                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      March 2, 2017
          Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. COLTON, CYMBROWITZ, GALEF, GOTTFRIED --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Codes
        AN  ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to labeling of certain ship-
          ments of firearms, rifles and shotguns and reporting certain  informa-
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph 9 of subdivision a of section 265.20 of the penal
     2  law, as amended by chapter 1041 of the laws of 1974, is amended to  read
     3  as follows:
     4    9.  The  regular  and  ordinary  transport of firearms as merchandise,
     5  provided that the person transporting such firearms,  where  he  or  she
     6  knows  or  has reasonable means of ascertaining what he or she is trans-
     7  porting, carries in his or her possession a manifest which  clearly  and
     8  conspicuously  shows  the  name and address of the shipper, the shipping
     9  number, make, model and manufacturer's name of each firearm, the  serial
    10  number  for  each firearm sold or exchanged on the internet and informa-
    11  tion identifying the internet website of the seller of such firearm, and
    12  the name and address of the consignee and the place of delivery, and  he
    13  or  she  notifies  in  writing  the police commissioner, police chief or
    14  other law enforcement officer performing such functions at the place  of
    15  delivery and the superintendent of state police, of the name and address
    16  of  the shipper and consignee [and], the place of delivery, the shipping
    17  number, make, model and manufacturer's name of each firearm, the  serial
    18  number  for  each firearm sold or exchanged on the internet and informa-
    19  tion identifying the internet website of the seller of such firearm, and
    20  withholds delivery to the consignee for such reasonable period  of  time
    21  designated in writing by such police commissioner, police chief or other
    22  law  enforcement  officer and the superintendent of state police as such
    23  official  may  deem  necessary  for  investigation  as  to  whether  the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6347                             2
     1  consignee  may  lawfully  receive  and possess such firearms. The person
     2  transporting such firearms shall produce such manifest for inspection at
     3  the request of a peace officer, acting pursuant to his  or  her  special
     4  duties,  a  police  officer  or  any  other  person authorized by law to
     5  inquire into or investigate the transportation of firearms.
     6    § 2. The penal law is amended by adding a new section 265.50  to  read
     7  as follows:
     8  §  265.50  Transportation  of rifles or shotguns; manifest and reporting
     9               required.
    10    Every person transporting rifles or shotguns as  merchandise  into  or
    11  within any jurisdiction in this state which requires a permit or license
    12  to purchase, carry or possess a rifle or shotgun:
    13    1.  shall  not  accept  for  such  transport any rifles or shotguns as
    14  merchandise where he or she knows or has reasonable means of  ascertain-
    15  ing  what  he or she is transporting, unless he or she carries in his or
    16  her possession a manifest which clearly and conspicuously shows the name
    17  and address of  the  shipper,  the  shipping  number,  make,  model  and
    18  manufacturer's name of each rifle or shotgun, the serial number for each
    19  rifle or shotgun sold or exchanged on the internet and information iden-
    20  tifying the internet website of the seller of such rifle or shotgun, and
    21  the  name and address of the consignee and the place of delivery, and he
    22  or she notifies in writing the  police  commissioner,  police  chief  or
    23  other  law enforcement officer performing such functions at the place of
    24  delivery and the superintendent of state police, of the name and address
    25  of the shipper and  consignee,  the  place  of  delivery,  the  shipping
    26  number,  make,  model  and manufacturer's name of each rifle or shotgun,
    27  the serial number for each rifle or shotgun sold  or  exchanged  on  the
    28  internet  and information identifying the internet website of the seller
    29  of such rifle or shotgun;
    30    2. shall withhold delivery to the consignee for such reasonable period
    31  of time designated in writing by such police commissioner, police  chief
    32  or  other law enforcement officer and the superintendent of state police
    33  as such official may deem necessary for investigation as to whether  the
    34  consignee may lawfully receive and possess such rifles or shotguns; and
    35    3.  shall  produce  such  manifest  for inspection at the request of a
    36  peace officer, acting pursuant to his or her special  duties,  a  police
    37  officer  or any other person authorized by law to inquire into or inves-
    38  tigate the transportation of rifles or shotguns.
    39    A knowing violation of this section is a class E felony.
    40    § 3. Section 265.00 of the penal law is amended by adding a new subdi-
    41  vision 26 to read as follows:
    42    26. "Internet" means the combination of computer facilities and  elec-
    43  tromagnetic  transmission  media,  and  related  equipment and software,
    44  comprising the interconnected worldwide  network  of  computer  networks
    45  that  employ  the transmission control protocol/internet protocol or any
    46  successor protocol to transmit information.
    47    § 4. This act shall take effect on the first of November next succeed-
    48  ing the date on which it shall have become a law.