

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     April 24, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. DiPIETRO -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Codes

        AN  ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to the definition of assault

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdivision 22 of section 265.00
     2  of the penal law, as added by chapter 1 of the laws of 2013, are amended
     3  to read as follows:
     4    (a) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept  a  detachable
     5  magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics:
     6    (i) a folding or telescoping stock;
     7    (ii)  a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of
     8  the weapon;
     9    (iii) [a thumbhole stock;
    10    (iv)] a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held  by  the
    11  non-trigger hand;
    12    [(v)] (iv) a bayonet mount;
    13    [(vi)]  (v)  a  flash suppressor, muzzle break, muzzle compensator, or
    14  threaded barrel designed  to  accommodate  a  flash  suppressor,  muzzle
    15  break, or muzzle compensator;
    16    [(vii)] (vi) a grenade launcher; or
    17    (b)  a  semiautomatic  shotgun  that has at least one of the following
    18  characteristics:
    19    (i) a folding or telescoping stock;
    20    (ii) [a thumbhole stock;
    21    (iii)] a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by  the
    22  non-trigger hand;
    23    [(iv)] (iii) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of seven rounds;
    24    [(v)] (iv) an ability to accept a detachable magazine; or
    25    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.