

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 9, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen.  BAILEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Codes

        AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to establishing an opera-
          tion SNUG program which provides grant awards to  reduce,  prevent  or
          respond to gun violence

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section  837-x
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 837-x. Operation SNUG program. 1. There is hereby established within
     4  the division an operation SNUG program. The operation SNUG program shall
     5  provide  grant awards to local governments and/or community-based organ-
     6  izations who provide programs and services including but not limited to,
     7  educational, youth justice, gang  prevention,  social  work  and  street
     8  outreach  that  aim to reduce, prevent or respond to gun violence. There
     9  shall be an annual appropriation of at least thirty million dollars made
    10  available to the division to support operation SNUG program grants.
    11    2. There shall be no less than  five  million  dollars  annually  made
    12  available  to  support  operation  SNUG program awards designated by the
    13  senate.  Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the state finance law or
    14  any provision of law to the contrary, such  amount  shall  be  allocated
    15  pursuant  to  a plan prepared and approved by the temporary president of
    16  the senate and submitted to the commissioner and  the  director  of  the
    17  budget  which  sets  forth  either an itemized list of grantees with the
    18  amount to be received by each, or the methodology  for  allocating  such
    19  appropriations.
    20    3.  There  shall  be  no  less than five million dollars annually made
    21  available to support operation SNUG program  awards  designated  by  the
    22  assembly.   Notwithstanding section twenty-four of the state finance law
    23  or any provision of law to the contrary, such amount shall be  allocated
    24  pursuant  to a plan prepared and approved by the speaker of the assembly
    25  and submitted to the commissioner and the director of the  budget  which
    26  sets  forth  either  an  itemized list of grantees with the amount to be
    27  received by each, or the methodology for allocating such appropriations.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8287                             2

     1    4. Pursuant to a plan prepared by the commissioner and approved by the
     2  director of the budget, no less than  twenty  million  dollars  annually
     3  shall  be  made  available and awarded to grantees providing services in
     4  counties throughout the state; provided, however, that such  plan  shall
     5  provide an annual award in a dollar amount no less than that provided in
     6  the following sub-schedule:

     7                  Sub-schedule
     8  Albany County .................... 1,000,000
     9  Dutchess County .................... 400,000
    10  Erie County ...................... 1,250,000
    11  Monroe County ...................... 800,000
    12  Nassau County ...................... 500,000
    13  Niagara County ..................... 250,000
    14  Oneida County ...................... 250,000
    15  Onondaga County .................... 750,000
    16  Orange County ...................... 250,000
    17  Rensselaer County .................. 500,000
    18  Rockland County .................... 250,000
    19  Schenectady County ................. 250,000
    20  Suffolk County ..................... 500,000
    21  Ulster County ...................... 250,000
    22  Westchester County ............... 1,500,000
    23  New York City (Bronx County) ..... 1,500,000
    24  New York City (Kings County) ..... 1,500,000
    25  New York City (New York County) .. 1,300,000
    26  New York City (Queens County) .... 1,500,000
    27  New York City (Richmond County) .... 500,000
    28                                --------------
    29    Total of sub-schedule ......... 15,000,000

    30    The  commissioner  may  use  at least five million dollars annually to
    31  increase funding provided to counties  listed  in  the  sub-schedule  or
    32  expand  operation  SNUG  programs  and  services  to additional counties
    33  throughout the state.
    34    § 2. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
    35  have become a law.