S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
           S. 5714                                                  A. 7880
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                             S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y
                                     June 7, 2013
       IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. BRESLIN -- read twice and ordered print-
         ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental
       IN ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. FAHY, McDONALD, McLAUGHLIN -- read
         once and referred to the Committee on Environmental Conservation
       AN  ACT  to  amend  the  environmental  conservation law, in relation to
         authorizing the hunting of big game  in  the  county  of  Albany  with
         pistols, rifles, shotguns, and long bows
    1    Section 1. Items (d) and (e)  of  paragraph  a  of  subdivision  2  of
    2  section 11-0907 of the environmental conservation law, item (d) as sepa-
    3  rately amended by chapter 108 of the laws of 1995 and chapter 600 of the
    4  laws of 2005 and item (e) as amended by chapter 600 of the laws of 1993,
    5  are amended to read as follows:
    6    (d) Eastern region,     Deer, first Monday      Pistol, shotgun,
    7    except ALBANY,          after November 15       muzzle loading
    8    Columbia, Fulton,       through first Tuesday   firearm or
    9    Orange, Rensselaer,     after December 7        long bow only
   10    Saratoga, Washington
   11    Counties
   12    and those counties
   13    or portions thereof
   14    listed in item (i)
   15    of this paragraph
   16  (e) Fulton, Saratoga,     Deer, first Monday      Pistol, rifle,
   17    Washington (parts       after November 15       shotgun or
   18    in the Southern         through first Tuesday   long bow
   19    zone), ALBANY,          after December 7
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 5714                             2                            A. 7880
    1    Columbia, Orange,
    2    and Rensselaer
    3    counties
    4    S  2.  Items  (d)  and  (e) of paragraph a of subdivision 2 of section
    5  11-0907 of the environmental conservation law, item (d)  as  amended  by
    6  chapter 600 of the laws of 2005 and item (e) as amended by chapter 95 of
    7  the laws of 1974, are amended to read as follows:
    8  (d) Eastern region,       Deer and bear,          Pistol, shotgun,
    9    except ALBANY,          first Monday after      muzzle loading firearm
   10    Columbia, Fulton,       November 15 through     or long bow only
   11    Orange, Rensselaer,     first Tuesday after
   12    Saratoga, Washington    December 7
   13    Counties and those
   14    counties
   15    or portions thereof
   16    listed in item (i)
   17    of this paragraph
   18  (e) Fulton, Saratoga,     Deer and bear, first    Pistol, rifle,
   19    Washington (parts       Monday after November   shotgun
   20    in the Southern         15 through first        or long bow
   21    zone), ALBANY,          Tuesday after
   22    Columbia, Orange,       December 7
   23    and Rensselaer
   24    counties
   25    S 3.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided that the amend-
   26  ments  to  items  (d) and (e) of paragraph a of subdivision 2 of section
   27  11-0907 of the environmental conservation law made  by  section  one  of
   28  this  act shall be subject to the expiration and reversion of such para-
   29  graph, when upon such date the provisions of section  two  of  this  act
   30  shall take effect.