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30 Colorado Sheriffs Join Opposition to Magazine Ban Bill Headed For Supreme Court
  Posted June 12th, 2019 12:28 pm


Posts: 1,427

About half of the state's county sheriffs this week joined the battle against Colorado's ban on gun magazines that hold more than 15 rounds, arguing that the law hinders peoples' ability to defend themselves.

Although law enforcement are exempt from the ban, the sheriffs argued in their brief to the Colorado Supreme Court that civilians should have the same access to magazines as typical officers and deputies. If law enforcement agencies believe a magazine that holds 20 or 30 rounds is best for defense, then those magazines are the best option for regular people who want to defend themselves, the sheriffs argued.

“Citizens do and should copy sheriffs' firearm and magazine selections so they will have reliable, sturdy arms for defense of self and others,” the brief stated. "These arms will be powerful enough for defense against violent criminals, and these arms will be appropriate for use in civil society, because sheriffs' arms are not mass-killing military arms. Instead, sheriffs' arms are best for defense of self and others, including against multiple attackers."

Thirty county sheriffs, the Colorado Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association and the Independence Institute filed the brief on Monday in support of a group of gun rights advocates challenging the law's constitutionality.

30 Colorado Sheriffs Join Opposition to Magazine Ban Bill Headed For Supreme Court