1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to public safety; firearms; providing that any new federal law designed
1.3to ban or limit any personal firearm, magazine, accessory, or ammunition or to
1.4require the registration of any firearm or firearm owner shall be unenforceable;
1.5providing for criminal penalties;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
1.6Statutes, chapter 624.

1.8    Section 1. [624.7192] FIREARM PROTECTION ACT.
1.9    Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, the term "new federal
1.10firearms law" means any act, law, statute, rule, regulation, or order by or under any
1.11authority of the United States Government that:
1.12(1) is substantially and directly or indirectly related to any personal firearm, firearm
1.13magazine, other firearm accessory, or firearm ammunition that:
1.14(i) was owned or possessed by a resident of Minnesota on the effective date of the
1.15federal act, law, statute, rule, regulation, or order, or its pertinent provision if different, and
1.16has thereafter remained exclusively within the borders of Minnesota; or
1.17(ii) has been, is being, or will be manufactured commercially or privately in
1.18Minnesota and thereafter remains exclusively within the borders of Minnesota; or
1.19(2) in any manner directly or indirectly requires the registration, licensing, listing, or
1.20enrollment of any firearm described by clause (1), or the identity of any person who owns
1.21or possesses any firearm described by clause (1).
1.22    Subd. 2. State's rights; prohibition; penalty. (a) Notwithstanding any other law,
1.23rule, regulation, or order to the contrary, no person, including but not limited to any
1.24federal, state, or local governmental official, employee, or agent, shall enforce or attempt
1.25to enforce within this state any new federal firearms law, as defined in subdivision 1.
2.1(b) Any person, including but not limited to any federal, state, or local governmental
2.2official, employee, or agent, who knowingly violates paragraph (a) is guilty of a felony,
2.3and may be punished by up to five years imprisonment and a $5,000 fine.
2.4    Subd. 3. Enforceability; new federal firearms law. Notwithstanding any other law,
2.5rule, regulation, or order to the contrary, no new federal firearms law shall be enforceable
2.6within the borders of the state of Minnesota if it is designed or attempts in any manner:
2.7(1) to ban or restrict any personal firearm, firearm magazine, other firearm accessory,
2.8or firearm ammunition; or
2.9(2) to require any personal firearm, firearm magazine, other firearm accessory, or
2.10firearm ammunition, or the owner of any personal firearm, firearm magazine, other firearm
2.11accessory, or firearm ammunition, to register or be licensed, listed, or enrolled in any
2.12direct or indirect manner by or with any federal, state, or local governmental department,
2.13agency, bureau, or official.
2.14EFFECTIVE DATE.This section, except for subdivision 2, paragraph (b), is
2.15effective the day following final enactment. Subdivision 2, paragraph (b), is effective
2.16August 1, 2013, and applies to crimes committed on or after that date.