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Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill Move Forward
  Posted March 4th, 2022 03:54 pm


Posts: 1,428

Thursday was a major step forward on a gun bill in the state legislature.

The Permitless Carry Act passed through the Senate and will head back to the House for approval. It’s already passed both chambers, but after Senate amendments Thursday, the House will have to approve it once again next week. If passed by the House, it heads to Governor Ivey's desk for her signature.

"I do not think it will go into committee, I think the House will act on it, I think the governor will sign it and I think it will become law," said Attorney Mark McDaniel.

The constitutional right to carry is what's driven supporters of this bill to push it through the state legislature. They say someone shouldn't need a permit to do that.

"You can carry a gun without a permit once this law is passed, but there are still a number of exceptions," McDaniel said.

Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill Move Forward