AMGOA Staff Pennsylvania

Posts: 1,434
The group behind raising the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles has set its sights on restricting high-capacity magazines, increasing gun-free zones and limiting open-carry laws.
And they're not ruling out more initiatives in Washington, even as the state recently approved some of the strictest gun regulations in the country.
The Alliance for Gun Responsibility released its 2019 legislative priorities. Officials with the group said the proposed restrictions would go a long way toward keeping guns out of dangerous hands.
The group's main priorities for 2019 are:
- Restricting access to high-capacity magazines.
- Restricting access to firearms to people who have been held in mental treatment on an involuntary 72 hour hold.
- Increasing protection order laws to include threats of hate crimes.
- Requiring safety training to get a concealed pistol license.
- Giving local authorities the option to ban open carrying.
- Extending gun-free zones to child care and early learning centers.
- Destroying guns confiscated in a crime.