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Florida Governor Signs Stand Your Ground Improvement Bill
  Posted June 12th, 2017 12:02 pm


Posts: 1,428

Gov. Rick Scott on Friday approved a Republican-backed measure that clarifies the state's burden of proof in self-defense cases.

The legislation, SB 128, which expands justifiable homicide protections in Florida, was approved by the House 74-39 in April and 22-14 in the Senate last month. The law clarifies that the government, not the accused, has the burden of proof in a 'stand your ground' immunity hearing prior to proceeding to trial, which supporters of the effort felt should have been the case all along.

"“If the State of Florida is going to accuse a citizen of committing a crime, the State of Florida should have the burden of proof at each and every part of the proceeding," said Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart, in a statement. "This legislation requires the state to meet the standard of clear and convincing evidence to overcome an immunity claim."

Florida Governor Signs Stand Your Ground Improvement Bill