printed firearms

  Posted January 7th, 2020 02:01 pm

Posts: 1,428

S7028 would set up a means to sell firearms between private parties without going through a dealer

  Posted January 10th, 2020 11:31 am

Posts: 1,428

S1566 would require fingerprints and proof of training to renew carry permits

  Posted January 15th, 2020 01:07 pm

Posts: 1,428

H1437 would allow congregations to allow people with carry licenses to carry on any property owned, rented or leased by the congregation

S1846 would add in the duty to retreat back in to law regarding self-defense

2020 Proposed Florida Legislation