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Miami Republican Say She Will Not Allow Pro-Gun Bills To Pass
  Posted March 9th, 2017 03:21 pm


Posts: 1,428

en. Greg Steube came fully loaded this legislative session with nearly a dozen gun bills. He got one through a Senate committee Tuesday, but it may be the last to advance.

In a stunning setback for gun rights supporters, Sen. Anitere Flores, one of the most powerful lawmakers in Tallahassee, declared on the very first day of Florida's two-month legislative session that she likely would not support any of Steube's 10 other gun bills, leaving them with little chance of moving forward.

"He and I do not see eye-to-eye on probably any of the other gun bills," said Flores, a Miami Republican. "I do not support having guns on campus, I do not support having guns in airports, I do not support having guns in school zones. I don't support those things and Sen. Steube feels differently and that's fine but this is where we are this year."

Flores is the second-highest ranking Republican in the Senate and a close ally of President Joe Negron. Just as importantly, she is the decisive vote on the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee is the first stop for all of Steube's gun bills. It has five Republicans and four Democrats, meaning if every Democrat opposes a gun bill it takes just one Republican to kill the legislation.

"Gun issues will continue perhaps to be debated," Flores said. "I don't know that they'll continue to be debated in this committee because these would be bills that I wouldn't be in support of."

Miami Republican Say She Will Not Allow Pro-Gun Bills To Pass