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Florida Carry Takes Open Carry Case To US Supreme Court
  Posted July 10th, 2017 02:58 pm


Posts: 1,428

A Florida gun group has filed an appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court in a case dealing with how Florida regulates open carry for weapons and firearms.

On Monday, Florida Carry Inc. filed an appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dale Norman vs. Florida case, a case revolving around how Florida regulates concealed weapons permit holders and the accidental brandishing of firearms.

It all started in 2012 when Dale Norman was found guilty of a second-degree misdemeanor after his firearm accidentally became exposed outside of his house.

Norman was walking down the street in Fort Pierce carrying his handgun, which was not covered by his clothing. When a passerby saw the gun, the police were called and Norman was arrested.

A lower court found Norman guilty of violating the state's open carry ban, even though Norman had a concealed weapons permit for his handgun.

The court slapped Norman with a $300 fine and court costs, but the legal challenges didn't end there.

Norman alleged state lawmakers were wrong in banning open carry because it requires people looking to defend themselves to first get a concealed weapons permit if they ever want to protect themselves while outside the four walls of their homes.

The state, on the other hand, believes that if open carry were to be legal, legislators would have already passed a bill allowing it.

Florida Carry Takes Open Carry Case To US Supreme Court