As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 184

Representative Patmon 

Cosponsors: Representatives Foley, Becker 

To amend section 1533.13 of the Revised Code to 1
require an applicant for a hunting license to 2
specify whether the applicant has been convicted 3
of or pleaded guilty to a felony and to require 4
the license to specify "firearm restricted" if an 5
applicant has so indicated.6


       Section 1. That section 1533.13 of the Revised Code be 7
amended to read as follows:8

       Sec. 1533.13.  Hunting and fishing licenses, wetlands habitat 9
stamps, deer and wild turkey permits, fur taker permits, and any 10
other licenses, permits, or stamps that are required under this 11
chapter or Chapter 1531. of the Revised Code and any reissued 12
license, permit, or stamp may be issued by the clerk of the court 13
of common pleas, village clerks, township fiscal officers, and 14
other authorized agents designated by the chief of the division of 15
wildlife. When required by the chief, a clerk, fiscal officer, or 16
other agent shall give bond in the manner provided by the chief. 17
All bonds, reports, except records prescribed by the auditor of 18
state, and moneys received by those persons shall be handled under 19
rules adopted by the director of natural resources.20

       The premium of any bond prescribed by the chief under this 21
section may be paid by the chief. Any person who is designated and 22
authorized by the chief to issue licenses, stamps, and permits as 23
provided in this section, except the clerk of the court of common 24
pleas, a village clerk, and a township fiscal officer, shall pay 25
to the chief a premium in an amount that represents the person's 26
portion of the premium paid by the chief under this section, which 27
amount shall be established by the chief and approved by the 28
wildlife council created under section 1531.03 of the Revised 29
Code. The chief shall pay all moneys that the chief receives as 30
premiums under this section into the state treasury to the credit 31
of the wildlife fund created under section 1531.17 of the Revised 32

       Every authorized agent, for the purpose of issuing hunting 34
and fishing licenses, wetlands habitat stamps, deer and wild 35
turkey permits, and fur taker permits, may administer oaths to and 36
take affidavits from applicants for the licenses, stamps, or 37
permits when required. An authorized agent may appoint deputies to 38
perform any acts that the agent is authorized to perform, 39
consistent with division rules.40

       Every applicant for a hunting or fishing license, wetlands 41
habitat stamp, deer or wild turkey permit, or fur taker permit, 42
unless otherwise provided by division rule, shall provide the 43
applicant's name, date of birth, weight, height, and place of 44
residence and any other information that the chief may require, 45
including whether an applicant for a hunting license has been 46
convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony. The clerk, fiscal 47
officer, or other agent authorized to issue licenses, stamps, and 48
permits shall charge each applicant a fee of one dollar for taking 49
the information provided by the applicant and issuing the license, 50
stamp, or permit. The application, license, stamp, permit, and 51
other blanks required by this section shall be prepared and 52
furnished by the chief, in the form the chief provides, to the 53
clerk, fiscal officer, or other agent authorized to issue them. 54
The form of a hunting license shall include the words "firearm 55
restricted" adjacent to a box that the issuing agent shall check 56
if an applicant for a hunting license has been convicted of or 57
pleaded guilty to a felony. The licenses and permits shall be 58
issued to applicants by the clerk, fiscal officer, or other agent. 59
The record of licenses and permits kept by the clerks, fiscal 60
officers, and other agents shall be uniform throughout the state 61
and in the form or manner as the auditor of state prescribes and 62
shall be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of any 63
person. Unless otherwise provided by division rule, each hunting 64
license, deer or wild turkey permit, and fur taker permit issued 65
shall remain in force until midnight of the thirty-first day of 66
August next ensuing. Application for any such license or permit 67
may be made and a license or permit issued prior to the date upon 68
which it becomes effective.69

       The chief may require an applicant who wishes to purchase a 70
license, stamp, or permit by mail or telephone or via the internet 71
to pay a nominal fee for postage and handling and credit card 72

       The court before whom a violator of any laws or division 74
rules for the protection of wild animals is tried, as a part of 75
the punishment, shall revoke the license, stamp, or permit of any 76
person convicted. The license, stamp, or permit fee paid by that 77
person shall not be returned to the person. The person shall not 78
procure or use any other license, stamp, or permit or engage in 79
hunting wild animals or trapping fur-bearing animals during the 80
period of revocation as ordered by the court.81

       No person under sixteen years of age shall engage in hunting 82
unless accompanied by the person's parent or another adult person.83

       Section 2. That existing section 1533.13 of the Revised Code 84
is hereby repealed.85