June 20, 2013, Introduced by Reps. Barnett, Townsend, Switalski, Slavens, Hovey-Wright and Schor and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1927 PA 372, entitled


"An act to regulate and license the selling, purchasing,

possessing, and carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices,

and electro-muscular disruption devices; to prohibit the buying,

selling, or carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices, and

electro-muscular disruption devices without a license or other

authorization; to provide for the forfeiture of firearms and

electro-muscular disruption devices under certain circumstances; to

provide for penalties and remedies; to provide immunity from civil

liability under certain circumstances; to prescribe the powers and

duties of certain state and local agencies; to prohibit certain

conduct against individuals who apply for or receive a license to

carry a concealed pistol; to make appropriations; to prescribe

certain conditions for the appropriations; and to repeal all acts

and parts of acts inconsistent with this act,"


(MCL 28.421 to 28.435) by adding section 4a.




     Sec. 4a. (1) If a person who possesses a firearm is ordered by


the court in a proceeding set forth in subsection (2) not to


possess a firearm, the person shall do 1 of the following within 24


hours after the order is issued or, with the leave of the court for


good cause shown, within 48 hours after the order is issued:


     (a) Arrange for a law enforcement agency to store the firearm.


     (b) Sell or transfer possession of the firearm to a licensed




     (c) Sell or transfer possession of the firearm to a private


party who is not prohibited by law from owning or possessing that




     (2) Subsection (1) applies to a court order issued under any


of the following:


     (a) Sections 2950 and 2950a of the revised judicature act of


1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.2950 and 600.2950a.


     (b) Section 6b of chapter V of the code of criminal procedure,


1927 PA 175, MCL 765.6b, if the order has a condition imposed under


section 6b(3) of chapter V of the code of criminal procedure, 1927


PA 175, MCL 765.6b.


     (3) If a person is unable to satisfy the requirements of


subsection (1) because he or she is incarcerated or otherwise held


in the custody of a law enforcement agency, the court shall require


the person to relinquish any firearm in his or her possession or


control as provided in this section upon release from that


incarceration or custody.


     (4) If a law enforcement agency elects to store a firearm


under this section, all of the following apply:


     (a) The law enforcement agency may charge a fee for that


storage. The fee shall not exceed the actual costs incurred by the


law enforcement agency for storing the firearm.


     (b) The law enforcement agency shall issue a receipt for the


firearm. The receipt shall contain the name of the law enforcement


agency, the date the law enforcement agency received the firearm,


and a description of the firearm including the serial number, if


any. If more than 1 firearm is stored under this subdivision, all


of the firearms that are stored may be listed on a single receipt.


     (c) The law enforcement agency may dispose of a firearm that


is not reclaimed by the owner within 30 days after the storage


period has ended. Disposal shall be in the manner provided in


section 14a.


     (5) A person who purchases, receives, or stores a firearm


under this section shall not knowingly return the firearm to the


person during the period in which he or she is prohibited from


possessing a firearm.


     (6) If the person sells or otherwise transfers a firearm under


this section to another person, the person shall obtain a written


receipt from that other person acknowledging receipt of the


firearm. The receipt shall contain the name and address of that


other person, the date of sale or transfer, a description of the


firearm including the serial number, if any, and a statement


acknowledging that the person has taken physical possession of the


firearm. If the person is taking possession of the firearm for a


specific period of time, the receipt shall specify the date on


which the firearm is to be returned. The receipt shall be signed by


the other person. If more than 1 firearm is sold or transferred


under this subdivision, then all of the firearms sold or


transferred may be listed on a single receipt. The requirements of


this section are in addition to any other requirements for the


lawful sale or transfer of the firearm.


     (7) The person who is the subject of an order described in


subsection (1) shall return the receipt he or she obtains from the


person who has purchased, received, or stored the firearm to the


court within 72 hours after selling, transferring, or storing that




     (8) A person who violates this section is guilty of a crime as




     (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), a misdemeanor


punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of


not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (b) If the person fails to comply with the requirements of


subsection (5), a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not


more than 30 days or a fine of not more than $100.00, or both.