STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 6121 2025-2026 Regular Sessions IN SENATE March 5, 2025 ___________ Introduced by Sen. MAYER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Codes AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to requiring the dissem- ination of materials regarding child access prevention and the safe storage of firearms The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section 845-f 2 to read as follows: 3 § 845-f. Firearms; child access prevention and safe storage. 1. For 4 the purposes of this section the following terms shall have the follow- 5 ing meanings: 6 a. "school district" shall mean any city school district, common 7 school district, union free school district, central school district or 8 central high school district; 9 b. "notice" shall mean written information of the model content 10 outlined in subdivision two of this section, produced in a concise, 11 publishable format, such as a brochure, flyer, handbill, leaflet, 12 letter, or pamphlet, that is intended to be provided directly to 13 parents, guardians, or persons in parental relation to a student of the 14 school, mailed to a student's last known address, emailed to a person in 15 parental relation to a student of the school, or delivered by any other 16 reasonable methods authorized by the division; and 17 c. "school year" shall mean the period commencing on the first day of 18 regular instruction and shall end on the last day of instruction. 19 2. a. On or before July first, two thousand twenty-six, the division, 20 in consultation with the department of health, shall develop model 21 content for notice which shall include, at a minimum, information 22 outlining New York's child access prevention laws and laws relating to 23 the safe storage of firearms, including, but not limited to, sections 24 265.45 and 265.50 of the penal law. The model content shall also include EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD10216-02-5
S. 6121 2 1 relevant statewide resources and information related to child access 2 prevention, the safe storage of firearms, and firearm violence 3 prevention. The division shall produce model content in the English 4 language and in common non-English languages spoken in the state. The 5 division shall update, as necessary, the model content each July first 6 thereafter. 7 b. Such model content shall designate a section for county- and 8 local-specific laws and regulations submitted to it by each county as 9 outlined in subdivision three of this section. The division shall tailor 10 the model content for each county by including in the designated section 11 for county- and local-specific laws and regulations the county- and 12 local-specific laws submitted to it by each county. 13 c. The division shall publish the model content developed and updated 14 pursuant to paragraphs a and b of this subdivision on its website. 15 3. On or before May first, two thousand twenty-six, every county shall 16 submit to the division all information of county- and local-specific 17 laws and regulations related to child access prevention and the safe 18 storage of firearms. Every county shall submit to the division any 19 updated information, insofar as it exists, of county- and local-specific 20 laws related to child access prevention and the safe storage of firearms 21 each May first thereafter. 22 4. The division shall direct, beginning on July first, two thousand 23 twenty-six, all school districts and charter schools to provide notice, 24 at the beginning of the regular school year, of the model content 25 outlined in paragraphs a and b of subdivision two of this section; 26 provided, however, that if a child enrolls after the beginning of the 27 school year, notice of the model content shall be provided within one 28 week of such enrollment. Notice of the model content may be provided as 29 a single notice for multiple students living in the same household. 30 5. The division shall direct, beginning on July first, two thousand 31 twenty-six, all school districts to maintain, through their website or 32 affiliated social media presences, the model content outlined in para- 33 graphs a and b of subdivision two of this section. The model content 34 shall be updated, as necessary, pursuant to paragraph a of subdivision 35 two of this section. 36 6. Local schools, school districts, and the division are immune from 37 civil liability for any damages allegedly caused by, arising out of, or 38 relating to notice if the entity provided notice using the model content 39 provided to it by the division. 40 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.