September 30, 2021, Introduced by Senator STAMAS and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.

A bill to amend 2013 PA 240, entitled

"Michigan state capitol historic site act,"

by amending sections 4, 5, and 6 (MCL 4.1944, 4.1945, and 4.1946).

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 4. (1) The Michigan state capitol historic site is established.

(2) The Michigan state capitol historic site consists of the state capitol building State Capitol Building in Lansing and the grounds of the state capitol building State Capitol Building bounded by Ottawa street Street on the north, Allegan street Street on the south, Capitol avenue Avenue on the east, and Walnut street Street on the west.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in this act, by law, the Michigan state capitol historic site shall be is under the exclusive control of the commission.

Sec. 5. (1) The Michigan state capitol commission is established.

(2) The Subject to subsection (3), the commission shall consist consists of the following members:

(a) The secretary of the senate.

(b) The clerk of the house of representatives.

(c) Two individuals, jointly appointed by the secretary of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives, who have expertise and experience or demonstrated interest in operations, maintenance, or restoration of historic structures.

(d) Two individuals, appointed by the governor, at least 1 of whom has expertise and experience or demonstrated interest in historic preservation.

(3) All appointed members of the commission must be residents of this state.

(4) Beginning January 1 of the first even-numbered year after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this subsection, the secretary of the senate shall be the chairperson of the commission and the clerk of the house of representatives shall be the co-chairperson of the commission, for a 2-year term. After each 2-year term, the secretary of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives shall alternate as chairperson and co-chairperson of the commission.

(5) (3) Members of the commission shall serve without compensation. However, members of the commission may be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as members of the commission.

(6) (4) A majority of the members of the commission constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the commission. An affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the commission is required for official action of the commission.

(7) (5) The business that the commission may perform shall must be conducted at a public meeting of the commission held in compliance with the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.

(8) (6) A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by the commission in the performance of an official function is subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.

Sec. 6. (1) The Subject to subsections (2), (3), and (4), the commission shall do all of the following:

(a) Subject to subsection (2), operate and manage Manage the day-to-day operations of the Michigan state capitol historic site.

(b) Maintain and restore Preserve the historic integrity of the state capitol building.State Capitol Building by establishing preservation areas and standards, in coordination with the secretary of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives.

(c) Maintain and improve the grounds of the Michigan state capitol historic site.

(c) (d) Appoint an individual to manage the day-to-day operations and oversee the preservation of the historic integrity of the Michigan state capitol historic site. The individual appointed under this subdivision is an at-will employee and shall serve serves at the pleasure of the commission.

(d) (e) Employ staff to carry out the commission's responsibilities under subsection (1) and as otherwise provided by law. All individuals employed by the commission are nontenured, at-will employees. The commission may discipline, transfer, demote, suspend, or summarily discharge an employee.

(e) (f) Contract with any person for purposes of procuring goods or services or otherwise carrying out the commission's responsibilities with regard to the Michigan state capitol historic site.

(f) (g) Make recommendations to the governor, the senate, and the house of representatives regarding funding for the Michigan state capitol historic site, including, but not limited to, funding from the fund.

(g) (h) Carry out other responsibilities as provided by law.

(2) The commission does not have authority and shall not exercise control over the internal decisions of the senate or the house of representatives, including, but not limited to, decisions related to the allocation of space in the state capitol building State Capitol Building or the state capitol building State Capitol Building parking lot, including legislative or staff offices. All decisions concerning space in the state capitol building and the state capitol building parking lot shall be made according to the rules or practices of the senate and the house of representatives.

(3) The commission does not have authority and shall not exercise control over decisions related to security of the Michigan state capitol historic site, including, but not limited to, decisions related to firearms or weapons within the Michigan state capitol historic site.

(4) This act does not affect or limit the powers, duties, and privileges granted to either or both houses of the legislature by the state constitution of 1963 or any other law.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No. 665 of the 101st Legislature is enacted into law.