2nd Amendment Activism Blogs
Name: 2A Organizer
Working toward unity in the various gun groups and offering a hub to share information, videos, upcoming 2A rallies etc., were just another tool to battle the gun grabbers.
URL: 2AOrganizer.com
Name: A NC Gun Blog
This blog is written by a hobbyist expanding his own understanding of firearms while sharing his revelations along the way. Many of the posts challenge the gun control mentality, favoring constitutional protection instead. The blog is based in North Carolina, and posts includes coverage of state bills and legislative proposals.
URL: www.ncgunblog.com
Name: All Nine Yards
A non-nonsense look at gun laws, firearm legislation and politics. Open carry, concealed carry and other legal issues are tracked through the court system. Site also covers gun recalls and other news from manufacturers about new products and accessories.
URL: www.allnineyards.com
Name: Another Gun Blog
Written by a law clerk who is a self-described 'gun nut' this blog covers legal cases and details about gun legislation, stand your ground laws and other state initiatives pertaining to guns and personal defense. Blog also contains reviews of handguns.
URL: anothergunblog.blogspot.com
Name: Armed And Safe
Armed and Safe is a gun rights advocacy blog, with the mission of debunking the "logic" of the enemies of the Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms.
URL: armedandsafe.blogspot.com
Name: Bear Arms Show
The Bear Arms Show is your weekly source for 2nd Amendment news and commentary delivered in a fun, entertaining way. The focus is on efforts to protect, and restore, the right to keep and bear arms. Also featured are interviews with leaders and newsmakers in the 2nd Amendment community. The show is hosted by brothers, John and Michael Willett. They are veterans of the U.S Military and lifelong firearms enthusiasts.
Name: Black Man With A Gun
Reverend Kenn Blanchard is an author and broadcaster, as well as being a leading gun rights activists for more than twenty years. As a man of color, Blanchard is particularly interested in curbing gun laws seen as racist.
URL: blackmanwithagun.com
Name: Everyday No Days Off
Wide-ranging gun discussions on equipment and laws influencing public opinion about firearms. Open carry laws and concealed carry legislation are covered. Posts follow gun stories through the news cycle, with updates about gun charges and other developments in people's experiences with firearms.
URL: www.everydaynodaysoff.com
Name: Gun Free Zone
This pro-rights blog follows the development of the writer, who once believed guns were not necessary pieces of protective equipment. News stories involving guns are shared by the owner, who looks for ways gun violence can be avoided.
URL: gunfreezone.net/wordpress/
Name: Gun Pro Plus
A daily news website that compiles all the gun related news from all over the country into one place.
URL: www.gunproplus.com
Name: Learn About Guns
This is a legal-oriented blog. The organizers present information from a gun rights perspective, supporting Constitutional rights and legal self-defense. The blog sets out to shatter myths about gun crime, by providing examples of lawlessness occurring without guns.
URL: learnaboutguns.com
Name: Loose Rounds
This blog contains technical updates about guns and equipment. Articles include reviews as well as product release information issued by manufacturers. Editorial opinions are shared by contributors passionate about gun causes.
URL: looserounds.com
Name: My Gun Culture
My Gun Culture is a half-cocked but right on the target look at the world of shooting and all things related. If you want to learn with a laugh about guns, shooting products, personal defense, competition, industry news and the occasional Second Amendment issue, you're at the right place.
URL: mygunculture.com
Name: Out of Order James Kaleda
Firearms and Freedom. Blog and podcast. Interviews with interesting members of the firearms community five days a week
URL: Outoforderjameskaleda.com
Name: SemperVerus
SemperVerus (meaning Stay True) is your catalyst to inform, inspire, persuade, impel, and invigorate; sparking you to positive action through 5 main strategic principles—prepare, aware, be, know, do—and 1 tactical element (self-defense).
URL: www.semperverus.com/blog/
Name: Shall Not Be Questioned
Shall Not Be Questioned is a blog about firearms, firearms public policy, and Second Amendment advocacy. While the blog covers happenings in the pro-Second Amendment community in the country as a whole, they have a Pennsylvania focus.
URL: www.pagunblog.com
Name: The Armed Lutheran
The Armed Lutheran is dedicated to the Second Amendment, the shooting sports, and guns in general. Offering opinion, news, tips, gear and firearms reviews from a uniquely Lutheran perspective.
URL: www.armedlutheran.us
Name: The Truth About Guns
Gun rights and self-defense are explored on this blog with posts keeping tabs on legislative developments and gun stories in the press. Posts are posed hypothetically, to attempt to find solutions to ongoing problems of gun violence and personal security.
URL: www.thetruthaboutguns.com
Name: The War On Guns
David Codrea's outstanding blog covers second amendment and political topics on a regular basis. Always worth a read!
Name: The Weapon Blog
Something for everyone interested in guns, whether for sporting purposes or as a social issue worthy of exploration. This blog demonstrates its commitment to Constitutional law by including links to documents drafted by the founding fathers.
URL: www.weapon-blog.com