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Hackers May Have Florida Concealed Carry Persons Private Information
  Posted May 24th, 2017 11:06 am


Posts: 1,428

16,000 Floridians with data on file with the Florida Department of Agriculture may have had their personal information compromised. Most of the information was hacked from the Concealed Carry License Database, and the department is calling the hack unprecedented.

The Department of Agriculture says it fights hundreds of cyber-attacks each day, but it also says it has never experienced an attack like the one that obtained data on thousands of residents.

The Department of Agriculture announced the attack on its website Monday. The department says 16,000 people had their names, but no other identifying information, stolen off the Concealed Carry License Database.

Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam says, "This was an unprecedented attack. It came just a couple of days before the global hack that occurred."

Over 400 people who renewed their licenses with a credit card online had their social security numbers compromised.

Hackers May Have Florida Concealed Carry Persons Private Information