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HB2060 Headed To The Senate
  Posted September 26th, 2018 01:08 pm


Posts: 1,427

Well Pennsylvania people all I can say is we tried our best but HB2060 just passed and is now headed to the Senate.

The ONLY ray of hope here is that the bill is so dissimilar to what they passed (SB501) that it will have to go through all Senate committees just like it was a brand new bill.

We can only hope to dissuade the Senate from passing it OR by amending it to fix all the problems.

So once again it's time to light up the letters, phones, faxes and emails. This time to your senators ... tell them to gut the bill and add the language THEY passed unanimously earlier this year (SB501) and fix the two places it says '24' (change it to '48') and add back in friends to who can take the guns (not family)

You want to try and stop this we have to start NOW!

Please start contacting your Senator by mail, phone fax and (least effective) email

HB2060 Headed To The Senate