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2019 Proposed Florida Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 24th, 2019 02:09 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Florida.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Florida legislation click here

H0135 is a universal background check bill

H6005 doubles down on gun free school zones

H6007 would remove the restriction for carrying firearms on college campuses

H0197 would prohibit carrying into a child care facility

S0364 would ban firearms from performing arts centers and theaters

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 27th, 2019 12:17 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

H0403 would allow churches to decide whether concealed firearms can be carried in them

H0455 is an 'assault weapon' and high capacity magazine ban bill

H0553 would require anyone owning an 'assault weapon' or large capacity magazine to register with the state

S0466 would not only band 'assault weapons' and high capacity magazines it would also require anyone owning them to register with the state

Firearms is a universal background check bill

S0500 would ban the sale of 'assault weapons' and require owners of them before the ban to register with the state

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 18th, 2019 03:23 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

H0753 would reduce carry licenses to 4 years and would require specific training before getting one

H0769 would make anyone convicted of a misdemeanor classified as a 'hate crime' a prohibited person

H6039 would repeal laws regarding doctors talking to patients about firearm ownership

S0916 would make cyberstalking a potentially prohibiting offense

S0922 would regulate target shooting on private property

S0992 would outlaw bump fire stocks

  Posted February 18th, 2019 03:56 pm

Posts: 1,428

Firearms is a universal background check bill

H6007 would remove the restriction for carrying firearms on college campuses

H0135 is a universal background check bill

H0709 would require all targets to be in front of a dirt berm when target practicing

H0683 would prohibit carrying in theaters and performing art centers

H6039 would repeal laws regarding doctors talking to patients about firearm ownership

H0753 would reduce carry licenses to 4 years and would require specific training before getting one

S0364 would ban firearms from performing arts centers and theaters

H0455 is an 'assault weapon' and high capacity magazine ban bill

H6005 doubles down on gun free school zones

S0992 would outlaw bump fire stocks

H0403 would allow churches to decide whether concealed firearms can be carried in them

S0500 would ban the sale of 'assault weapons' and require owners of them before the ban to register with the state

H0553 would require anyone owning an 'assault weapon' or large capacity magazine to register with the state

S0654 is a universal background check bill

S0752 would make it illegal to carry into a child care facility

H0197 would prohibit carrying into a child care facility

S0466 would not only band 'assault weapons' and high capacity magazines it would also require anyone owning them to register with the state

H0769 would make anyone convicted of a misdemeanor classified as a 'hate crime' a prohibited person

S0916 would make cyberstalking a potentially prohibiting offense

S0922 would regulate target shooting on private property

  Posted February 26th, 2019 02:40 pm

Posts: 1,428

S1238 would allow house of worships to allow parishioners to carry firearms and also allow private schools to do the same

S1206 would make people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence prohibited persons

H1025 would require all firearms to be locked up when not in use

S1310 would make it a crime for a minor to post anything resembling a firearm to social media

S1122 would make training required for a carry license more difficult

  Posted March 4th, 2019 02:56 pm

Posts: 1,428

S1532 would repeal the preemption section of law regarding local governments

S1662 would repeal preemption law

H6061 would repeal preemption law

S1718 would make anyone convicted of a misdemeanor that qualifies as a hate crime a prohibited person

H1165 would make it a crime for a minor to post a picture of a firearm, or anything that resembles a firearm, to social media

  Posted March 11th, 2019 11:29 am

Posts: 1,428

H6073 would repeal law regarding law enforcement seizing weapons during a call and would repeal law regarding people under 21 buying firearms

H6069 would repeal the state's preemption law

2019 Proposed Florida Legislation