April 17, 2013, Introduced by Rep. Shirkey and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to amend 1989 PA 269, entitled


"An act to provide civil immunity to persons who operate or use

certain sport shooting ranges; and to regulate the application of

state and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances regarding

sport shooting ranges,"


by amending sections 1 and 2a (MCL 691.1541 and 691.1542a), section


1 as amended and section 2a as added by 1994 PA 250.




     Sec. 1. As used in this act:


     (a) "Generally accepted operation practices" means those


practices adopted by the commission of natural resources commission


that are established by a nationally recognized nonprofit


membership organization that provides voluntary firearm safety


programs that include training individuals in the safe handling and


use of firearms, which practices and that are developed with


consideration of all information reasonably available regarding the


operation of shooting ranges. The generally accepted operation


practices shall be reviewed at least every 5 years by the natural


resources commission of natural resources and revised as the


commission considers necessary. The commission shall adopt


generally accepted operation practices within 90 days of the


effective date of section 2a.


     (b) "Local unit of government" means a county, city, township,


or village.


     (c) "Person" means an individual, proprietorship, partnership,


corporation, club, governmental entity, or other legal entity.


     (d) "Sport shooting range" or "range" means an area designed


and operated for the use of archery, rifles, shotguns, pistols,


silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder, or any other similar sport


shooting. Sport shooting range includes a range that charges dues,


collects membership fees, conducts public or private training or


testing, sells concessions or range-related supplies, or conducts


similar activities, and a sport shooting range that conducts 1 or


more of these activities retains its status and statutory


protections as a sport shooting range or range under this act.


     Sec. 2a. (1) A sport shooting range that is operated and is


not in violation of existing law at the time of the enactment of an


ordinance shall be permitted to continue in operation even if the


operation of the sport shooting range at a later date does not


conform to the new ordinance or an amendment to an existing


ordinance and regardless of whether commercial activities take


place at the range.


     (2) A sport shooting range that is in existence as of the


effective date of this section on July 5, 1994 and operates in


compliance with generally accepted operation practices, even if not


in compliance with an ordinance of a local unit of government,


shall be permitted to do all of the following within its


preexisting geographic boundaries if in compliance with generally


accepted operation practices, regardless of whether commercial


activities take place at the range:


     (a) Repair, remodel, or reinforce any conforming or


nonconforming building or structure as may be necessary in the


interest of public safety or to secure the continued use of the


building or structure.


     (b) Reconstruct, repair, restore, or resume the use of a


nonconforming building damaged by fire, collapse, explosion, act of


god, or act of war occurring after the effective date of this


section. July 5, 1994. The reconstruction, repair, or restoration


shall be completed within 1 year following the date of the damage


or settlement of any property damage claim. If reconstruction,


repair, or restoration is not completed within 1 year, continuation


of the nonconforming use may be terminated in the discretion of the


local unit of government.


     (c) Do anything authorized under generally accepted operation


practices, including, but not limited to:


     (i) Expand or increase its membership or opportunities for


public participation.


     (ii) Expand or increase events and activities.