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Florida Pro-Gun Bills Dead In 2017 Session
  Posted April 17th, 2017 03:09 pm


Posts: 1,428

It appears Florida won't be legalizing open carry, airport carry and campus carry, at least not this year.

A slew of gun bills proposed during this year's legislative session, all sponsored by Sen. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, have once again ended up in the legislative graveyard and none of them will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee's final hearing Wednesday.

The committee, which Steube heads, has an agenda of over a dozen bills for its last meeting, none of which are gun-related. This week's meeting, during the seventh week of session, is the final Judiciary committee hearing until next year.

The lack of gun proposals on the agenda means gun activists will have to wait until then to make another push to expand gun access in the Sunshine State.

Nearly all of the gun proposals were effectively killed off earlier this legislative session by Sen. Anitere Flores, R-Miami, who took a stance against the measures by saying she wouldn't support Steube's gun bills.

"Throughout my personal, professional, and legislative career I have expressed concerns with the reduction of traditional gun-free zones," Flores told Sunshine State News in March. "This is not something new nor should it be a surprise to those who follow the legislative process."

Florida Pro-Gun Bills Dead In 2017 Session