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Orlando Democrats Seek Assault Weapon Ban
  Posted January 5th, 2017 12:35 pm


Posts: 1,428

In another attempt at solving an issue that doesn't exist Florida Democrats are trying to ban something that is already heavily regulated by ATF, REAL assault weapons:

Spurred by the Pulse nightclub massacre, two Orlando Democrats are looking to ban the sale of assault weapons in Florida.

Rep. Carlos Guillermo-Smith and Sen. Linda Stewart plan to unveil their bill at a news conference Thursday. Both admit the bill is a long shot in the Republican-controlled Legislature, but Smith said he thinks filing the legislation is necessary to change the tone of the debate at the Capitol.

"It's part of what our obligation is as leaders," Smith said. "The gun lobby has control of the conversation on gun safety for the last several sessions."

The bill defines assault weapons as "any selective-fire firearm capable of fully automatic, semi-automatic, or burst fire at the option of the user," according to a draft copy provided to the Orlando Sentinel.

Orlando Democrats Seek Assault Weapon Ban