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D.C. Court Of Appeals Strikes Down 'Good Cause' Carry Clause
  Posted July 25th, 2017 11:22 am


Posts: 1,428

Today, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down Washington, D.C.'s 'good cause' handgun carry rule that plaintiffs in 2 cases argued constituted a ban on the right to keep and bear arms.

In today's Wrenn v. District of Columbia decision (a related case, Grace v. District of Columbia, was consolidated with Wrenn on appeal), a lawsuit helmed by civil rights attorney Alan Gura and backed by the Second Amendment Foundation, the Court held in relevant part that D.C.'s "good-reason" handgun carry ban laws were unconstitutional:

D.C. Court Of Appeals Strikes Down 'Good Cause' Carry Clause