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Lake County Florida Declares Itself A 2nd Amendment Sanctuary City
  Posted November 10th, 2019 03:56 pm


Posts: 1,428

A Florida county has become the first in the state to pass a resolution declaring itself a "Second Amendment Sanctuary" in support of gun rights.

The Lake County Commission in central Florida approved the measure last week in response to mandatory gun buyback proposals by Democrats running for president, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

The resolution, which passed by a 4-0 vote, says that Lake County's law-abiding gun owners are safe from having their firearms taken away. The county's other commissioner was absent, but expressed support for it.

Commissioner Josh Blake was quoted by the paper and other local media as saying that the resolution draws a line in the sand.

"It doesn't mince words, and I hope it sends a message to what can best be described as the authoritarian control freaks who see it as their job to forcibly disarm their fellow citizens."

Lake County Florida Declares Itself A 2nd Amendment Sanctuary City