Rep. Wittenberg offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 215.

            A resolution to urge the Congress of the United States to lift the existing prohibition against publicly funded scientific research on the causes of gun violence and its effects on public health and to appropriate funds for the purpose of conducting such research.

            Whereas, Death and injury due to firearm violence constitute a tragic and substantial public health burden on our society. Firearm violence can include suicide, violent conflicts and disputes, unintentional deaths and injuries, and violent criminal acts; and

            Whereas, Firearms pose inherent risks that can be addressed and reduced through research. As gun violence can take many forms, from suicide to mass shootings, research must study all aspects to effectively reduce firearm violence; and

            Whereas, Research allows the public health profession to define the problems associated with gun violence, identify risks and protective factors, and develop preventive interventions. Funding of gun violence research will allow for a database of scientific knowledge to be created for the development of meaningful interventions as our understanding of gun violence expands; and

            Whereas, For over two decades, Congress has blocked any appropriations for gun violence research citing legislation enacted in 1996 to prohibit public funds from being used to advocate or promote gun control. Although not specifically prohibited, the language has been interpreted as a ban on funding. Scientific research must and can stand outside of politics for the betterment of public health; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the Congress of the United States to lift the existing prohibition against publicly funded scientific research on the causes of gun violence and its effects on public health and to appropriate funds for the purpose of conducting such research; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.