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North Carolina Democrats Trying To Force Anti-Gun Bills Out Of Committee
  Posted August 6th, 2019 12:25 pm


Posts: 1,427

North Carolina's legislature hasn't passed gun control legislation since 2015. But in the wake of this weekend's mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, pressure is building to change that.

Several bills changing gun policy have stalled in committee, and on Monday Gov. Roy Cooper and four House Democrats urged pulling two of them out for debate.

House Bill 86 would restrict who can obtain firearms. Currently, North Carolina requires either a concealed-carry permit or a sheriff-issued pistol purchase permit to buy a handgun, but long guns including assault-style rifles can be bought with only a state I.D. and a background check at the counter.

Under HB86, long guns like rifles would also require a permit, and there would be a 72-hour waiting period before the buyer could take the gun home.

"This includes the weapons that were used in the mass shootings this weekend," said Rep. Christy Clark, a Mecklenburg Democrat who's co-sponsoring the bill with Reps. Marcia Morey, Pricey Harrison and Shelly Willingham. They plan to file a discharge petition Tuesday to pry HB86 and another bill out of committee.

North Carolina Democrats Trying To Force Anti-Gun Bills Out Of Committee