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Washington State Democrats Revive 10 Round Magazine Limit Bill
  Posted February 21st, 2020 04:09 pm


Posts: 1,435

Legislation to ban high-capacity gun magazines looked to be dead, but Thursday afternoon there was a surprise at the state Capitol.

On Thursday morning, Democratic leaders explained why they put the bill aside; because Republicans had offered 120 amendments, enough to consume two weeks of debate in a legislative session that has just three weeks to go.

Republicans said they were representing the gun rights views of their constituents.

"Nobody sends us here to give up, right. They send us here to fight hard for the values that we've told people that we represent in elections," said House Minority Leader J.T. Wilcox.

In a surprise Thursday afternoon, Democrats revived the high-capacity magazine ban. It would limit magazines to 10 rounds.

It now includes a yearlong buy-back of high-capacity magazines. The buy-back will be funded by eliminating an old tax break on bullion, precious metal like gold or silver. That means it is now considered to be "necessary-to-implement-the-budget" and is no longer subject to Wednesday’s deadline.

Washington State Democrats Revive 10 Round Magazine Limit Bill